Previous seasons after 11 games, since the Championship began:
(2015-16 Brighton 25pts)
2014-15 Norwich 21 promoted via play-offs (3rd)
2013-14 Burnley 26 promoted, runners up
2012-13 Cardiff 22 Champions
2011-12 Southampton 23 promoted, runners up
2010-11 QPR 27 Champions
2009-10 Newcastle 24 Champions
2008-09 Wolves 25 Champions
2007-08 Watford 26 6th
2006-07 Cardiff 26 13th (WTF
2005-06 Sheffield Utd 30 Runners up
2004-05 Reading 22 7th
So 3 teams leading after 11 games in the 11 years of the modern Championship manage to phuque it up... Will we be the fourth?
(2015-16 Brighton 25pts)
2014-15 Norwich 21 promoted via play-offs (3rd)
2013-14 Burnley 26 promoted, runners up
2012-13 Cardiff 22 Champions
2011-12 Southampton 23 promoted, runners up
2010-11 QPR 27 Champions
2009-10 Newcastle 24 Champions
2008-09 Wolves 25 Champions
2007-08 Watford 26 6th
2006-07 Cardiff 26 13th (WTF

2005-06 Sheffield Utd 30 Runners up
2004-05 Reading 22 7th
So 3 teams leading after 11 games in the 11 years of the modern Championship manage to phuque it up... Will we be the fourth?