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Incident at Glasgow airport?


Moulding Generation Z
Jul 19, 2005
Just a point of order - David Kelly thought Iraq DID have WOWD, in fact from what I recall he was convinced. There was NEVER an argument between the government and Kelly over their belief in their existence.

Yep - he told Panorama that, but he didn't believe they could be ready within 48 hours. His main concern was that he was a threat to neighbouring countries, not the West per se, but that doesn't fit the tinfoil brigade and their conspiracies....


Legacy Fan
Aug 20, 2003
Yep - he told Panorama that, but he didn't believe they could be ready within 48 hours. His main concern was that he was a threat to neighbouring countries, not the West per se, but that doesn't fit the tinfoil brigade and their conspiracies....

Yep - exactly, he thought they would be ready in days or weeks. His concern was that suddenly had become "48 hours" in the dodgy dossier.

David Kelly was wrong too.

Oh bloody hell. These conspiracy nutters are a kettle of fish aren't they?

brunswick has one fact right - that propaganda exists on our side to control public opinion, and the Weapons Of Mass Destruction bullshit was a catchphrase made up like an advertising slogan to sell Nikes or Reboks.

Bush is an arse for playing that manipulation. I believe the war in Iraq and the deposing of Saddam, as well as Iraq going into Kuwait, was political gamesmanship for the benefit of a nervous, oil needy USA - and finally to depose a man who was going to lead his country (and maybe the Arab oil nations) into basing its' economy on another currency to the dollar,- the Euro.

Yes, these manipulations, propaganda, and political manoevering has greyed the areas between "our side is right" and our side is wrong. A case of the white men speaking with forked tongue - and unfortunately we are victims of that just as the people of Iraq are victims of their regime and the resulting wars. Zealots only work to make people like Bush and Hussein look as though they were right.

If anyone wants to believe any of this manipulation, then you are on a par with the guys who believe it from the other side. Yes, 'liberals' and 'moderates' are indeed the ones not accepting the ra-ra-ra to kill all infidels or muslims, and they are the ones who have the sense to remove from the propaganda.

You may want to adjust your drug intake if you believe that the US arranged 9/11, but on the other hand you ought to adjust your mind if you think all the muslim world is to blame.


Moulding Generation Z
Jul 19, 2005
Oh bloody hell. These conspiracy nutters are a kettle of fish aren't they?

brunswick has one fact right - that propaganda exists on our side to control public opinion, and the Weapons Of Mass Destruction bullshit was a catchphrase made up like an advertising slogan to sell Nikes or Reboks.

Bush is an arse for playing that manipulation. I believe the war in Iraq and the deposing of Saddam, as well as Iraq going into Kuwait, was political gamesmanship for the benefit of a nervous, oil needy USA - and finally to depose a man who was going to lead his country (and maybe the Arab oil nations) into basing its' economy on another currency to the dollar,- the Euro.

Yes, these manipulations, propaganda, and political manoevering has greyed the areas between "our side is right" and our side is wrong. A case of the white men speaking with forked tongue - and unfortunately we are victims of that just as the people of Iraq are victims of their regime and the resulting wars. Zealots only work to make people like Bush and Hussein look as though they were right.

If anyone wants to believe any of this manipulation, then you are on a par with the guys who believe it from the other side. Yes, 'liberals' and 'moderates' are indeed the ones not accepting the ra-ra-ra to kill all infidels or muslims, and they are the ones who have the sense to remove from the propaganda.

You may want to adjust your drug intake if you believe that the US arranged 9/11, but on the other hand you ought to adjust your mind if you think all the muslim world is to blame.



New member
Aug 13, 2004
i expect to b flamed as i am not conforming to the "story" and thinking diffferently.

I cant beleive there are actually ppl on here that think muslims did 9/11 and the US gov had nothing to do with it.

What about the explosions in the twin towers upon collapse.

Jet fuel is not hot enough to melt steel.

The twin towers collapsed at freefall speed - not possible without detonators.

i could go on, but no point as you have your BBC and Fleet Street and follow the sheep. I leave this thread for the last time uncomfortable that some people are fed crap and dont question it. sigh.

i expect to b flamed as i am not conforming to the "story" and thinking diffferently.

I cant beleive there are actually ppl on here that think muslims did 9/11 and the US gov had nothing to do with it.

What about the explosions in the twin towers upon collapse.

Jet fuel is not hot enough to melt steel.

The twin towers collapsed at freefall speed - not possible without detonators.

i could go on, but no point as you have your BBC and Fleet Street and follow the sheep. I leave this thread for the last time uncomfortable that some people are fed crap and dont question it. sigh.

Did you also hear that all the Jewish people who worked in the Towers were warned not to go in that day?

Another juicy one, for all the plums like you.


Moulding Generation Z
Jul 19, 2005
i expect to b flamed as i am not conforming to the "story" and thinking diffferently.

I cant beleive there are actually ppl on here that think muslims did 9/11 and the US gov had nothing to do with it.

What about the explosions in the twin towers upon collapse.

Jet fuel is not hot enough to melt steel.

The twin towers collapsed at freefall speed - not possible without detonators.

i could go on, but no point as you have your BBC and Fleet Street and follow the sheep. I leave this thread for the last time uncomfortable that some people are fed crap and dont question it. sigh.

The explosions were pockets of heated, expanded air that were released as the building collapsed. The fuel was channelled into the ducts and transits in the building - when air is heated, it expands, finds weak points, and pushes through.

Jet fuel did not melt the steel, it gets hot enough to deform it which is what caused the collapse. At no point has anyone said that the building melted - the building should have been strong enough to withstand impact, but when you factor in enough heat to deform the steel structure, then calculations go out the window.

The buildings collapsed because of the deformation of the steel and the weight of the buildings, plus the shift in weight following the impact - nothing fell faster than the speed of gravity - or are you implying that freefall is faster than gravitational fall?! Things fall at gravitational speed (minus minor air resistance) - detonators have nothing to do with it!

Please go on. You are amusing me because you are grasping at theorist straws with no idea of what you are saying. I guarantee that everything you post can be countered by rational explanation, but granted, it won't give you a conspiratorial hard-on every time you read it.


Moulding Generation Z
Jul 19, 2005
Did you also hear that all the Jewish people who worked in the Towers were warned not to go in that day?

Another juicy one, for all the plums like you.

Going to work today, I was filling up at a petrol station. The bloke in front of me in the queue, an Asian, dropped his wallet. I picked it up and gave it back to him. He said "Sir, I will tell you something as you have been a friend to me. Do not, under any circumstances, go to Portsmouth."

I said "Why, is there going to be a terrorist attack?"

He said "No, it's a shit hole".


Legacy Fan
Aug 20, 2003
i expect to b flamed as i am not conforming to the "story" and thinking diffferently.

I cant beleive there are actually ppl on here that think muslims did 9/11 and the US gov had nothing to do with it.

What about the explosions in the twin towers upon collapse.

Jet fuel is not hot enough to melt steel.

The twin towers collapsed at freefall speed - not possible without detonators.

i could go on, but no point as you have your BBC and Fleet Street and follow the sheep. I leave this thread for the last time uncomfortable that some people are fed crap and dont question it. sigh.

The problem with most conspiracy theories is that a lot of the "bigger bits" are tied together with rubbish bits. Dr Kelly was not about to reveal that there were no weapons of mass descruction - in fact he was probably influential in making the government think there were. He was convicned they did.

There are alot of unanswered questions about the towers - I agree.

But you need a motivation for any "crime", and I can't see the motivation that the government had for doing it.

They didn't need that to invade Iraq, they didn't need or want an excuse like that.

The invasion of Iraq, the problems with fundamentalism etc.. were written about and predicted WELL before the twin towers fell.

For the record - I went to a stop the war meeting a few weeks back, I'm not a member - it was in my local neighbourhood and went as an observer as Clair Short and Mark Steel were talking.

A few 9/11 consiparacy theorists turned up and they were put into place by the speakers. Their view was that if you honestly believe something like that, you might as well forget about protesting about anything or even voting.

Conspiracy theories often over estimate the power that governments actually have and for that reason governments don't go out of their way to make people disbelieve them. Wonder why ?

Going to work today, I was filling up at a petrol station. The bloke in front of me in the queue, an Asian, dropped his wallet. I picked it up and gave it back to him. He said "Sir, I will tell you something as you have been a friend to me. Do not, under any circumstances, go to Portsmouth."

I said "Why, is there going to be a terrorist attack?"

He said "No, it's a shit hole".


(It's true though)


New member
Aug 13, 2004
its funny how ppl mock and make fun of you because you have different interpretation of an event. think about it - thats wierd.

if any of you believe 911 was actually done by muslims - ok, but watch loose change 2...

...and then tell me it was done by muslims and i will hold my hands up to you.

i cant believe ppl are mocking me because i think 911 and 77 where inside jobs.

get back in your pen, sheep oh and dont forget your copy of the sun and bbc news. :laugh::laugh::laugh:

Bevendean Hillbilly

New member
Sep 4, 2006
Nestling in green nowhere
its funny how ppl mock and make fun of you because you have different interpretation of an event. think about it - thats wierd.

if any of you believe 911 was actually done by muslims - ok, but watch loose change 2...

...and then tell me it was done by muslims and i will hold my hands up to you.

i cant believe ppl are mocking me because i think 911 and 77 where inside jobs.

get back in your pen, sheep oh and dont forget your copy of the sun and bbc news. :laugh::laugh::laugh:

I cant believe that you still feel superior enough to insult everyone who holds a different view on these events than you.

Oh, and that film "Loose Change" is the biggest pile of shite I have ever seen, there is another documentary online where the two kids who cobbled it together are interviewed with some people actually involved with the investigations, and just about every one of their ridiculous claims is exposed for what it is, utter, utter balls...interestingly, when they are shown to be wrong, they too resort to the sort of patroniosing holier than thou comments about "sheep" and "brainwashed" population that you enjoy.

Anyway, I have watched it, and I still think it was Muslims wot done it, so accordingly you may hold your hands up to me.

Just because Americans cannot face the real truth here, which is that the Most Powerful nation on earth is unable to defend itself against a bunch of fanatics, and that there were so many cock ups on 9/11 that basically proves to the world that anyone can have a go at them with a high chance of success, does not make you right.

No sir.

You can go back to your David Icke now. He used to be on telly, so he MUST be right.
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New member
Aug 13, 2004
heheh. half the people named as the hijackers are still alive.

explain to me how the US soon after 911:

new patroit act.
invade iraq
invade afghan.
boost whole defence economy.

none of these could of been done before 911 - they had stuff to gain.

there was no plane found at the pentagon - 6ton alliminium rolls royce engines do not melt or disintegrate at burning fuel temperature.

look, you are close minded to some of the facts. and if you believe a muslim guy who cant even fly a small plane properly can really evade the whole us air force and that buildings detonate due to fuel fire (watch crash 2 again and the fuel explosion happens outside the building) then you are misguided but are staying in your little bbc comfort zone which i understand. look at the mokcing i have got here for just thinkning a little bit differently to what bbc wants me to think.

the craziest conspiracy theory is that some1 on a cave in asfganistan arranged all this becuase he wants his religion to take over the world. behave yourself. but when this is repeatedly force fed to you i understand how the majority believe this.
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"the man's an arse"
Jul 7, 2003
but when this is repeatedly force fed to you i understand how the majority believe this.
I used to be an apologist for these insiders - stupidly believing there might have been a better way to nick stuff from other countries than pull the wool over the eyes of the public by killing 2,000+ of your own citizens in your busiest financial district, causing trillions of dollars of damage in the process.

Yep, me, the rest of this board, the rest of the nation, the Americans and indeed the rest of the world seemed happy enough to blithely accept the opinions of some of the finest polical minds in the world. But luckily I have seen the light. On NSC, we're lucky enough to have a two-bit conspirasist regular on here to tell us the facts. His name is brunswick and he knows how it really happened. Thank the lord (if he does indeed exist). :thumbsup:

And on that point, have you got any money? There's this smashing new religion out called scientology. I really think you should give them a whirl. Full of normal people, that one.

tip top

Jun 27, 2007
dunno I'm lost
heheh. half the people named as the hijackers are still alive.

explain to me how the US soon after 911:

new patroit act.
invade iraq
invade afghan.
boost whole defence economy.

none of these could of been done before 911 - they had stuff to gain.

there was no plane found at the pentagon - 6ton alliminium rolls royce engines do not melt or disintegrate at burning fuel temperature.

look, you are close minded to some of the facts. and if you believe a muslim guy who cant even fly a small plane properly can really evade the whole us air force and that buildings detonate due to fuel fire (watch crash 2 again and the fuel explosion happens outside the building) then you are misguided but are staying in your little bbc comfort zone which i understand. look at the mokcing i have got here for just thinkning a little bit differently to what bbc wants me to think.

the craziest conspiracy theory is that some1 on a cave in asfganistan arranged all this becuase he wants his religion to take over the world. behave yourself. but when this is repeatedly force fed to you i understand how the majority believe this.

One of the funniest posts I've seen for ages :lolol:

Some1 on a cave in asfganistan :lol:

brunswick I salute you sir :dunce:

Bevendean Hillbilly

New member
Sep 4, 2006
Nestling in green nowhere
heheh. half the people named as the hijackers are still alive.

explain to me how the US soon after 911:

new patroit act.
invade iraq
invade afghan.
boost whole defence economy.

none of these could of been done before 911 - they had stuff to gain.

there was no plane found at the pentagon - 6ton alliminium rolls royce engines do not melt or disintegrate at burning fuel temperature.

look, you are close minded to some of the facts. and if you believe a muslim guy who cant even fly a small plane properly can really evade the whole us air force

and that buildings detonate due to fuel fire (watch crash 2 again and the fuel explosion happens outside the building) then you are misguided but are staying in your little bbc comfort zone which i understand. look at the mokcing i have got here for just thinkning a little bit differently to what bbc wants me to think.

the craziest conspiracy theory is that some1 on a cave in asfganistan arranged all this becuase he wants his religion to take over the world. behave yourself. but when this is repeatedly force fed to you i understand how the majority believe this.

Hold on there my friend.

You are dead wrong to assume that I believe everything that the BBC tells me (although I am more prepared to believe them than some mysterious MI5 officer being interviewed on "") and It may surprise you to know that I am familiar with all of the little conspiracy nuggets you use to support your delusions, the difference between you and I is simply that after reading the "evidence" for a conspiracy, and thinking about the supposed reasons for it, I concluded that apart from 1 or 2 interesting facts the whole thing is a total and utter pile of shite.

All good conspiracies rely on the assumption that there is a sinister cabal controlling everything from behind the scenes keeping all but a select few (like you) asleep and controlled. In my experience Conspiracy buffs tend to feel they are better than the rest of us, because they have access to secret knowlege that only the most perceptive people can see. Unfortunately, they are usually seen as losers who spend too much time alone searching the internet for like minded saddos to validate their sorry lives with tall tales.


Moulding Generation Z
Jul 19, 2005
I like Brunswick. He was the sort of person that used to write to the organisation I used to work for with their theories and ideas. We had to keep and file all of their corresponsdence. We did, and we called it the Looney Tune files - they used to get passed around on quiet days, and we even scanned some of them onto the intranet so that everyone could have a good laugh. We used to get letters written in spirals, letters from inside institutions, letters from prisoners who were "deep cover and wanted to come out now", letters from the people who sank the Kursk through mind control, Ronnie Kray's "dad" who kept Reggie and Ronnie in the cupoboard, people who sent in books from the Readers' Digest with words highlighted which showed Jewish conspiracies, an Atlas with major "nasty countries" pointed out, a book of after dinner speeches for some reason (I hadn't even thought about writing a book by that point!) - they were never ending, and they were resolute in their belief that they were right and the rest of the world was wrong. We had a letter from the man who "invented Trident" and wanted compensation! We had a letter from some mad old bird on the Isle of Wight who fancied her priest (and she was 87!), who got messages direct from God because he kept blowing out a candle on her windowsill....

They all had one thing in common with Brunswick - they desperately, desperately wanted to be "involved" with something, to make themselves important by having some secret information or facts that only they were privy too - and anyone that counter-argued was a government stooge.

Or they were just totally and utterly off their f***ing trolleys.
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