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Do Chelsea deserve to be thrown out of the Champions League ?


Legacy Fan
Aug 20, 2003
OK try to be objective on this one.

If Uefa's claims are true they have invented a serious allegation against an opposing team and a referee.

"They were basically using lies as a pre-match tactic. They were trying to qualify for the next round by putting pressure on referees and officials through false statements. They were ready to use disloyal methods and, frankly, this is totally and completely unacceptable".

William Gaillard, Uefa's director of communications

I never really though about it on the basis that their complaints (if true) could have meant the other team would have been in serious trouble.

I'm sure my contract states that if I make a false serious accusation against another employee, I'm out the door.
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Jul 5, 2003
Of course they shouldn't, it's a bunch of BOLLOCKS from UEFA who are just annoyed that Real Madrid and Man United are out of the tournament. Tossers.


Active member
Jul 7, 2003
At the foot of the downs
NO way, why punish the fans more than the manager, a game/touchline ban or a club fine is enough !!


Legacy Fan
Aug 20, 2003
I guess they'll just "throw the book" at Mourinho with a touchline and dressing room ban.

He's been in trouble before apparently with UEFA, for preventing a Lazio player taking a quick throw in against Porto in 2003.

1 match ban touchline and dressing room ban (which he appealed against :lolol: )
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Garry Nelson's Left Foot

Well-known member
Jul 7, 2003
Not really. Many managers have 'basically used pre-match lies as a tactic'. As for managers 'putting pressure on refereee's'... so what? Managers do that all the time too.

If UEFA want to mete out some punishment for Anders Fisk flouncing off they should deal directly with Mourinho. Give him a fine or a touchline ban or both and then shut the f*** up. In the same way that if a player calls the ref a cheating :censored: he'll be sent off, fined and banned.




Well-known member
Jul 7, 2003
Well, they tapped up Sven and denied it, they tapped up Ashley Cole and denied it, and now we have the Anders Frisk debacle.

Chelsea, the club and the fans, are johnny come latelys with absolutely no class...


A. Virgo, Football Genius
Jul 21, 2003
Its appalling that some one like Mourinho can just accuse a ref of bias and think he can get away with it. All this gamesmanship needs to be cut out of football now before it gets too far.

Meanwhile, its entirely correct that if a manager wants to make racist remarks about players in order to fire up his team. Very harsh to impose a fine over that trivial incident.



Well-known member
Feb 17, 2005
Tony Meolas Loan Spell said:
Who gives a f***. Is this about BHA?

Correct.Question should be : who deserves to be thrown into this tinpot Tournament.Its about money,not football,and who cares which team of Harlem Globetrotters win it?

And Champions League? Did we have 4 Champions last year?

Up the Albion!

One club has accused another club and a referee of, effectively, corruption. It would appear to be an entirely fabricated charge. Whta else could UEFA do other than charge them with a serious breach of regulations? And if Roma can have a 3-0 score recorded against them for a coin-throwing incident, then surely Chelsea SHOULD have a 3-0 score recorded against them, for what is, in terms of the spirit of the game, a MUCH more serious incident (assuming it to be true, that is - which is what the hearing will attempt to find out).


Registered Cider Drinker
Apr 21, 2004
Cider Country
Yes, but not because of anything Mourhino has done. Just because they're kuntz.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
The trouble with fining him is that Chelsea have got so much money that any fine is meaningless (well, a fine of a couple of million might make them think for a bit but even that would be relatively trivial). And I never think much of a touchline ban - you send someone to a better seat with a better view of the game and that's a punishment?

Although, as FB says, it's a serious offence. I'd be loath to throw them out if they were found guilty. I'd make it a suspended sentence, a two-year ban from European competitions suspended for two years. That way they'd have to behave in the future but wouldn't suffer a disproportionate sentence now.

However, UEFA will do next to nothing - they always do.


Well-known member
Jul 25, 2003
No way should they be thrown out, whatever allegations Mourinho made had no affect whatsoever to the outcome of the tie, if the Barca players are so sensitive that they let an incident like that affect them then they should give up professional sport.

Jim D

Well-known member
Jul 23, 2003
If all they can come up with is a £1500 fine for making racist comments then I doubt that Chelsea will be worried about the punishment. I see in the paper today that Mourinho earns about £4.5M a year.

Easy 10

Brain dead MUG SHEEP
Jul 5, 2003
Location Location
Its all a load of old BOLLOCKS.

"Oh boo hoo, Mourinho said that Rijkaard was in Frisks room sucking him off"
"Oh woe is me, shock horror, Chelsea are bringing the game into disrepute"
"Oh what a DISGRACE, Mourinho said that Frisk was shite"

For f*** sake, no-ones allowed to say ANYTHING nowadays without everyone climbing up onto high horses, wringing their hands, declaring it all a "disgrace", and holding various hearings where they "investigate allegations" blah blah blah blah. Everything has to be so f***ing sanitised and polite these days, its just boring as shite.

Why can't managers go to press conferences and say what we all think ? Say what we all say ? "OK we played garbage, but that ref tonight was f***ing shite. Bent as a two bob note, a complete homer, probably been paid off with crack and whores".
Its only a bloody OPINION. Doesn't make it FACT does it. Must everyone recoil in mock horror and outrage every time a manager dares to say something out of turn ?

This is FOOTBALL for christs sake, not a knitting circle.

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