' A merry jingle'' by the Greedies a combination of parts of the Sex Pistols and Thin Lizzy. Truely so terrible I dare not post a link. Even if I knew how toGoogle at your peril.
Enjoy, a great addition to Christmas Songs
' A merry jingle'' by the Greedies a combination of parts of the Sex Pistols and Thin Lizzy. Truely so terrible I dare not post a link. Even if I knew how toGoogle at your peril.
"A Merry Jingle'' by The Greedies. Truly so terrible I dare not post a link.
Well Pearl, in a previous thread regarding winter cheer up songs we disagreed about a certain R.E.M. song too. It seems we like the same bands but, while I have high expectations , you are content to dine from the plate of dross...
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Got to be The Beatles with Ob-la-di Ob-la-da, hasn't it?
Not when you have ‘A Forest’ in your back catalogue!!
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Not quite in tune with the trhread title though is it?
Unless I missed all his other musical catalogue
Thanks for putting the bloody song in my head though !
It's not. It's really not. Cod reggae at it's very worst.
I think you're missing the point of the thread. The key word is 'respected'.
This one is controversial but I'm going on 'respected' as in established and high-selling.
Robbie Williams. Dominated the early-mid 2000's with HIT after HIT. His success can't be doubted, no matter what you think of him.
And then he released Rudebox