Goldstone Rapper
Rediffusion PlayerofYear
People who pronounce it 'stationery' when they mean 'stationary,' and vice versa.
Free instead of Three
Fink instead of Think
The need to use the work 'BASICALLY'
I can't make my mouth sound different between free and three, and fink and think. Thor and four cause a problem also. No matter how hard I try I really can't do it. I blame growing up in a pub.
the misuse of the word oblivious. He was oblivious to the problems in Syria - used on Radio 4 this morning.
It means to have forgotten, it is used in place of the word ignorant.
Everytime I hear it I literally want to know - literally into a ball of flames or somethink
I enjoy people accidentally using mixed metaphors. Bloke in the office used to do it all the time: "keep that under your chest" or "keep that close to your hat" being the examples that come to mind. It was then pointed out ot me that I often say "your treading on thin ground" a lot. Oh dear.
Arksed instead of asked
This!!! My old boss couldn't go an hour without coming out with a mixed metaphor - the main one being "dont cut your nose off to spite your throat?!" what the hell does that mean?!
Americans who cannot say the word "aluminium".
Theres hundreds of them here. The number of times ive heard ..Any Americanism gets on my nerves.
Americans who cannot say the word "aluminium".