Beach Hut
Brighton Bhuna Boy
Thought Thatcher would be more unpopular than Cameron given one moron decided to write a poem to celebrate her death
Neville Chamberlain has to be up there
Gordon Brown "destroyed the economy"? No big fan of his, but I think there might just have been some other factors that affected the UK's GDP figures.Gordon Brown, destroyed the economy (LOOK at the GDP figures), lied to the country about the Lisbon treaty, Sold off the countries gold reserves for a pittance. Made Blair look vaguely competent.
3 people voted John Major.
I mean honestly, I'm no Tory but what did he do that was so wrong to even have him getting any votes compared to others in this list? Start a massive investment in school infrastructure programme? Instigate a steady and sustained economic recovery? Won a staggering and record breaking 14m votes to win an election? His foresight in ensuring our concessions in the Maastricht Treaty?
Your Brexit comments on the other thread now make perfect sense. I'll just leave it now.All of them apart from Margaret Thatcher...
It's PM bashing, please.Tory bashing only please on this thread!
Always had time for him despite disagreeing with many of his policies.
Compared to the last two PMs. I'd have Blair back like a shot.
Neville Chamberlain has to be up there
Has to be THE one, end. 'I have a piece of paper.........Herr Hitler.......blah blah blah'
Chamberlain - almost ****ed the country through cowardice
I think Chamberlain's getting a bum deal here. It's all very well talking about appeasement being a big mistake but it was a policy that was supported by the vast bulk of the Tory and Labour parties (and the people too, there was no great appetite for war among the population). There were prominent voices against appeasement - Churchill and Michael Foot, for example - but there weren't many.
In fact, when Chamberlain did increase defence spending, as Chancellor, his policy was criticised by Labour as a completely unnecessary policy and a waste of money. You have to remember that the UK was in a parlous financial state in the 30s (thanks in good part to Churchill's disastrous stint as Chancellor) and there was little opportunity to spend money.
He's remembered for the piece of paper but it's Chamberlain we have to thank for paid holidays and for doing much to improve housing.
I think Cameron/May/Camberlian were just Tory fools.King Blair thought he was God,but Thatcher was evil and the damage she did to this country is still be felt today.