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Mellor 3 Ward 4

Well-known member
Jul 27, 2004
saaf of the water
According to the OP you will be dead before the start of next season by the looks of it Nick.

Can I have your stuff?

Not quite sure where I said that everyone would be dead who smokes cannabis, only that the report makes interesting reading.

You make some good points about addrressing WHY young people smoke it.

IMO, what the report highlights is that there are a lot of people out there who are currently unaware of the potential risks to their health.


Well-known member
Sep 10, 2010
Bollocks. Name one example where Cannabis has killed someone?


Well-known member
Sep 10, 2010
just about to twist up a nice skunky number..two's up anyone?!


North Stand Brighton Boy
Dec 17, 2010
Most people I know, myself included, have smoked it and suffered no ill effects, I do know several people who have died through alcohol abuse though.


bring on the trumpets....
NSC Patron
Jan 22, 2009

I can't believe someone wasted money researching to see if weed can slow down MS when that money could have been used for other MS research, weed is well known to alleviate pain and muscle spasm for MS sufferers - mrs had had 2 neorologists advise that a joint a night would help and it does.


Active member
Aug 20, 2007
Not quite sure where I said that everyone would be dead who smokes cannabis, only that the report makes interesting reading.

You make some good points about addrressing WHY young people smoke it.

IMO, what the report highlights is that there are a lot of people out there who are currently unaware of the potential risks to their health.

Was only messing Mellor, and I guess if you can trust the report that it does make interesting reading.

The problem is until the report is peer reviewed it really isn't worth the paper it is written on. Somehow I doubt it ever will be.


Active member
Mar 17, 2009
:smokin:smoke it in a pipe no tobaco everyones a winner

Or vaporize it so your only getting the THC and CBD and NO carcinogens whatsoever.. problem solved..

Can't be bothered to preach the truth about cannabis but if people do a bit of research away from the mainstream media articles than they will soon see its a potential hidden wonder drug and nowhere near as harmful as they would have you believe (in fact in moderation its beneficial)..

Only reason they twist the truth in the media is because they know its pain-killing capabilities would soon over take all the inferior opiate type drugs that they give to us and make a lot of money from in the process..

Not only that but it would also upset the oil companies as hemp is a great source of fuel and many other things..

It's all about money and they know they couldn't overcharge for cannabis because people would just grow it themselves, where as all the shit tablet drugs they give you, they can charge what they like because you can't make them yourself..

The worst part of this whole thread is the 'skunk' argument ... Cannabis may be stronger now a days but just bare in mind that when its stronger you use less, meaning you smoke less to get where you need to be, meaning less harm... use inferior product you smoke more plant matter which is far worse for you..

Notice the wording in the original article 'cannabis cigarette' I'm not definite but I'd bet my right arm it was not pure cannabis being smoked in the experiment, it would have been mixed with tobacco... To me that is like saying water is harmful if you mix it with poison..
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New member
Sep 5, 2010
I remember an article about this coming out here in Canada a few months back. I remember mentioning it to my friends who smoke dope and they still thought I was spewing bullshit from my mouth.


Active member
Mar 17, 2009
A joint is a joint. Not so long ago a joint would get you pleasantly stoned, but these days a joint will get you off your rocker.

It's a bit like comparing drinking beer to drinking straight gin.... the higher potency is always going to cause more problems.

Have you misinterpreted my point?
Years ago you would of used 0.5g of thai stick to get pleasantly stoned.. now a days you need 0.05g - 0.1g of high quality stuff to get pleasantly stoned....

My point is that your inhaling LESS smoke to get where you need to be nowadays meaning its better for you as your inhaling less bad stuff

I'm not doubting its stronger, I'm just saying your body would rather you ingest as little smoke/carcinogens as possible.. I'd much rather inhale 0.1g worth of carcinogens / tar to get where i need to be, rather than inhaling 0.5g of carcinogens / tar to get to the same place..

It doesn't make any difference the end product is the same.. If i drink 2 shots of gin to get where i need to be rather than 5 pints of larger than my body will find it easier to filter out the 2 shots of gin then it will the 5 pints.. Just because the gin is stronger doesn't mean its more harmful... If i drink 5 pints of gin then your point is correct.. But if you respect what your using the end product is the same..
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Muhammad - I’m hard - Bruce Lee

You can't change fighters
NSC Patron
Jul 25, 2005
on a pig farm
resin used to be ok back in my day....used to be great to mellow out, i wont touch WEED though.
tried it once, and just sat there with a gormless expression on my chops and dribbling.
then i threw up.
cant seem to get resin anymore


Well-known member
Jul 9, 2011
Absolutely. Cannabis is the devil.

We are plagued down my road by stoned people having fights, kicking wing mirrors off cars, being sick etc.

Hang on, now I think about it I might have that confused with drunk people.

But drinking is OK so forget it.

Stoned people fighting. Are you sure? I don't believe the latest reports. I have an exotic cigarette every night before i go to bed and have done for many years. I consider myself to be fit and completely sane. Legalise it.


Well-known member
Oct 20, 2003
My word, there's a lot of uninformed bollocks in this thread. Unfortunately I haven't got time for a considered response as I'm off out in five minutes.

What I will say is that the effects, in terms of harm, are irrelevant to me in terms of the legalisation issue, as people should be able to do what they like to their own bodies.

The person who commented on the impacts on youths - obviously if it was legalised and regulated, they wouldn't be giving it to 15 year olds.


New member
Oct 1, 2009
Prague, Czech Republic
Apparently, the Czechs consume more beer than anybody else, and it turns out, more youth smoke or have smoked here than anywhere else in can carry 15gr here, whearas in Holland its 5gr...although, with the new laws appearing there who knows whats going to happen there. Difference here is the variety..the places are not advertised, and you get what the bar is choice, but as its all pretty decent, no biggie..

Theres also the issue same as drinking..the more you smoke, the less it actually affects you...but ive smoked daily for decades, reggae soundsystem for 20 yrs and lived in Holland for 8 when I had friends over to stay in NL, (amazing how many friends and relatives you seem to have all of sudden if living there) Id roll people an opening joint to start the evening off, and people would be dropping like flies all around me..and basically f***ing up their night had to train myself to roll them really weak (to me) joints or the evening would be ruined. I dont drink more than a couple of beers if im out, and thats been my daily vice diet since 1979. To my mind, all the other options out their are terrifying as ive no idea what would be in these pills, powders etc...
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Pogue Mahone

Well-known member
Apr 30, 2011
Stoned people fighting. Are you sure? I don't believe the latest reports. I have an exotic cigarette every night before i go to bed and have done for many years. I consider myself to be fit and completely sane. Legalise it.
It's obviously affected your concentration his post again, see if you notice any sarcasm.


NSC Patron
Feb 23, 2009
So many people smoke it, the government may as well legalise it and make a bit of dollar in the process.

I don't really care what effect on my health smoking it has- we're all going to die at some point anyway, may as well go out high as a coot with a fatty bifter on the go.


Active member
Mar 17, 2009
Unfortunately it doesn't work like that.

The actual smoking of the joint, a lot like tasting a fine wine, is part of the pleasure. It is what releases the endorphins in the brain, and it is much of what cannabis smokers enjoy about smoking cannabis as much as getting "stoned".

Stronger potency cannabis means one of two things. Either smokers are putting less in their joints, and therefore more tobacco - the prime carcinogen. Or they are consuming a lot more THC which is only going to lead to mental health problems for the vulnerable.

Cannabis needs to be regulated, so it doesn't get to these obscene strengths.

Edit: I would also like to mention the amount of times I have seen young people at parties have a bit of a joint, and end up with their head in a toilet. This never used to happen 10 years ago.

Look all the time you use tobacco in your joints cannabis will be harmful.. I'm saying smoke pure, roll smaller joints (still enjoying the taste) and use less cannabis to get where you need to be as its far stronger then it was ..

Or go one better and use a vaporizer so you only get the active ingredients and no carcinogens whatsoever.. thats what i do.. when i use cannabis i put less then 0.1g into my vaporizer, I enjoy the taste far more than when i smoked it as it doesn't taste of burning plant matter..

There is absolutely nothing wrong with the strength of modern day cannabis (if used sensibly) its the way the people use it which is wrong..

The reason you see young people being ill is because they have been handed a joint with too much in for them, which causes their sugar levels to drop which brings on ringing ears and sickness.. Next time offer them a sugary drink and with in 30 minutes they will be back to normal with no sickness or ringing ears....

It's like giving a 15 year old a bottle of vodka, they will drink to much and be sick... Give them a shot of vodka.. they will handle it and be fine... In the same way give a teen a joint with 0.5g of skunk in they will be sick.. give them a joint with 0.1g of skunk in they will handle it and be fine

I agree cannabis is stronger then it was but if you use less and use it sensibly then you won't have any issues.. Whack 0.5g of skunk into a joint like you would with your thai stick or resin in the 60's then yeah someone's going to be ill...
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