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do you give to beggers?

Meade's Ball

Well-known member
Jul 7, 2003
Hither (sometimes Thither)
I don't need a 15 minute lifestory to encourage me to give someone a quid every now and again. If someone is driven to the point of asking, then generally i will look to assist lightly and skedaddle.
There might be the argument that some of the people i give 72p to on occasion are using that money on drugs, but if that possibility became a prevention of donation then i'd never give the children i might one day cause the birth of any pocket money in their teenage years.

I don't think people asking for a little help are generally enjoying doing that all day.

severnside gull

Well-known member
May 16, 2007
By the seaside in West Somerset
A lad I used to teach told me that he can earn upwards of £500 a week on the streets of Birmingham any time and £1K in a good week in the run up to Christmas. And all tax free. Which is why you got a round of fucks when you offered to buy a sandwich!

A couple of years ago in Lourdes I watched luxury people carriers come round and pick up the beggars and their dogs after all the crowds had gone home - totally organised on an industrial scale! Try parking your backside on a pavement somewhere busy and see how quickly you are moved on by the people whose pitch you are occupying.

I do pay for Big Issue but never take it and I happily put money in the hat of a busker if they are any good at all. They are doing something to improve their situation and I am happy to pay for the service they offer. Begging is something else entirely - if I offer help (non cash) and they decline then I am afraid I have no intention of "helping"
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New member
Jan 4, 2010
Get loads of Eastern Europeans in London, more so with Romanian girls coming up to you at traffic lights and start cleaning your windscreen even thou you haven’t asked for it. I just unwind my window and say- f*** OFF


New member
Jul 18, 2006
I used to always buy the Big Issue until I got talking to a seller one day when I was 17 and happened to mention I was going to Ibiza the next day for 2 weeks, he then CHASED me down George Street begging me to take him along too.

He was completely off his face on God knows what and ever since it has put me right off giving them money and I will usually buy them food instead.

Feb 23, 2009
Brighton factually.....
Depends what they look like and what mood im in as a rule no, However one saturday evening i got stopped outside sainsburys in Camden by a begger I used to see drinking all the time round Camden, " have you got any spare change mate for something to eat or drink " and seeing as I was a bit flush and a bit merry I smiled and said to the begger " Yeah mate im popping into sainsburys myself to get a few beers do you want me to get you a drink ? " ...... His eyes lit up " Oh yes please mate "...........

A few minutes later I emerged from sainsburys with a bag clunking away with bottles. I reached in the bag as he ran towards me like a whippet and threw him a whole box of 4 cupasoups. He was not impressed and a fight insued.

Never again


Well-known member
Jul 28, 2009
I've been put off by my London Experience's.

On a night shift once I took my lunch break at about 1am, walked to the local Budgen's and the bloke said "I'm starving and haven't eaten for days" so I came back with a sandwich and walked off and he looked pretty pissed off. 30 minutes later went back to the same shop and the bloke again said he hadn't eaten for days. So I asked him what happened to the food I'd got him. That put me off.

to be fair though, a few years later when I worked in IT opposite Euston Station, I got on daily speaking terms to the Big Issue seller and used to take him over a hot chocolate on my break. He was a nice guy and some of the stories he told me were horrific. He often was battered by the other guys as he had a prime spot and had to fight for it. He was honest and spoke about his drug problems and said when you are cold and huddled in a squat and it's going, it takes the pain away. I asked the questions I always wondered, like how things go ever get so bad to be on the streets and it was an interesting story. He basically met this girl and got into drugs and his friends and family shut the door on him as he robbed them to feed his habit. The Big Issue programme got him on his way back to a real life with access to a half-way house, but he said he had no chance of ever getting a job being a junkie and homeless so it was a real vicious circle. Genuinely felt sorry for him but gave him food and a hot drink when it was cold but never any money, as he said it would likely end up being spent on drugs but that was all he had to look forward to in life. I'd like to think he managed to get clean and get a home and a job, but somehow I fear not.


Moulding Generation Z
Jul 19, 2005
Big Issue from authorised sellers only. The missus goes mental if we get begged at in the street - she is a Housing Officer for the local council and rips them to pieces for telling porkies about their housing situation. They seem to know better now!

Female beggers make good DIY girlfriends that no bloke will ever touch, they're so desperate you can just take them home, give them a scrub up, put your mum's clothes on them and voila. Grateful for it too. Shame they reek from months of using old rolled up copies of the Mirror as a tampon.

Herne Hill Seagull

Well-known member
Jul 10, 2003
Never, ever do it. My missus works for a homeless charity, and tells me over and over again never to give them cash. Every single time we're approached in the street in London for money, because she can tell them exactly where the nearest day centre is, where they can get food, a wash, advice etc, or because she can tell them where the nearest overnight centre is, they walk away before she's got half a dozen sentences out.

If you actually want to help homeless people, do it through one of the charities. In almost 100% of cases I'd say, by giving them cash you're doing the exact opposite of helping them.


Monkey in a seagull suit.
Apr 24, 2004
Way out west
Never give money to beggars but will happily donate to charities that support those who are homeless or who have drug or alcohol issues...that way I figure the money will be used properly to support people in need and be less likely to go to waste, or to feed their addiction.

In the case at the start of the thread, begging for money to buy food then getting arsey when some was provided, suggests to me that the person wasn't really that hungry. You did your best to address the need that was presented to you but your generousity was thrown back in your face, sad and unfortunate, don't let it put you off trying to help others.

Barrel of Fun

Abort, retry, fail
There was a beggar in Oxford that was frequently seen on a mobile phone. Granted, phone calls have become cheaper since the 80s/90s, but still...

I generally do buy a Big Issue or at least give them some money and say I have already got a copy. There is a very sweet girl who sells them in Putney High St.

I do give money some times, but generally try and avoid it. Maybe one is not helping the cause, but perhaps better to give them some money that might help them. Probably should go for the food option.

My ex-flatmate works for a homeless shelter and I raise money/collect equipment for them.

One thing I do avoid is buying pirated DVDs. Not too keen on funding the Triads.

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