NSC's Most Stalked
you people you havent seen in a while say "I saw the Brighton result the other week and it made me think of you"
You haven't driven down the section of Old Shoreham Road between Goldstone Crescent and Sackville Road in 11 years 4 months and 15 days.
Every suit or casual jacket and coat you own and wear whether at work, rest or play has a small discrete seagulls badge on it to show your allegiance
you people you havent seen in a while say "I saw the Brighton result the other week and it made me think of you"
When you depart a night club early leaving a nice looking bird behind because you wanted to get home and go into Northstandchat even though you can't hear the game but you hope the guys in the chat room can keep you updated.
...even when you know there's nothing on you to implicate yourself, your antenna goes to full alert, and you still feel dirty and uncomfortable stopping at East Croydon on the train.