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How much is Bloom worth.

I suspect that the financial pundits will look in vain for Tony Bloom's millions. There are company records and accounts that are publicly available, but they don't seem to reveal a huge fortune that has been paid to directors or shareholders. It might be much more likely that our Tone has made his mint through private investment and speculative ventures, rather than company ownership.

He has a company that is based at the Ice Works at Camden Lock in a brand new, spectacular building that someone, no doubt, borrowed a lot of money to develop. And it contains a fair number of luxury apartments that have changed hands, some of them at prices approaching £1 million. Who is to say how much quick profit comes from that sort of development? You don't actually need much cash to raise the price of initiating a development of this sort, just a friendly bank manager who believes you can repay the loan quickly out of the proceeds that flow in, once the development is built.

I have no idea if Tony Bloom was even involved in this project, and this is just wild guesswork. But it's a business model that can work, especially for a private individual who likes a dead-cert gamble. And if it works there, might it not work in a few other locations?

Property developers can accumulate funds very, very quickly, if they time things right. If they are really sensible, they pull out of that particular business when market conditions change.

Wild guesswork, though. No evidence to back it up.


Brighton Bhuna Boy
Jul 6, 2003
Haywards Heath

Garry Nelson's Left Foot

Well-known member
Jul 7, 2003
A palace fan yesterday:


They're really not doing a very good job of hiding their fear and envy are they?

AMEXican Wave

AMEX Ruffian
Sep 21, 2010
Why are the Palace tossers so interested in tony's wealth?

They should be more concerned with the 'wealth' of the Palace owners... I've heard many many times that 1 of the 4 is a billionaire, and the rest have 100s of millions.

However, it was pointed out on another thread that they only offered a pitance in the pound when they took over the club, shafting all their creditors.

As pointed out, this means they are either (a) absolute tossers, happy to sit on their billions screwing local business, or (b) - and most likely - loadsamoney spivs who actually can't back up the cash they boast about.

Maybe the Palace fans should be asking more questions closer to home?


Premiership please !
Jan 20, 2011
Glen Murray, just a few points, then jog on :-

- Charity Shield / Champions of England v Zenith windscreen trophy
- In 1983 Brighton got to a cup final, palace followed a few years later
- Brighton get 18500 season tickets and a waiting list, palace limp to 8000/9000
-Palace cling on to championship by failing to pay back the people who paid for their players and their academy
- When Brighton fight for its club then there is a York City event that gets front page and first item on the national news, palace teenagers get laughed at when they demonstrate

That's a bit harsh WCP - you are deriding a "Massive Club" :lolol:


New member
Apr 13, 2011
A lot of the usual comments have surfaced I see. Just a few that I feel the need to 'bite back' on.

Firstly, the use of hindsight that many of you are using to validate your own arguments regarding the secure future that TB is providing for you. Whenever a Palace fan points out that the huge investment that Bloom is putting into the club is reminiscent of what Jordan or Goldberg did for Palace - it is met with the usual "but they were spivs" or "they were clueless and Bloom is a very shrewd operator". In hindsight, yes, SJ and MG were plonkers who wasted the fortunes that they had amassed. Amazingly, while the times were good and players were arriving and the club showing intent by signing good players we thought that they'd be securing our future. Few Palace fans were questioning the source of the funds. Indeed we'd 'heard' that they were minted and they had investors etc etc.

The sad reality hit when part of the business model hit the skids (i.e. ITV digital not providing the revenue stream SJ was promised) or investors got twitchy off the backs of god-knows what and starting a chain reaction. Essentially, when a single-financed benefactor is paying for everything it takes a change in their personal financial situation to expose the house of cards for what it is. This is the point that I think is important.

What this leads onto is the next point that many throw up. Namely, "That's rich coming from a team who were twice in admin". But don't you see, that is the f***ing point!??! we've seen what can happen when the financing stops and the hangover starts. We are probably some of the more 'qualified' fans to actually show up some potential pit-falls along the way. Undoubtedly some of us Palace fans will be making the point about TB's wealth as a point-scoring subject. Not me. I am genuinely trying to point out that, in hindsight, do continue to question where the money comes from and try and get a good understanding of how much of a loss you run at (if at a loss at all).

I have no reason to doubt Bloom' wealth over any other chairmen in football - however, what should be slightly sobering is that even if all this £100m+ money has come from Bloom personally - then a) that'll have significantly dented his personal fortune b) that means that the club owe more than it is worth and c) the model is probably designed on Prem football within the next 2 - 3 years with a view to staying there long-term. If the last point is true, then this is where the hard yards start for you and Bloom. Does he continie to 'chase the dream' and fund promotion challenge after promotion challenge? If so he could find that he has skinted himself out, and then is looking to offload a club a cut-price - who knows where that'll leave you? Alternitively, does he spend what is left on trying to keep you in the prem should you get there? Conundrums that have baffled and skinted some of the most 'savvy' businessmen that have entered club ownership. If the £100m isn't all TB's, then you have other investors on board who will want repaying at some point. Again, directly linked to your 'success'.

Leading onto one of the final points - "because he is a fan and his family have a long-standing association with BHA, it makes it sure that our future is secured". Sadly, it doesn't work that way. In some ways the bigger the fan the more the heart rules the head and financial mismanagement can occur. As I said before, a change in Bloom's circumstances could mean that the funding stops, certain creditors to him personally start demanding moeny back and the spiral occurs again. How long his family have been associated with the club will mean naff-all.

Just to finally answer questions relating to our own chairmen - as I've said before, they came in with a view that the club was not to rely soley on their finances beyond the initial investment of purchasing the club and the ground. Perhaps each year a few hundred thousand they will absorb, but the aim is total self-sufficiency. That could be 10 years of treading water, that could be a gradual improvement (as is the plan with DF and co) but I'd take that over the SJ years any day of the week. It has been shown in a few cases that combined wealth is in the region of £1bn, but that really is irrelevant as they aren't going to dip into that very much at all. And on the point of not paying the creditors - that is a complete moot point. They purchased a business and (as any decent businessman will tell you) you try to acquire the product for the lowest possible price. Let me use this analogy one more time. If you bought a house at auction for a knock-down fee, would you feel that you should also pay-off the creditors of the houses previous owner? Thought not.

I'm sure you'll all shoot this post down in flames, but I am not trying to point-score here. Continue in your absolute belief that no harm can ever come to BHA now that their super-human fan TB is in charge. I promise that if it all goes t1ts up I won't say "I did warn you". Honest. :angel:

The Large One

Who's Next?
Jul 7, 2003
Interesting points Mr 4Ever, especially about Tony Bloom.

However, with regard to some of the comments you have made, you're making them with a view of 'if'. The 'ifs' you're talking about are not 'ifs'.

'If the £100m isn't all TB's...' Why throw in a conditional statement which at best is hypothetical, but in reality is wrong? :shrug:


New member
Apr 13, 2011
Interesting points Mr 4Ever, especially about Tony Bloom.

However, with regard to some of the comments you have made, you're making them with a view of 'if'. The 'ifs' you're talking about are not 'ifs'.

'If the £100m isn't all TB's...' Why throw in a conditional statement which at best is hypothetical, but in reality is wrong? :shrug:

The reason I said 'if' was because from various members of your own support on the BBS have said that as far as they can make out the £100m+ came from TB's own money, although they didn't rule out that a small portion of it may have come from investors or small, guaranteed loans.

I'm sure the money was his to begin with. Hindsight has taught me since that Goldberg bought Palace with about half of the money not actually being his (despite what he said at the time). Can never be too sure is all I am saying.


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Nov 11, 2009
A lot of the usual comments have surfaced I see. Just a few that I feel the need to 'bite back' on.

Firstly, the use of hindsight that many of you are using to validate your own arguments regarding the secure future that TB is providing for you. Whenever a Palace fan points out that the huge investment that Bloom is putting into the club is reminiscent of what Jordan or Goldberg did for Palace - it is met with the usual "but they were spivs" or "they were clueless and Bloom is a very shrewd operator". In hindsight, yes, SJ and MG were plonkers who wasted the fortunes that they had amassed. Amazingly, while the times were good and players were arriving and the club showing intent by signing good players we thought that they'd be securing our future. Few Palace fans were questioning the source of the funds. Indeed we'd 'heard' that they were minted and they had investors etc etc.

The sad reality hit when part of the business model hit the skids (i.e. ITV digital not providing the revenue stream SJ was promised) or investors got twitchy off the backs of god-knows what and starting a chain reaction. Essentially, when a single-financed benefactor is paying for everything it takes a change in their personal financial situation to expose the house of cards for what it is. This is the point that I think is important.

What this leads onto is the next point that many throw up. Namely, "That's rich coming from a team who were twice in admin". But don't you see, that is the f***ing point!??! we've seen what can happen when the financing stops and the hangover starts. We are probably some of the more 'qualified' fans to actually show up some potential pit-falls along the way. Undoubtedly some of us Palace fans will be making the point about TB's wealth as a point-scoring subject. Not me. I am genuinely trying to point out that, in hindsight, do continue to question where the money comes from and try and get a good understanding of how much of a loss you run at (if at a loss at all).

I have no reason to doubt Bloom' wealth over any other chairmen in football - however, what should be slightly sobering is that even if all this £100m+ money has come from Bloom personally - then a) that'll have significantly dented his personal fortune b) that means that the club owe more than it is worth and c) the model is probably designed on Prem football within the next 2 - 3 years with a view to staying there long-term. If the last point is true, then this is where the hard yards start for you and Bloom. Does he continie to 'chase the dream' and fund promotion challenge after promotion challenge? If so he could find that he has skinted himself out, and then is looking to offload a club a cut-price - who knows where that'll leave you? Alternitively, does he spend what is left on trying to keep you in the prem should you get there? Conundrums that have baffled and skinted some of the most 'savvy' businessmen that have entered club ownership. If the £100m isn't all TB's, then you have other investors on board who will want repaying at some point. Again, directly linked to your 'success'.

Leading onto one of the final points - "because he is a fan and his family have a long-standing association with BHA, it makes it sure that our future is secured". Sadly, it doesn't work that way. In some ways the bigger the fan the more the heart rules the head and financial mismanagement can occur. As I said before, a change in Bloom's circumstances could mean that the funding stops, certain creditors to him personally start demanding moeny back and the spiral occurs again. How long his family have been associated with the club will mean naff-all.

Just to finally answer questions relating to our own chairmen - as I've said before, they came in with a view that the club was not to rely soley on their finances beyond the initial investment of purchasing the club and the ground. Perhaps each year a few hundred thousand they will absorb, but the aim is total self-sufficiency. That could be 10 years of treading water, that could be a gradual improvement (as is the plan with DF and co) but I'd take that over the SJ years any day of the week. It has been shown in a few cases that combined wealth is in the region of £1bn, but that really is irrelevant as they aren't going to dip into that very much at all. And on the point of not paying the creditors - that is a complete moot point. They purchased a business and (as any decent businessman will tell you) you try to acquire the product for the lowest possible price. Let me use this analogy one more time. If you bought a house at auction for a knock-down fee, would you feel that you should also pay-off the creditors of the houses previous owner? Thought not.

I'm sure you'll all shoot this post down in flames, but I am not trying to point-score here. Continue in your absolute belief that no harm can ever come to BHA now that their super-human fan TB is in charge. I promise that if it all goes t1ts up I won't say "I did warn you". Honest. :angel:



A. Virgo, Football Genius
Jul 21, 2003
Palace4ever, we've gone over all this ground ourselves, after all we've been burnt before. If Bloom has substantially dented his personal fortune, thats his business. if he has unsecured loans, that his business. theres no debt secured on the club or the ground. So far all the substantial investment made by Bloom is into infrastructure, securing our future. his loans are convertible to shares, which as i understand it, is as good as giving cash. we have the implicit gurantee from Knight that its all above board, as he wouldnt have handed over control.

meanwhile, it has not been shown anywhere the wealth of the palace owners, they seem to be just as elusive. if they really have a combined wealth of 1bn, i'm sure you can look forward very soon to a new stadium or substantial renovation of Smellhurst.

Thunder Bolt

Silly old bat
Leading onto one of the final points - "because he is a fan and his family have a long-standing association with BHA, it makes it sure that our future is secured". Sadly, it doesn't work that way. In some ways the bigger the fan the more the heart rules the head and financial mismanagement can occur. As I said before, a change in Bloom's circumstances could mean that the funding stops, certain creditors to him personally start demanding moeny back and the spiral occurs again. How long his family have been associated with the club will mean naff-all.

Just to answer this one point, no one has said that Bloom is continuing to fund the team. In fact, he has said himself that the team must be self funding. He has paid for the stadium and is paying for the training academy as soon as that passes planning permission later this year.
As we now have first class facilities the fan base has grown (whether jcl's or returnees I care not) so that 18500 season ticket holders are bringing in an income of 600K every month via direct debit. That is without any sponsorship at all, advertising, sales, and tickets for away fans. The Amex deal is worth millions. The stadium will be in use 7 days a week bringing more income. We also sold payers so haven't spent that much more than we have received.


Jul 5, 2003
A lot of the usual comments have surfaced I see. Just a few that I feel the need to 'bite back' on.

Firstly, the use of hindsight that many of you are using to validate your own arguments regarding the secure future that TB is providing for you. Whenever a Palace fan points out that the huge investment that Bloom is putting into the club is reminiscent of what Jordan or Goldberg did for Palace - it is met with the usual "but they were spivs" or "they were clueless and Bloom is a very shrewd operator". In hindsight, yes, SJ and MG were plonkers who wasted the fortunes that they had amassed. Amazingly, while the times were good and players were arriving and the club showing intent by signing good players we thought that they'd be securing our future. Few Palace fans were questioning the source of the funds. Indeed we'd 'heard' that they were minted and they had investors etc etc.

The sad reality hit when part of the business model hit the skids (i.e. ITV digital not providing the revenue stream SJ was promised) or investors got twitchy off the backs of god-knows what and starting a chain reaction. Essentially, when a single-financed benefactor is paying for everything it takes a change in their personal financial situation to expose the house of cards for what it is. This is the point that I think is important.

What this leads onto is the next point that many throw up. Namely, "That's rich coming from a team who were twice in admin". But don't you see, that is the f***ing point!??! we've seen what can happen when the financing stops and the hangover starts. We are probably some of the more 'qualified' fans to actually show up some potential pit-falls along the way. Undoubtedly some of us Palace fans will be making the point about TB's wealth as a point-scoring subject. Not me. I am genuinely trying to point out that, in hindsight, do continue to question where the money comes from and try and get a good understanding of how much of a loss you run at (if at a loss at all).

I have no reason to doubt Bloom' wealth over any other chairmen in football - however, what should be slightly sobering is that even if all this £100m+ money has come from Bloom personally - then a) that'll have significantly dented his personal fortune b) that means that the club owe more than it is worth and c) the model is probably designed on Prem football within the next 2 - 3 years with a view to staying there long-term. If the last point is true, then this is where the hard yards start for you and Bloom. Does he continie to 'chase the dream' and fund promotion challenge after promotion challenge? If so he could find that he has skinted himself out, and then is looking to offload a club a cut-price - who knows where that'll leave you? Alternitively, does he spend what is left on trying to keep you in the prem should you get there? Conundrums that have baffled and skinted some of the most 'savvy' businessmen that have entered club ownership. If the £100m isn't all TB's, then you have other investors on board who will want repaying at some point. Again, directly linked to your 'success'.

Leading onto one of the final points - "because he is a fan and his family have a long-standing association with BHA, it makes it sure that our future is secured". Sadly, it doesn't work that way. In some ways the bigger the fan the more the heart rules the head and financial mismanagement can occur. As I said before, a change in Bloom's circumstances could mean that the funding stops, certain creditors to him personally start demanding moeny back and the spiral occurs again. How long his family have been associated with the club will mean naff-all.

Just to finally answer questions relating to our own chairmen - as I've said before, they came in with a view that the club was not to rely soley on their finances beyond the initial investment of purchasing the club and the ground. Perhaps each year a few hundred thousand they will absorb, but the aim is total self-sufficiency. That could be 10 years of treading water, that could be a gradual improvement (as is the plan with DF and co) but I'd take that over the SJ years any day of the week. It has been shown in a few cases that combined wealth is in the region of £1bn, but that really is irrelevant as they aren't going to dip into that very much at all. And on the point of not paying the creditors - that is a complete moot point. They purchased a business and (as any decent businessman will tell you) you try to acquire the product for the lowest possible price. Let me use this analogy one more time. If you bought a house at auction for a knock-down fee, would you feel that you should also pay-off the creditors of the houses previous owner? Thought not.

I'm sure you'll all shoot this post down in flames, but I am not trying to point-score here. Continue in your absolute belief that no harm can ever come to BHA now that their super-human fan TB is in charge. I promise that if it all goes t1ts up I won't say "I did warn you". Honest. :angel:

Blah blah f***ing blah.

What a load of tosh.

You seen to think Bloom is some kind of sugar daddy figure going shit or bust who will walk away it if does go 'tits up'. Thankfully for us we've got the best chairman in the league. End of story. He's a long term fan with enough money to take this club to the next level. He's opened revenue streams for the club that will turn this club very much into money maker in time. All with interest free loans that aren't attached to the club, it can't go tits up in that respect.

And again you have skirted over the point that your new owners are a bunch of tossers who COULD have afforded to pay local business back their money but DID NOT. Even the St Johns Ambulance. What a load of CROOKED FUCKS you lot are.

I don't care if you're not trying to points score or whatever. You view is complete askew of the actual situation.


New member
Apr 13, 2011
Blah blah f***ing blah.

What a load of tosh.

You seen to think Bloom is some kind of sugar daddy figure going shit or bust who will walk away it if does go 'tits up'. Thankfully for us we've got the best chairman in the league. End of story. He's a long term fan with enough money to take this club to the next level. He's opened revenue streams for the club that will turn this club very much into money maker in time. All with interest free loans that aren't attached to the club, it can't go tits up in that respect.

And again you have skirted over the point that your new owners are a bunch of tossers who COULD have afforded to pay local business back their money but DID NOT. Even the St Johns Ambulance. What a load of CROOKED FUCKS you lot are.

I don't care if you're not trying to points score or whatever. You view is complete askew of the actual situation.

Wow - you guys actually cannot engage properly into a debate. Straight for the usual bile and bullsh*t. Of course I completely forgot that Brighton made profits well over £100m in the last few season rendering Bloom's money superfluous. On top of that whilst this seaon the revenue streams will probably match your outgoings - the fact that there is a £5m deficit from last season is obviously completely irrelevant also. I forgot that Bloom is of course the best person in the world and is completely untouchable in world financial markets.

Christ on a bike - if you are going to throw shit at Palace, at least get your facts right. St. John's Ambulance debt was actually paid by the fans of CPFC given how disgusted we were at organisations such as these losing out due to SJ's incompetence. But don't let anything which goes against your view of the world and your agenda get in the way of making a good point :facepalm:

I won't go into the chairmen not paying back the creditors in full - I just hope that you are as generous with any purchases you make on items where the previous owner fecked up royally.

I'm sure that your revenue streams will work out just fine and dandy if Bloom's project plan comes off. We'll see how well that goes if you fail to make it to the prem in the short-term or god-forbid find you get relegated again.


Jul 5, 2003
Christ on a bike - if you are going to throw shit at Palace, at least get your facts right. St. John's Ambulance debt was actually paid by the fans of CPFC given how disgusted we were at organisations such as these losing out due to SJ's incompetence. But don't let anything which goes against your view of the world and your agenda get in the way of making a good point :facepalm:


So YOUR CLUB did NOT pay back the St Johns Ambulance then. That's what I said.

Brighton haven't made profits in the last few years because we've been playing in an old Athletics Stadium in which time we've actually won a couple of things without going into administration, TWICE, having previously nearly had the club sold from underneath our arses. We will NOW make ourselves a bit of money as we have the means to do so, all helped along by our LIFELONG ALBION FAN BILLIONAIRE CHAIRMAN.

Shove you good meaning up your arse and f*** off.


(f*** sake, f***ing Palace fans)


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2005
I love the fact Palace are genuinely worried about us, they can't stop going on about our stadium/our owner. Either way, come back in 12 years time when this unsecured loan expires and we'll see whats happened then, right ?


New member
Apr 13, 2011
Just to answer this one point, no one has said that Bloom is continuing to fund the team. In fact, he has said himself that the team must be self funding. He has paid for the stadium and is paying for the training academy as soon as that passes planning permission later this year.
As we now have first class facilities the fan base has grown (whether jcl's or returnees I care not) so that 18500 season ticket holders are bringing in an income of 600K every month via direct debit. That is without any sponsorship at all, advertising, sales, and tickets for away fans. The Amex deal is worth millions. The stadium will be in use 7 days a week bringing more income. We also sold payers so haven't spent that much more than we have received.

I don't doubt any of that. However, just to look at it from the other side of the coin (playing devil's advocate and all that). If (and I mean If) you get relegated what will that do for the revenue streams? I am genuinely interested.

Also whilst the building is an expensive stadium worth a lot of money to any purchasers of Brighton HA, the land value is next to none (words of your beloved TB) so on that basis it is not worth much to anyone other than BHA (and potential investors and owners of the ground). So - if Bloom's financial position was to ever become shaky, and the ground still belongs to him and he is having to asset strip - he will not get anywhere near £100m for it. It is that sort of thing that I think is worth bearing in mind. Of course if this was a BHA fan pointing this out, then an adult debate may ensue. Given my origins is Palace, I'm sure it'll be met with the usual tripe (not from you personally)


New member
Apr 13, 2011
So YOUR CLUB did NOT pay back the St Johns Ambulance then. That's what I said.

Brighton haven't made profits in the last few years because we've been playing in an old Athletics Stadium in which time we've actually won a couple of things without going into administration. TWICE. We will NOW make ourselves a bit of money as we have the means to do so, all helped along by our LIFELONG ALBION FAN BILLIONAIRE CHAIRMAN.

Shove you good meaning up your arse and f*** off.


Billionaire now is he? Wow, must have missed him on the Times rich list or the football wealth website which has him as the 64th wealthiest chairman in English Football (out of 92 clubs!)

Carry on as you were.

I'll happily f*** off now - but please remember it is you lot who like inserting various things up your back passage.

Ta ta....Perhaps I have hit a nerve. Good Good

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