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cant believe the amount of Blair lovers on here!!!

DJ Leon

New member
Aug 30, 2003
Hungry Joe said:
The Tony Blair enigma; he was a big part of making Labour electable again and saving us from more decades of Tory mismanagement, but since coming to power the man has lost the plot and virtually every Socialist principal he once had. There has been redisdribution of wealth under his government (although nowhere near enough) but that is largely down to Gordon Brown.

The two things I will never forgive him for; Behaving like a US President in ignoring his own party, the UN and much of the nation in taking us into an illegal and counter-productive war and his dismantling of the Civil Service and public sector. I hope he has great trouble sleeping for the number of dead Socialists turning in their graves.

He did make Labour electable again, but only by moving ideologically to the centre. I too would have preferred a socialist government, but after Thatcher it was never going to happen. So let's be realistic, even if a few old socialists are turning in their graves, many more people (like me) are grateful that we don't still have a Tory government.

And before people start saying but that there's no difference between Labour and Tory - think again. What state would be in if the Conservative's had won the last 2 general elections?


New member
Dec 31, 2004
"sh1t, i might actually stop supporting my beloved Albion as all i see on here is loadsa Blair lovers.

Are you lot for real? Or all you all living in social squalor hoping Blair gives you another 4 years of hand outs from hard working tax payers?"

Last edited by brunswick on 29-03-2005 at 01:04 PM
What is your alternative social scenario ?.
Hunting the poor with your redundant hounds.

:smokin: :smokin: :smokin:


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
I dont know who's worse Blair or his orrible Mrs.:shrug:


New member
Dec 31, 2004
Forget his Mrs.
Always remember who his father-in-law is.
Even though he was silenced years ago, I
am sure he must still be a true socialist.
:smokin: :smokin: :smokin:

mr turd

New member
Nov 22, 2004
Blair is a wanker,he better stick to that 28 days holiday etc:lolol:


Active member
Jan 17, 2004
East Sussex
Bwian said:
Any one of the Tories is reason enough for me to guarantee I'll never, ever vote for them. Add to that the terrifying thought of Adolf Howard being PM:eek: :shootself

I know who I prefer and it ain't Fencesitter Kennedy.

'King wombat he's a Jewish immigrant his father came here to get away from Hitler!! Insensitive dickhead...

Waterhall Wizard

Oct 14, 2004
East of Brighton
. . . . . . . and day in and day out I see the readers of Murdoch's Media Enterprises making posts on NSC. I feel so sorry for you. You take in all of the fodder that's fed to you.

When you were at school, to teach you to read, there were books with a picture of a lovely fluffy animal to concentrate your attention. There were also words in large bold print to make it easier to penetrate the brain.

The Sun follows on from that. On page three there are cuddly young ladies with large bare breasts instead of fluffy animals. The bold lettering is also there with lurid alarmists headlines aimed at the enemy. There in the firing line is the Labour Party and its leader Tony Blair. The readers take it all in. They've been brought up to believe everything that they read in print, especially when it's in the format they have been exposed to as little children.

Blair came in to power with huge expectations of how he could change the social structure of life in this country. He believed he could make a difference and enhance the living standards of most people, high ideals that he has fought for. Unfortunately he found that he couldn't deliver, but he's never given up trying.

I'm bitterly disappointed with some of the things that have happened since this government came to power. Student fees, the lowering of the value of basic economic income of the pensioners and the way retail outlets are not brought to book for blatant lies regarding so called sale prices, to name three.

I didn't mention Iraq because only history will judge whether the decision to go to war was the right thing to do. I recognise my own prejudice against war and realise that I can't make a balanced judgement. I do think that it is rich that the Conservatives endorsed the action yet they hide behind the anti-war lobby.

I also see the vast difference in expectations of a better life now than when the Tories were in power. Gone are the days of boom and bust, of high unemployment and raging inflation that were so indicative of their long years in power. I lived and voted through all of those dark years.

I'm not taken in by all the hype about high and stealth taxes. I want better and better services for the population not less. Whatever the Tories and their allies the right wing press try to tell us, it's just not true that you can achieve better social conditions by lowering taxes. They have said it all before, and it didn't work then and it won't work now and it won't work in the future.

Am I a Blair lover? No. I do, however, recognise that the Party he leads has delivered more for me as an individual during their time in government than those bleak days when the Conservatives were in power. Furthermore I'm going to make sure that there is no change in government by voting for my Labour candidate.


New member
May 9, 2004
Sorry W.W. Can you make your posts shorter. We youngsters are from the M.T.V. generation. :lolol:


We're going up.
Dec 18, 2003
junior said:
Tony Blair for me.Im not realy into polotics but he's never done me any harm.

Oh yeah......and he pays my wages:lolol:

Yes, but can you guarantee that you will have the right sort of equipment you need for the right sort of terrain?????


New member
Dec 31, 2004
Blair is not perfect but a Howard government would take this country back to a time warp of the 1980's.
The world has moved on and China will become the Dominant economic power of the 21st century. The Labour Party under Gordon Brown is probably the best option this country has to maintain living standards at their current level, let alone the prospects of economic decline for this country as the 21st moves on.
:smokin: :smokin: :smokin:

Hungry Joe

Oct 22, 2004
Heading for shore
six_yard_punisha said:
He did make Labour electable again, but only by moving ideologically to the centre. I too would have preferred a socialist government, but after Thatcher it was never going to happen. So let's be realistic, even if a few old socialists are turning in their graves, many more people (like me) are grateful that we don't still have a Tory government.

And before people start saying but that there's no difference between Labour and Tory - think again. What state would be in if the Conservative's had won the last 2 general elections?

I'm not being unrealistic though. The great shame is that once he'd moved to a more centreist stance he kept going and missed the great opportunity of stopping and introducing more socialist policies that he could have, once elected, got away with and still been re-elected. I'm not saying for a minute that there's no difference between New Labour and the Conservatives, they'll be snowballs in hell before I vote Tory, but there could have been a lot more difference between them than exists now. It's as if he and his advisors became so obsessed with reforming the party to the extent that it became virtually unrecognisable as a Labour Party and hence made the very reasonable left wing members still within the party so marginalised that they now are portrayed as the looney left and socialism became a swear word.


Well-known member
Dec 1, 2003
Didsbury, Manchester
Spicy said:
Yes, but can you guarantee that you will have the right sort of equipment you need for the right sort of terrain?????

I take it you are refering to the storys that appear in the media now and again?
I have never had an issue with kit or equipment,and dont realy know of any widescale cases either.
I think the ones that make the papers are one in a million cases blown out of all proportion for the sake of a good story.


Kiss my (_!_)
Jul 14, 2003
parks said:
'King wombat he's a Jewish immigrant his father came here to get away from Hitler!! Insensitive dickhead...

It was a throw away line that meant nothing you over-sensitive knob!

BTW: He was born in Llanelli-despite that, he doesn't qualify as an immigrant. He does however qualify as a right wing twat who uses the Daily Nazi* as one of his weapons in his efforts to bring in a tory government that will do what tories always do-screw the poor and needy whilst sucking the cocks of the wealthy and privileged and boosting the values of companies they want high paying directorships in. Look at his plans for the Health Service that his party almost destroyed. Look at how strongly opposed to the minimum wage they were (could you live on less than £4 an hour?). Look at how they removed price linked pension increases-effectively throwing millions below the poverty line-but f*** 'em 'cos they're only old people. And that's just for starters!

And you call me an insensitive dickhead?

*Disclaimer: The use of the term 'Daily Nazi' is commonly used in place of 'Daily Mail' and not meant as an insult to anybody of Jewish extraction. Just in case you accuse me of being insensitive again:rolleyes:


We're going up.
Dec 18, 2003
junior said:
Plus im based in Northern Ireland so a big shield and a fireproof suit is enough for me:(

Are you that hot, Junior, that you need a fireproof suit?? Impressive, not very, but still impressive.:wave:

Dick Knights Mumm

Take me Home Falmer Road
Jul 5, 2003
Hither and Thither
Waterhall Wizard said:

Blair came in to power with huge expectations of how he could change the social structure of life in this country. He believed he could make a difference and enhance the living standards of most people, high ideals that he has fought for. Unfortunately he found that he couldn't deliver, but he's never given up trying.

The objective of the first term was to make sure there was a second term. And that was it in a nutshell. Not change the social structure of life in this country.

The second term was a time for wondering "well what do we do now ?". There was no determined push to fulfill those great expectations.

The third term. Well that is all about the confusion between what is good for Tony Blair and what is good for the country. And some mothers sons paid for that with limbs and lives.

The Labour party needs to get rid of Tony Blair.

Waterhall Wizard

Oct 14, 2004
East of Brighton
Dick Knights Mum said:
The objective of the first term was to make sure there was a second term. And that was it in a nutshell. Not change the social structure of life in this country.

The second term was a time for wondering "well what do we do now ?". There was no determined push to fulfill those great expectations.

The third term. Well that is all about the confusion between what is good for Tony Blair and what is good for the country. And some mothers sons paid for that with limbs and lives.

The Labour party needs to get rid of Tony Blair.

Straight out of the Daily Mason. Don't come on here paraphrasing right wing propaganda. Learn to think for yourself.
Last edited:

Dick Knights Mumm

Take me Home Falmer Road
Jul 5, 2003
Hither and Thither
Waterhall Wizard said:
Strait out of the Daily Mason. Don't come on here paraphrasing right wing propaganda. Learn to think for yourself.

You were going to write a response like that regardless of the response to your posting. You need to learn to think and not be a government lapdog.

blimey this insulting business is easy. I can see why you do it. It saves putting an arguement.

Tooting Gull

Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
Waterhall Wizard said:
Strait out of the Daily Mason. Don't come on here paraphrasing right wing propaganda. Learn to think for yourself.

I'd like to know if Waterhall Wizard could actually be any more patronising.

Some, after reading his previous posts, might think that that was not posssible. However I suspect there may still be some more in the tank.

Hills go: 4-7 No, 6-4 Yes, 10-1 someone shoves his sun-dried tomatoes where the sun don't shine.

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