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  1. highflyer

    NZ shame on you!

    Not sure that's true though. The article simply draws on antibody studies and concludes not enough antibody immunity (@around 20%) to achieve herd immunity. But there are other forms of immunity that won't be detected, and the numbers and evidence for Sweden being in a good position (even if not...
  2. highflyer

    [News] The Coronavirus Good News thread

    In my head, these would be deployed to be used by health workers, care workers and possibly teachers, where potential for spread is greatest and thus speed of result is critical. That then takes the pressure off the rest of the system to be used by the likes of me, who can afford to sit indoors...
  3. highflyer

    It's time to start living like free people.

    Understood. Not easy. If it were my call (and it isn't) I'd make it clear that there is a line to be crossed, and, while ultimately it can never be completely objective, that line sits somewhere around the point of repeating anti-vaccination misinformation. The mods can collectively take a...
  4. highflyer

    It's time to start living like free people.

    There are difficult choices ahead to be made, as there have been throughout the pandemic with no easy paths to take (made worse by the government being utterly woeful at every stage of the way). So there is plenty room for debate and discussion, and for different opinions. I am all for that. My...
  5. highflyer

    Main Coronavirus / Covid-19 Discussion Thread

    Yup, I am in regular contact with a number of people in Australia, including one in lockdown in Melbourne. Obviously that's not easy, but generally I don't get any sense that people are about to rise up, or feel that the plot is being lost. There's anger over how badly the care home...
  6. highflyer

    [Other Sport] Tour de France 2020

  7. highflyer

    Main Coronavirus / Covid-19 Discussion Thread

    I really hope this is true. And it may be. But I don't think that you can draw the conclusion that it is 'fizziling out'. YET. Cases only really started picking up significantly from the end of August. Before that the rise was relatively gradual and could be mainly accounted for by increased...
  8. highflyer

    Main Coronavirus / Covid-19 Discussion Thread

    As so often the case, a level of analysis and insight from Private Eye that has all but disappeared across our media. Utterly utterly damning. But 99.9% of people won't get past the first few lines because it requires a bit of effort to read and absorb and we've lost the knack.
  9. highflyer

    [Football] Gary Lineker BBC pay cut.

    'Trained' marxists don't you know. Though quite what they are 'trained' on, I am not sure. I assume the materialist conception of history mainly, but possible the theory of surplus value might come in handy when pulling down statues and organizing silent vigils.
  10. highflyer

    [News] Climate change: Tax frequent fliers and get rid of SUVs, + California on fire.

    I kept going. You did the right thing. My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare The lone and level sands stretch far away.
  11. highflyer

    [Albion] Solly March Tonight

    Solid 7's on a regular basis, with the obvious potential to hit 8's and 9's. In the premier league. Not too bad for a local boy come up from non-league, and no wonder there is interest in him from other teams. There is one glaring area we need to strengthen. And it isn't LWB.
  12. highflyer

    [News] Climate change: Tax frequent fliers and get rid of SUVs, + California on fire.

    As above. When the status quo suits you very well, it's very easy to let yourself believe that there is no other way to arrange things. And there is nothing, NOTHING, that a politician hates more than having to take a decision that some people won't like. Whatever they may say, for 90% of...
  13. highflyer

    [News] Climate change: Tax frequent fliers and get rid of SUVs, + California on fire.

    Ha. Nope. Sorry. Not a billionare. Definitely not. Very very rich in global terms yes. But relatively poor within my immediate neigbourhood. You don't have to go as far as Presidents and Oligarchs though. Those pulling the strings of power are often closer to home (especially living in the...
  14. highflyer

    [News] Climate change: Tax frequent fliers and get rid of SUVs, + California on fire.

    I always struggle to imagine the conversation behind closed doors in number 10 somewhere: 'So, who should we be modelling our society on in future'? 'Well, The Nordic countries and New Zealand generally seem to do fairly well at most things that matter to people. Maybe we should try and learn...
  15. highflyer

    [News] Climate change: Tax frequent fliers and get rid of SUVs, + California on fire.

    Not me. They see me as 'one of them', as I have lived amongst them and studied their ways. They are wrong though.
  16. highflyer

    [Albion] So we all know there's a striker incoming - Who ?

    1. Injuries. 2. 'something different' Up to a point I agree though. I won't get TOO upset if we end up with what we have, but it feels risky, so I suspect that won't happen.
  17. highflyer

    [News] Climate change: Tax frequent fliers and get rid of SUVs, + California on fire. Never been a better, or more important time to act. We can help re-stimulate the economy and reduce future danger of both climate chnage and pandemics. We probably won't for one simple reason. Our government is in the hands of people that value their...
  18. highflyer

    [Albion] Football Season Eve

    Hmm, well I thought I was looking forward to it, but hadn't realised we don't play against Monday until I read this thread, so clearly not all that much. Normally I'd be well up for the first home game of the season. Still, it'll be nice to have it back in whatever form and have something to...
  19. highflyer

    Main Coronavirus / Covid-19 Discussion Thread

    Please do correct me on this - I would love to be wrong. But I have been assuming there will be a significantly longer lag between an initial rise in positive tests and rise in deaths this time, for two main reasons: 1. Most transmission initially (last few weeks) has been between younger...

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