Moulding Generation Z
Dougal said:Q8 on a27 out of Wtg was pretty rammed this am and stations along A27 heading west the same story. Fukctards the lot of them. People are ridiculous.......years of tory government "I'm alright Jack" is to blame
Blame it on a Labour government that takes over 65% of what you pay at the pump in duty. Blame it on a government which employs a man who actively uses two gas guzzling vehicles to take his wife 40 yards down the road so that her lacquer-armoured hair doesn't move in the wind. Take a close look at a government which signs up to a Kyoto treaty then doesn't actually encourage road users not to use their cars because they like taking the money out of your pocket. Blame a government that knows that people are as attached to their cars as they are to their genitals - and most of them would rather give up their genitals than their cars.
Blame it on people who are too stupid to realise that they have been manipulated into being part of a news story about panic buying. People are sheep, no matter what government you have in power, and if they think that they will be unable to use their nice shiny cars on the roads if they don't have an overflowing tank of petrol, they will sit in a car with the engine running for an hour. They will also take their jetskis with them to fill them as well, tossers!
Don't forget to buy in food and bottled water because the superstores won't have stuff delivered. Get some candles in, just in case the power goes. In fact, nip out and get a generator, then you can put petrol in that as well.