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I don't know but if I could I'd give myself a thumbs down - that's how I feel about having to spend £39 on a loo seat!
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£500 excess on my Montego Estate when someone ploughed into the back of me in Uplyme.
I usually pay about £80 or £90 per tyre for a Focus.
Could probably go slightly cheaper, but tyres are one thing I'm really not prepared to skimp on. There's only about twenty square centimetres of rubber per wheel that keep you on the road, so I prefer to give myself the best chance of staying that way.
What a sad tale. Good man for helping her out!2 years ago, the young Zulu lady who works in the shop next door was run over by a drunk driver and left for dead in a ditch. Luckily, someone found her and called an ambulance, She ended up in a coma for 2 weeks and spent 6 weeks in hospital in total and was off work for 6 months on no pay. She has no assets or much money at all, but was presented with a massive ambulance bill upon her discharge, which she obviously had no means to pay (the equivalent of about 2 thousand pounds). Having negotiated with them to pay them back a nominal amount every month, the bailiffs arrived at her house to seize whatever property she had. In a flat panic, she phoned me to ask what she should do. Eventually, I ended up paying her medical bills to get them off her back and prevent the bailiffs from potentially asking for payment by other means. She is now in the process of claiming compensation from the SA road accident fund, but has been told that this will take years and may not result in her getting any money anyway as she is not permanently disabled. So that was all rather depressing but sadly a reality for the poor in this country. Gratifying though that I was able to help her get her life back into some semblance of order.
2 years ago, the young Zulu lady who works in the shop next door was run over by a drunk driver and left for dead in a ditch. Luckily, someone found her and called an ambulance, She ended up in a coma for 2 weeks and spent 6 weeks in hospital in total and was off work for 6 months on no pay. She has no assets or much money at all, but was presented with a massive ambulance bill upon her discharge, which she obviously had no means to pay (the equivalent of about 2 thousand pounds). Having negotiated with them to pay them back a nominal amount every month, the bailiffs arrived at her house to seize whatever property she had. In a flat panic, she phoned me to ask what she should do. Eventually, I ended up paying her medical bills to get them off her back and prevent the bailiffs from potentially asking for payment by other means. She is now in the process of claiming compensation from the SA road accident fund, but has been told that this will take years and may not result in her getting any money anyway as she is not permanently disabled. So that was all rather depressing but sadly a reality for the poor in this country. Gratifying though that I was able to help her get her life back into some semblance of order.
A while ago, I was told that my BMW has a flywheel problem. Remarkably it was just a few months out of warrant. I had only done 40k miles. Chandlers said it would need replacing, but it's actually a dual flywheel..oh and also Sir, we have to replace a perfectly working clutch...£1,800 BOOM! BMW knew there is an issue with series 1 and flywheels but wouldn't contribute to its repair...feckers!
15K on IVF - didnt work.
I think you win. That really IS a depressing, outlay.
Wow, I got the same job done for £550 all in by a mobile mechanic. Next time you need work done on your BMW give me a shout.
Perished tyres? Were they Michelins?
But this isn't an issue now with European tyre labelling and online reviews.
Nowhere on the labels is there a field for how long they last before becoming gripless balls of crud; nor very much at all really - wet performance (when brand new), noise and fuel consumption isn't enough to form an opinion on if they're crap.
Today, I spent £25 on a new Sky remote control.
The old one was shite. You had to MASH the 'select' button in for it to function. The 'Up'button was pretty much a writeoff, and I had to have long, rhythmic, borderline erotic persuasions of the red R button in order for it to eventually consider whether or not to accept my desires to actually record something a bit later.
Twenty-five nicker on something that is expensive, needed, but dull. Its up there with new tyres on the motor - that could've gone towards a decent night out.
So whats the CACKEST thing you've had to buy lately, and deeply resented it ?
i dont get this ...if you are renting the sky box and have worn the handset out , surely the ***** would give you a new one...the fact that you have worn it out would indicate that you have been a sky subscriber for 7 or 8 years or that your handset was fuct to start with.....