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  1. S

    Lib Dems at it again

    "CRACKS IN THE PAVEMENT" Politics as usual. :smokin: :smokin: :smokin:
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    Lib Dem Conference, Brighton

    The "cracks in the pavement" party must be taught a lesson and be put in its place as the party for political chancers and nohopers. :smokin: :smokin: :smokin:
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    I will never ever vote Labour again

    All governments since 1948 have been compliant to your accusations. Would this not suggest that it has been a conspiracy by the ruling classes and the Civil Service together to ensure a constant supply of cheap labour for this country for nearly the last 60 YEARS. Things are never as clear cut...
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    Norman Baker asks some Questions in Parliament

    Never trust a LIBDEM! :smokin: :smokin: :smokin:
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    Lewes District Council deceive the people - Episode 94

    Never trust a LIBDEM :smokin: :smokin: :smokin:
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    Question For Lord B

    Never trust LibDem Politicians. They never have any bedrock principles, be they left or right, and in most cases they are political chancers who sway in the wind of public opinion. :smokin: :smokin: :smokin:
  7. S

    prescott keeps job as ODPM but loses portfolio

    "Colleagues remember Kelly as an affable but serious and dedicated member of staff. Her Catholic faith was a cornerstone of her life. She went to mass every day; if she could not make it before work she would go to a church in Holborn, central London, at lunchtime." Originally posted by London...
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    Stadium Yes - Lib Dems No

    The anti LIBDEM vote is gathering momentum. :smokin: :smokin: :smokin:
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    Stadium Yes - Lib Dems No

    Agreed. Dump all of these political chancers and nohopers, into the political waste bin, as due punishment for their ongoing campaign to stop the Falmer Project. IN tomorrows local elections do not vote for any LibDem candidate anywhere in the country, and encourage others to do likewise...
  10. S

    Local elections what does this mean?

    Do not vote for the "cracks in the pavement party" in any ward in the whole of the Albion catchment area. Teach the LibDem BASTARDS a lesson in these local elections. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! :smokin: :smokin: :smokin:
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    John Prescott - Street Fighting Man

    More genuine than the new cocaine snorting heiracy of the "new green Tory Party" :smokin: :smokin: :smokin:
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    John Prescotts Mind wasn't really on Falmer

    Show's that he is human again! We should trust Prescott more than Blair or even Cameron. :smokin: :smokin: :smokin:
  13. S

    Is It Time For Labour To Just **** Off And...

    Agreed, after two terms "Power Corrupts" but we do not need a so called "Blue/Green nasty politician" such as Cameron to take over. The sooner Gordon Brown assumes the Labour leadership, the better. :smokin: :smokin: :smokin:
  14. S

    Norman Baker, ever the opportunist

    Never TRUST a Libdem Politician Ask the Grave Digger? :smokin: :smokin: :smokin:
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    Is It Time For Labour To Just **** Off And...

    "Whatever happened to the People's Party? Whatever happened to the good guys? What an absolute bunch of scumbags. What a disgrace and a betrayal of the people they were supposed to represent." Quoted by Tom Hark Keep the Faith. Cameron and his arsehole banging Tory Public Schoolboy Mates...
  16. S

    Is It Time For Labour To Just **** Off And...

    Blair went to Public School in Scotland and has alway's put his own career above that of the social public good. He has always been a more natural conservative than a socialist and the sooner he goes as Labour Leader, the better for the country. :smokin: :smokin: :smokin:
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    John Prescotts Mind wasn't really on Falmer

    Young women will always shag older powerful men no mater how ugly they are! Christine Keeler / John Profumo Christine Hamilton / Gerald Nabaro PRINCESS OF WALES / Dodi al Fahed Sara Keays / Cecil Parkinson Antonia de Sancha / David Mellor Margaret Roberts / Dennis Thatcher Elizabeth Windsor /...
  18. S

    Is It Time For Labour To Just **** Off And...

    The Tories would be far worst on all fronts. Blair’s arrogant tendencies are now out of control. The sooner he goes and and a true socialist Government takes over, the better :smokin: :smokin: :smokin:
  19. S

    FAO Lewes District Council / Lib Dem Lurkers

    The "cracks in the pavement" party must be put back in their rightful place. A big march during their conference will gain national television coverage and subsequently concentrate minds. :smokin: :smokin: :smokin:
  20. S

    Office Terminology

    TESTICULATING. Waving your arms around and talking Bollocks. BLAMESTORMING. Sitting around in a group, discussing why a deadline was missed or a project failed, and who was responsible. SEAGULL MANAGER. A manager who flies in, makes a lot of noise, shits oneverything, and then leaves...

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