Well-used member
Quite. Just a trivial point. The best way for me to get to London and back is to buy an ordinary single up, and a 'super off peak return', the latter with an additional saving from my senior rail card. It took a clever person at Faversham station to work that one out for me. Previously when I had asked for the cheapest ticket for rush hour use was simply offered an ordinary return. The difference in price is around £10. If I travel up at just after 10.00 I don't need to buy the ordinary single and save £30. It is possible to buy these tickets from the machine but it requires two transactions and is quite complicated (not obvious when to attempt to apply the concession).
The Trainline phone app can do this for you with its "Splitsave" feature - I can get FAV-VIC return down to £40.40 for specific trains, or £42-43 for several others; is that about what you pay?