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  1. highflyer

    [Politics] Dawn Butler MP

    Not sure it's revisionist, when we know considerably more about what was going on and what evidence was, or was not, available than we did at the time. I was against the Iraq war at the time but am considerably more critical of the decisions that were taken now that I know more of the reasons...
  2. highflyer

    [Politics] Dawn Butler MP

    Probably more than 150,000 people have died as a result of the conflict in Iraq That doesn't take account of the wider instability and ripple effects of the conflict across the world. But of course it also doesn't deal with the unknown's of what would have...
  3. highflyer

    [Politics] Dawn Butler MP

    I'm not sure that's true. While he did still get away with it, at the time a lot of people cared a lot. Blairs reputation was certainly affected, for ever, amongst his (previous) support base. What we've had since (and yes, probably before) has a been a process of boiling a frog as we become...
  4. highflyer

    [Politics] Dawn Butler MP

    True. I'd argue not quite as blatently (the dodgy dossier was an amaterish botch job, but at least a vague attempt to look like he wasn't lying) but I sometimes wonder if Cummings drew some of his tactical approach from watching how Blair got away with things. A combination of lies and charm...
  5. highflyer

    [Politics] Dawn Butler MP

    A nobody on the internet patronizingly telling a highly successful politician of many years standing what she 'needs to learn' You sound ridiculous. Anyway, my view is that Johnson was found to have deliberatelly lied, by the highest court in the country to the Commons, to the Citizens of the...
  6. highflyer

    [Football] West Ham takeover

    To be fair (to me), I was only providing a translation of the statement, not confirming it's veracity! I know naff all about West Ham, and their finances. And intend to keep it that way.
  7. highflyer

    [Football] West Ham takeover

    Using google translate: 'they spent a sh*tload of dosh converting a very good athletics stadium into a terrible football stadium and that's money they won't see again'
  8. highflyer

    [News] Jeff Bezos' rocket.

    You got a thumbs up from me for that sentance alone. The rest was great too though.
  9. highflyer

    [Albion] Covid Passports *may* allow return to full Premier League crowds

    That principle is going to blow a few minds on here.
  10. highflyer

    [Albion] Covid Passports *may* allow return to full Premier League crowds

    A pandemic. Surprised you hadn't noticed tbh
  11. highflyer

    Is this what taking back control looks like?

    Good effort but it really doesn't does it? As I suspect you are aware!
  12. highflyer

    Is this what taking back control looks like?

    No refugees are likely to be landing on the shores of Kent, unless they are on a ferry and coming through our (controlled) immigration checks like everyone else.
  13. highflyer

    Is this what taking back control looks like?

    I genuinely don't Please clarify. Exactly who are you wanting to round up and send 'back'?
  14. highflyer

    Is this what taking back control looks like?

    We do not have 'uncontrolled immigration'. If you genuinely think that then you have been stupid enough to fall for some very unsubtle propaganda.
  15. highflyer

    Is this what taking back control looks like?

    What, all 'the immigrants'? I may be able to spot a flaw or two in your plan there...
  16. highflyer

    Is this what taking back control looks like?

    Many different reasons (surprisingly to many asylum seekers/refugees/immigrants are not a single homogenous mass but individual people with individual stories, individual circmstances and unique know, like actual 'people') But my understanding is that language will play a part...
  17. highflyer

    [Misc] Will we have another lockdown ?

    Pretty sure this is pointless. But still...
  18. highflyer

    [News] Deadly floods in Germany

    Pedictable responses. But just a few minutes on google will show anyone that is open to the idea the extent to which Corbyn and McDonnell shifted the dial on climate change and the costs and actions involved in dealing wih it...
  19. highflyer

    [News] Deadly floods in Germany

    Change will need to be driven from the top. And the changes required will mean substantial change to our current economic model and will mean challenging the power of corporations and the super rich. As it happens we had an opposition party prepared to step up to that plate and brave enough to...
  20. highflyer

    [Misc] Tadpole advice needed

    Loving this thread Ponds are great. We get millions of tadpoles each spring. Also in the past a lot of toadpoles as well. But not so much this year. But virtually no frogs to show at the end of it. I am sure a few survive and that's all that's needed. If they all turned into baby frogs the...

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