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BNP's Election Broadcast

Feb 14, 2010
I find this very ungrateful. This is a BHA forum. In WW1 The Pavillion / Dome was converted into a hospital for Indian troops that came, fought and died in France for this country, fighting side by side The Sussex who did the same to the tune of Sussex by the sea . The debt of gratitude that Britain and Europe owes to the people from the old Empire in both was and also in culture, food, music and the rest is immense. Immigration increases the gene pool and is a good thing. Yes subject to space but th bile dished out to people, some of who were brought up British as anyone here and looked to Britain as the mother country is very very ungrateful.As for Churchill, well his mother was American, and th present monarchy changed its name to Windsor because they were German decent with a German name.Indiginous population my arse, we are and always have been an immigrant nation and that is superb.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
Its quite simple really. Nationalism is based on a community that share a common culture, history, language etc. would you say that the Zulu nation or the native Americans are Nazis? of course you wouldn't.

As a matter of interest, what would your viewpoint be about Wales? There are at least three distinct national groups: the Welsh-speaking north, the Welsh-speaking south and west and the English speakers (and that's before you consider the Italians in the valleys and the Somali community in Cardiff, who have been established in the country for over a 100 years).

Do you consider Wales as a single nation state without a common culture or language? Or do you think it should be regionalised? And would that apply to places like Catalonia and the Basque region in Spain?

And I know you don't speak for the BNP, but what would the BNP view be?

Milton Keynes Seagull

Active member
Sep 28, 2003
Milton Keynes
As a matter of interest, what would your viewpoint be about Wales? There are at least three distinct national groups: the Welsh-speaking north, the Welsh-speaking south and west and the English speakers (and that's before you consider the Italians in the valleys and the Somali community in Cardiff, who have been established in the country for over a 100 years).

Do you consider Wales as a single nation state without a common culture or language? Or do you think it should be regionalised? And would that apply to places like Catalonia and the Basque region in Spain?

And I know you don't speak for the BNP, but what would the BNP view be?

Email Nick Griffin he lives in Wales!:laugh:


In London village.
If you check my posts. You will see that I said that the BNP would allow non indigenous people into its ranks, It wasn't just down to the courts. It was something that Griffin, Darby and Wingfield tried to sell to the memership a long time ago but it was rejected. Try a few of the far right forums and see their comments about this if you don't believe me.

There is not a blurred line between nationalism and racism. That line is created by liberals who have their own political and economic agenda.

Cov, you've been involved in racist and facist groups for 30 years or so by your own admission. The idea that the likes of Griffin, Darby et al are just an English version of the Scots Nats is laughable.


Broad Blue & White stripe
Jul 5, 2003
The Man who Tried to Kill Hitler

"He who joyfully marches to the BNP rank and file, has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice. This disgrace to civilization should be done away with at once. It is my conviction that discrimination becuse of prejudice is nothing but an act of murder."


Kurt von Hammerstein-Equord
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Kurt von Hammerstein-Equord - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

General Kurt von Hammerstein
Kurt Freiherr[1] von Hammerstein-Equord (September 26, 1878 – April 25, 1943) was a German general who served for a period as Commander-in-Chief of the Reichswehr. He is famous for being an ardent opponent of Hitler and the Nazi regime.

I divide my officers into four classes; the clever, the lazy, the industrious, and the stupid. Most often two of these qualities come together. The officers who are clever and industrious are fitted for the highest staff appointments. Those who are stupid and lazy make up around 90% of every army in the world, and they can be used for routine work. The man who is clever and lazy however is for the very highest command; he has the temperament and nerves to deal with all situations. But whoever is stupid and industrious is a menace and must be removed immediately.

User removed 4

New member
May 9, 2008
Haywards Heath
Perhaps you should just read my post properly and then respond, it states, quite clearly, that my flat is rented on the open market, and the gay poles and the congolese asylum seeker are tenants of the housing association, then i open brackets and put 'IE not on the open market', is that clear enough for you ?
are you going to answer or not ?


Well-known member
Feb 8, 2008
I have just read that and most of what he states is absurd. This is laughable.

"This country has long needed a thoroughgoing conversation about immigration that could raise the debate among the general public. The fact that we have yet to have one is not because the left is unprepared or unwilling to engage, but because the right has proved itself incapable of contributing anything to that discussion that is intelligent, honest or informed"

It is because every time on question time for example the moment that anyone mentions immigration control they are always shouted down by the most left wing person on the panel and the audience as being a racist that sensible (and necessary) immigration control policies are never discussed.

Brown's reaction yesterday to the Gran whom brought up immigration is a prime example of what I state in this.

He called her a bigot and pretty much most of the pundits think he called her that because of her views on the influx of Eastern Europeans.

When are Brown and the left in particular ever going to realise this is a massive issue (possibly the biggest) in some communities and to acuse someone of being a bigot or being racist when all they are really trying to do is to point out is that with the huge influx of people coming into their communities from outside causes a massive strain on hospitals/schools/jobs/housing etc. etc. Until the left have a sensible debate with the Tories about this and not shout them down as racist every time they attempt to offer solutions, then decent people in these communities whom are actually not racist at all will be driven to parties like the BNP, because they believe (wrongly in my opinion) only the BNP and not the mainstream parties can offer a solution to their problems.


the right one
Jun 3, 2004
Bridlington Yorkshire
Cov, you've been involved in racist and facist groups for 30 years or so by your own admission. The idea that the likes of Griffin, Darby et al are just an English version of the Scots Nats is laughable.

Dandyman I think you need to check your back issues of Searchlight. I think it was 2004 when Griffin tried to admit ethnics into the BNP. I could trawl the internet to find the e-mails relating to this if I had the time. It might be laughable but its true.

Oh Have I also mentioned my membership of the Green Party and Revolutionary Communist Party :lol:

Gwylan the BNP support the idea of national parliaments for all those within the UK. Of course I see that Wales has a distinct culture, language etc. I also support Independence for the Basque, Catalans, Flemish etc. Small is beautiful


Broad Blue & White stripe
Jul 5, 2003
Once a Townie always a Townie !

Brown's reaction yesterday to the Gran whom brought up immigration is a prime example of what I state in this.

He called her a bigot and pretty much most of the pundits think he called her that because of her views on the influx of Eastern Europeans.

When are Brown and the left in particular ever going to realise this is a massive issue (possibly the biggest) in some communities and to acuse someone of being a bigot or being racist when all they are really trying to do is to point out is that with the huge influx of people coming into their communities from outside causes a massive strain on hospitals/schools/jobs/housing etc. etc. Until the left have a sensible debate with the Tories about this and not shout them down as racist every time they attempt to offer solutions, then decent people in these communities whom are actually not racist at all will be driven to parties like the BNP, because they believe (wrongly in my opinion) only the BNP and not the mainstream parties can offer a solution to their problems.

Fair comment.

When people from south London come down and adapt to the local communities that is OK, even if they have allegiances, but when they start throwing their weight around (bullying), I just don't want to know and they can go back to where they came from and stop pinching our jobs and housing. Then they feel got at and form their own cliches and start getting stroppy.

So the politicians should stop authorising houses for Londoners when there are not enough jobs to go around. I don't like them and it is nothing to do with being racist. Some people you like, most are OK, and some people I just plain dislike! And that includes the BNP.
Last edited:


Moulding Generation Z
Jul 19, 2005
I think this is one of the problems - the definition of nationalist/racist/patriot seems to blur these days. Being proud of your country and heritage does not make you a racist. Being keen to preserve your culture and traditions should also not make you are racist. Wishing harm on other people because they are of a different race to you - yep, racist. But wishing harm on people who are arseholes but just happen to be a different race to you should not make you racist. I would class myself as a nationalist but not a racist and I would class myself as a patriot. I don't want to see this country destroyed by unchecked immigration, but I can't see the problem in allowing people in who bring something positive to us. If they choose to come here then I am more than happy to meet a middle ground with them regarding their own beliefs - if they can't do that, then they have the choice to leave. Immigration and emigration is something that should be encouraged when it brings benefits to all concerned, and there is also a place for providing safe haven to those who are escaping from problems in other countries, but the methods that are used to control this should be more stringent.

I have just left the NASUWT because they have foisted some thinly disguised Labour propaganda through my front door, and they dedicate a whole page to how much they hate the BNP. Whilst I would not consider voting for them, I object to being told by what should be a politically-neutral union how to think and how to vote. Marginalising the BNP on a hate-platform is dangerous because it does draw people to them - they should be openly discussed, their manifesto and policies should be openly discussed and people need to get above the simple issues of immigration. We all KNOW what they want, focus on the other elements of their manifesto - and the major parties should stop this pathetic name calling and actually address the issues that potential BNP voters are concerned about. Calling old ladies "bigots" is not the way ahead!

The Spanish

Well-known member
Aug 12, 2008
I think this is one of the problems - the definition of nationalist/racist/patriot seems to blur these days. Being proud of your country and heritage does not make you a racist. Being keen to preserve your culture and traditions should also not make you are racist. Wishing harm on other people because they are of a different race to you - yep, racist. But wishing harm on people who are arseholes but just happen to be a different race to you should not make you racist. I would class myself as a nationalist but not a racist and I would class myself as a patriot. I don't want to see this country destroyed by unchecked immigration, but I can't see the problem in allowing people in who bring something positive to us. If they choose to come here then I am more than happy to meet a middle ground with them regarding their own beliefs - if they can't do that, then they have the choice to leave. Immigration and emigration is something that should be encouraged when it brings benefits to all concerned, and there is also a place for providing safe haven to those who are escaping from problems in other countries, but the methods that are used to control this should be more stringent.

I have just left the NASUWT because they have foisted some thinly disguised Labour propaganda through my front door, and they dedicate a whole page to how much they hate the BNP. Whilst I would not consider voting for them, I object to being told by what should be a politically-neutral union how to think and how to vote. Marginalising the BNP on a hate-platform is dangerous because it does draw people to them - they should be openly discussed, their manifesto and policies should be openly discussed and people need to get above the simple issues of immigration. We all KNOW what they want, focus on the other elements of their manifesto - and the major parties should stop this pathetic name calling and actually address the issues that potential BNP voters are concerned about. Calling old ladies "bigots" is not the way ahead!

excellent post.


Well-known member
Feb 8, 2008
I think this is one of the problems - the definition of nationalist/racist/patriot seems to blur these days. Being proud of your country and heritage does not make you a racist. Being keen to preserve your culture and traditions should also not make you are racist. Wishing harm on other people because they are of a different race to you - yep, racist. But wishing harm on people who are arseholes but just happen to be a different race to you should not make you racist. I would class myself as a nationalist but not a racist and I would class myself as a patriot. I don't want to see this country destroyed by unchecked immigration, but I can't see the problem in allowing people in who bring something positive to us. If they choose to come here then I am more than happy to meet a middle ground with them regarding their own beliefs - if they can't do that, then they have the choice to leave. Immigration and emigration is something that should be encouraged when it brings benefits to all concerned, and there is also a place for providing safe haven to those who are escaping from problems in other countries, but the methods that are used to control this should be more stringent.

I have just left the NASUWT because they have foisted some thinly disguised Labour propaganda through my front door, and they dedicate a whole page to how much they hate the BNP. Whilst I would not consider voting for them, I object to being told by what should be a politically-neutral union how to think and how to vote. Marginalising the BNP on a hate-platform is dangerous because it does draw people to them - they should be openly discussed, their manifesto and policies should be openly discussed and people need to get above the simple issues of immigration. We all KNOW what they want, focus on the other elements of their manifesto - and the major parties should stop this pathetic name calling and actually address the issues that potential BNP voters are concerned about. Calling old ladies "bigots" is not the way ahead!

I agree with what you say in that the BNP are a joke and the more time that Griffin get's exposed on question time etc. twisting and turning about holocaust denial and such like the better, he makes himself and the BNP look fools, the BNP are racist through and through, however, a lot of the people whom vote BNP are not racist they are just looking for someone to give them answers to the problems they face in every day life (that is why they will do better and better until the mainstream parties do something).

The Tories have tried to offer answers but they get shouted down by the left as being racists every time they propose anything. The left are just hopeless and bury their head in the sands about this even being a problem (I mean Ming Campbell likes curry's so that this therefore must mean that everythings fine concerning UK immigration!) and accuse anyone moderate whom tries to come up with an answer as being a racist.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
Gwylan the BNP support the idea of national parliaments for all those within the UK. Of course I see that Wales has a distinct culture, language etc. I also support Independence for the Basque, Catalans, Flemish etc. Small is beautiful

You miss my point. I was saying that there wasn't a distinct culture in Wales but at least three of them. You could make the same claim in England BTW, the Geordie and the Cornishman have little in common when it comes to dialect/language, ethnic stock and culture.

You were talking about support for culture and national identities but where do you draw the line?


the right one
Jun 3, 2004
Bridlington Yorkshire
You miss my point. I was saying that there wasn't a distinct culture in Wales but at least three of them. You could make the same claim in England BTW, the Geordie and the Cornishman have little in common when it comes to dialect/language, ethnic stock and culture.

You were talking about support for culture and national identities but where do you draw the line?

You could ask these people Wessex Regionalists

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