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Congratulations George Dubya Bush

JJ McClure

Go Jags
Jul 7, 2003
Richie Morris said:
Kerry failed to stamp his personality on the campaign

What personality. He's an extremely clever guy, but has about as much charisma as a piece of wood.


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jul 5, 2003
shingle said:
But Meady

what does kerry stand for, I dont think we'll ever know. All he ever said on Iraq was that he ' would do things differently ' he said that he supported stem research, and then spent the rest of the time slagging off Bush, and people on here say that Americans were stupid not to vote for Kerry :lolol: :lolol:

Must admit it was hard to find out what he was standing for amongst all the shite being slung around, but here are some of his policies.

1. Support of stem research to a limited extent
2. Gay rights issues. He is personally in favour of Gay civil unions, rather than marriage, but would uphold the Democrat party line of gay couples being allowed to marry.
3. Extensive research into finding alternative fuels so that America isn't reliant on the fossil fuels and oil from other countries.
4. Lower taxation for the poorer sections of American society and would remove most of the tax credits Bush gave to the richer classes within American society.
5. Health care programmes to be opened up to all adults and not just federal employees
6. Supports legal abortion
7. Opposes the death penalty except in the case of terrorists
8. Would raise the minimum wage to $7 an hour.
9. Would reinsert America into many of the environmental treaties that Bush had withdrawn them from.
10. Would extend the ban on assualt weapons.

Got most of that from the Independent on monday.



Well-known member
NSC Patron
Apr 28, 2004
skitz said:
You made an uninformed, ridiculous argument in suggesting that Bush getting in is "better the devil you know" for the Americans.

How can you not "give a flying f***" about how wins this election? What would need to happen for you to stand up and be counted? Would the power to your office need to be cut off because of the unsustainable energy demands of the world? Would you need to lose your job because of the faltering economy? Would a great big bomb need to land somewhere near Sussex? Would your home need to be flooded or more and more Albion games need to be called off due to the extreme climate change we are facing as a direct result of Bush's outrageous disregard for the ecosystem that sustains us all?

Now. I kind of understand the compulsion to f*** it off and just worry about your football team and whether there's enough beer in the fridge because there's nothing you can do about it. I wish I knew of more stuff I could do, but as far as I can see this kind of corruption has been going on for hundreds of years and is not likely to change. I say we tear the whole fucker down and start again. Trouble is, I don't even know how to start doing that.

I despair for the world, I do. It's not just Bush and his cronies, and the Saudis, and whoever else - it often looks like we've reached (note, not 'are approaching') an unsustainable position as a species. Most days I'm just wondering which of the half billion possible disasters that will f*** us all up for good will happen first. If you want to bury your head in the sand and call people who see it coming 'melodramatic' then, again, I can deal with that.

We always think that the status quo isn't going to change, that we're going to live out the rest of our lives in a cultural stasis. Not gonna happen. The people who lived through WWII probably thought exactly the same until their world fell apart. However, if you at least keep an eye on world affairs you might have a chance of seeing things coming. Of course you might not. Never forget, we are quite evidently living in an unsustainable situation - I'm sure if I, like Michael Moore or whoever, had the time I could construct a whole dossier of information proving this. What are we going to do when the oil runs out? What are we going to do when our entire generation gets old and find our pensions are f***ed cause the world economy can't sustain us, or if we didn't have pensions cause there was no point for the same reason? What are we going to do when someone lets rip with a dirty bomb in our seat of government? What are we going to do when an asteroid big enough to do some real damage falls somewhere 'important'? What are we going to do when our overuse of antibiotics causes some biblical plague that really can't be stopped - MRSA is a monster of a disease, and it's only pure luck that it's transmission vectors are quite limiting for it. The list goes on.

I don't have a clue, but I'm pretty sure it's coming, whatever it is. So, yeah, maybe I should "get off my high horse" and forget about it, but I reckon that at the end of the day, for all our faults, humanity have managed some pretty amazing feats that make us worth fighting for - in a world where the fate of our entire species is decided by a tiny handful of people, yeah, I think they should be fully accountable for all of their actions.

A marvellous piece of literature, Skitz. And here was me worrying about whether I have time to go home for lunch today. I didn't realise we are about to experience Armegeddon. Think I'll skip lunch and start work on my new nuclear shelter. I'm sorry I called you a prick.


New member
Feb 24, 2004
Commander said:
I was talking about your "haven't got the intelligence/guts to stand up and say no." comment. These people are serving their country and doing what they think is right. My mate is risking his life out there, him and his comrades have more guts than you will ever have. How dare you even think this? Prick.

I just feel so sorry for the soldiers/angry with the people who sent them out there. They think they're doing the right thing. They think they're serving their country. They're not. They're serving capitalist America and its need for oil, that's all this war is about. I wish more of them would stand up and say no more blood for oil. I understand why they don't and apologise for perhaps wording it too strongly.

Brighton Breezy

New member
Jul 5, 2003
I think the democrats will keep fighting because there will those among them who still remember Florida four years ago and wont want any 'what ifs'.

Jul 7, 2003
skitz said:
I just feel so sorry for the soldiers/angry with the people who sent them out there. They think they're doing the right thing. They think they're serving their country. They're not. They're serving capitalist America and its need for oil, that's all this war is about. I wish more of them would stand up and say no more blood for oil. I understand why they don't and apologise for perhaps wording it too strongly.

Potentially one of the funniest most heartfelt comments ever written on here. It really is great of you to be able to speak for the whole of British military and i am sure they all appreciate your pity.


Active member
Jul 7, 2003
At the foot of the downs
skitz said:
You made an uninformed, ridiculous argument in suggesting that Bush getting in is "better the devil you know" for the Americans.

How can you not "give a flying f***" about how wins this election? What would need to happen for you to stand up and be counted? Would the power to your office need to be cut off because of the unsustainable energy demands of the world? Would you need to lose your job because of the faltering economy? Would a great big bomb need to land somewhere near Sussex? Would your home need to be flooded or more and more Albion games need to be called off due to the extreme climate change we are facing as a direct result of Bush's outrageous disregard for the ecosystem that sustains us all?

Now. I kind of understand the compulsion to f*** it off and just worry about your football team and whether there's enough beer in the fridge because there's nothing you can do about it. I wish I knew of more stuff I could do, but as far as I can see this kind of corruption has been going on for hundreds of years and is not likely to change. I say we tear the whole fucker down and start again. Trouble is, I don't even know how to start doing that.

I despair for the world, I do. It's not just Bush and his cronies, and the Saudis, and whoever else - it often looks like we've reached (note, not 'are approaching') an unsustainable position as a species. Most days I'm just wondering which of the half billion possible disasters that will f*** us all up for good will happen first. If you want to bury your head in the sand and call people who see it coming 'melodramatic' then, again, I can deal with that.

We always think that the status quo isn't going to change, that we're going to live out the rest of our lives in a cultural stasis. Not gonna happen. The people who lived through WWII probably thought exactly the same until their world fell apart. However, if you at least keep an eye on world affairs you might have a chance of seeing things coming. Of course you might not. Never forget, we are quite evidently living in an unsustainable situation - I'm sure if I, like Michael Moore or whoever, had the time I could construct a whole dossier of information proving this. What are we going to do when the oil runs out? What are we going to do when our entire generation gets old and find our pensions are f***ed cause the world economy can't sustain us, or if we didn't have pensions cause there was no point for the same reason? What are we going to do when someone lets rip with a dirty bomb in our seat of government? What are we going to do when an asteroid big enough to do some real damage falls somewhere 'important'? What are we going to do when our overuse of antibiotics causes some biblical plague that really can't be stopped - MRSA is a monster of a disease, and it's only pure luck that it's transmission vectors are quite limiting for it. The list goes on.

I don't have a clue, but I'm pretty sure it's coming, whatever it is. So, yeah, maybe I should "get off my high horse" and forget about it, but I reckon that at the end of the day, for all our faults, humanity have managed some pretty amazing feats that make us worth fighting for - in a world where the fate of our entire species is decided by a tiny handful of people, yeah, I think they should be fully accountable for all of their actions.

Fantastic post mate, I totally agree as well, the illuminate is neigh !!

Brighton Breezy

New member
Jul 5, 2003
skitz said:
I just feel so sorry for the soldiers/angry with the people who sent them out there. They think they're doing the right thing. They think they're serving their country. They're not. They're serving capitalist America and its need for oil, that's all this war is about. I wish more of them would stand up and say no more blood for oil. I understand why they don't and apologise for perhaps wording it too strongly.

How f***ing dare you patronise our armed forces.

I do not like to resort to name calling but you are a prick.


New member
Jul 6, 2003
skitz said:
I just feel so sorry for the soldiers/angry with the people who sent them out there. They think they're doing the right thing. They think they're serving their country. They're not. They're serving capitalist America and its need for oil, that's all this war is about. I wish more of them would stand up and say no more blood for oil. I understand why they don't and apologise for perhaps wording it too strongly.


Why should we invade France to stop the Germans, I'm a British soldier but I ike Germany!
Why should we Fight the Argies for the Falklands, its just a couple of Islands who gives a f***, I'm not going!

If we had that mentality in our soldiers then we would'nt be here today, thank f*** they dont listen to you :shootself

Little Piggy

Oct 27, 2003
Richie Morris said:
Im just waiting for all the Bush bashers to start saying this was another undemocratic vote and find ways he cheated.

Nobody has said this yet and I don't think anybody will this time. They have a bizarre system over there which will have mistakes (I mean who said Fox News can decide who's won a state?) but it seems to me that the Americans have clearly made their choice.

I don't suppose it would make the blindest bit of difference to their pathetic insular lives if they knew I hate them for it (the Bush voters I mean).


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2004
You made an uninformed, ridiculous argument in suggesting that Bush getting in is "better the devil you know" for the Americans

What on earth are going on about skitz. All easy said was that he thought that Americans had voted on the basis of " better the devil you know" how can that be uninformed/ ridiculous. When you consider all the reasons why people should have voted for Kerry, but didnt ie Poor economy, Iraq, Job Losses etc it seems perfectly reasonable to suggest that perhaps Americans voted for the devil they Knew. Easy is also right when he says dont be melodramatic, the sun will still shine tomorrow, and we'll probably lose at Derby tonight. Get on with your life and stop worrying.

Easy 10

Brain dead MUG SHEEP
Jul 5, 2003
Location Location
skitz said:
You made an uninformed, ridiculous argument in suggesting that Bush getting in is "better the devil you know" for the Americans..
If you read my original post, you will see that what I said was not that Bush coming in IS "better the Devil you know". I quite clearly said "It COULD be a case of better the Devil you know". There is a difference. From that, you seem to have taken it upon yourself to mark me down as a fully paid-up member of the George Bush Fan Club, when all I was doing was making a general comment which wasn't aimed at favouring either Bush OR Kerry.

As for the rest of your (well written) post - I don't disagree. But if I spent my life worrying about half that stuff you list, then life would hardly be worth living, would it ? There's absolutely nothing I can do as an individual to influence these world events, so I'm not going to waste my time worrying about it. Do I care ? Yes, but not enough to try to mount some kind of crusade against World corruption.

I have my health, I have my family and friends, I have the Albion. Its a selfish perspective I suppose, but you only get one life on this planet, and I'm not going to spend it fretting about whether Bush or Kerry get in, or what Bush is going to do when he (presumably) does. Life's too short.
Last edited:

Seagull Stew

Well-known member
Some of George Bush's brightest young supporters show their joy!


New member
Feb 24, 2004
Easy 10 said:
A change for changes sake is not always a change for the better. And no, that doesn't mean I want Bush to stay in office, just that I'd be cautious about hailing John Kerry as some shining light who will restore peace and stability to the world.

Nobody has said that. I desperately wish the Democrats had picked someone stronger who would appeal more in the way that Bush does, able to make an impact with one basic line of short words. As we have tragically seen today, most people are not capable of becoming informed beyond the most obvious things they see and are told. If it was different, maybe Bush wouldn't have been allowed to wage a war based on weapons of mass destruction that never existed in the first place.

Nobody could be doing a worse job as the most powerful man in the world than Bush. Have you seen Fahrenheit 9/11?

Kerry is not perfect, but he is a viable alternative. He is courageous, sober, competent, and concerned with fighting the dangers associated with the widening socio-economic gap in America, making progress with Kyoto, etc.

Commander - again you make a wild statement without actually putting up any argument against what I'm saying. I never said it was Armegeddon. I'm voicing my very real concerns about the stability of the world. The fact is that we are on the brink of a dire global emergency if things carry on as they are. That is fact and, again, if you want to see that as me being melodramatic then I can just about deal with it.


New member
Feb 24, 2004
CrabtreeBHA said:

Why should we invade France to stop the Germans, I'm a British soldier but I ike Germany!
Why should we Fight the Argies for the Falklands, its just a couple of Islands who gives a f***, I'm not going!

Those were both causes which were worthwhile. This is not. If you think me feeling sorry for the people out in Iraq with the army is patronising I don't care. I'm not patronising them, I support them and am disgusted that their lives are being risked for oil. If you really supported them you would join the calls to bring the troops back NOW.


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Apr 28, 2004
skitz said:
I just feel so sorry for the soldiers/angry with the people who sent them out there. They think they're doing the right thing. They think they're serving their country. They're not. They're serving capitalist America and its need for oil, that's all this war is about. I wish more of them would stand up and say no more blood for oil. I understand why they don't and apologise for perhaps wording it too strongly.

OK, fair enough.


New member
Feb 24, 2004
Easy 10 said:
As for the rest of your (well written) post - I don't disagree. But if I spent my life worrying about half that stuff you list, then life would hardly be worth living, would it ? There's absolutely nothing I can do as an individual to influence these world events, so I'm not going to waste my time worrying about it. Do I care ? Yes, but not enough to try to mount some kind of crusade against World corruption.

I alone can't make the World a better place to live.

Everyone together can make the World a better place to live.

By being aware, for instance, of stuff like this, and taking an interest in it. So that the people in charge don't get away with shit. By protesting. Taking group action.

Except there's a load of dead weight holding the people back. You know, those stupid dicks who say "I don't care, I just want to have a good time". You think this is 'moaning'? Like Malcolm X and Martin Luther King were 'moaning'? Like talking about politics and discussing how we can change things for the better is 'moaning'?

I have my health, I have my family and friends, I have the Albion. Its a selfish perspective I suppose, but you only get one life on this planet, and I'm not going to spend it fretting about whether Bush or Kerry get in, or what Bush is going to do when he (presumably) does. Life's too short.

Too right you only get one life on this planet, and it won't be a very long one for you or future generations if things carry on. How closely does this have to affect you personally before you do something about it? We've already had extreme weather and the pensions crisis recently, to name two. You want an example of how this will affect you and your family, friends and yes, even the Albion? Ok, how about economic and climate catastrophe in 10 years' time?

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