- May 8, 2018
- 11,415
Burn down the Watford gap and it no longer exists?
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I don't disagree with what you say but it still comes down to stupidity. Firstly believing the lies pedaled prior to the Brexit referendum. Then failing to understand that they were lies when it is clear and obvious to all after the referendum. Then suddenly forgetting that it was Johnson and his cronies that were voting down Brexit deals that were better than those Johnson is pedaling. Even allowing for them to forget who it was that decimated their communities and future in the first place it is bloody stupid to lash out at themselves and support those that abuse them.
A Scunthorpe man on tv the other night said the town has died, shops are closing, firms going bust, so, he was voting for a change, and that’s why he voted Conservative.
There’s also a good chance that the steel works will shut down.
As an aside to the thread I do find it amusing that within hours of the Tories stuffing Labour in the election the Socialist Workers and their kin were hard at it. Hundreds marching down Whitehall with banners and placards urging “Defy the Tories”. Did they know something we didn’t? I mean, to produce those placards, banners, posters et al, must have taken some doing bearing in mind the result was only announced shortly before their protest. Perhaps they were made well before polling day in anticipation of such an event? Either way, we’ll done boys and girls, you got your sour grapes moment of fun. Now what a waste it would have been if Jezza had triumphed instead.![]()
Not Parliament. Move Whitehall, or a big chunk of it - put three major ministries in the midlands and north (thus helping three areas, not just one). Home Office, Foreign Office and Department of Health would do. Give the respective ministers a small office in London (maximum staff of 12 - including office cleaners, no contractors), Install lots of tele-conferencing facilities, and of course give the minister and his chief aid a rail pass between London and his/her main office in Bolsover, Rochdale, Middlesbrough, wherever.
A Scunthorpe man on tv the other night said the town has died, shops are closing, firms going bust, so, he was voting for a change, and that’s why he voted Conservative.
Many of the elected representatives have made an informed choice on how to proceed with Brexit when they realised the whole scheme is a recipe for disaster, even the pro Brexit Tory government admitted that the country WILL BE worse off financially whatever the severity of the break from Europe. Every subsequent debate has revealed further difficulties, costs and insoluble problems. There is no Magic Brexit Tree.
I like principled people so I like Corbyn. A vote for Corbyn wouldn't be stupid but many think I'm stupid for wanting him in. It is also probably true to say that he was wrong to try and apply principles to politics, it made him unelectable.So what would have been a vote that wasn’t “stupid”?
Yes, really. Should have been done years ago. And perhaps you didn't read, or didn't understand, the bit about them having an office in London for them to flit in and out of? Or is it the idea of being able to contact offices 'oop north' instantly from London that confuses you?Really! How many times do ministers flit in and out of their offices and into parliament. If one bit goes then it all has to go. That is why the idea is ludicrous. The cost would be horrendous at a time when our economy is about to take a downturn due to Brexit.
Well of course you do. This thread has become a remainers love-in and mutual condolence society - all those thick, stupid people ruining your lives/the country/your weekend. Just a shame all those intellectually superior remainers weren't clever enough to put forward a case that would convince the rest of the country, eh?Have to agree with the comments of Horses Arse.
Are you being facetious? BJ went to rub Labours noses in it. Not to thank anyone. Honestly, I don’t know where to begin - how gullible can you be? He’s a proven serial liar. Why are so many taken in by his ‘personality’
Perhaps they should have made that clear to their constituents then. All their constituents saw were people not doing what they asked them to do. That is usually a good way to lose their trust and so it proved.
Let those in the north suffer the consequences of their stupidity. It is the only way.
Let's go all biblical with the reap what you shall sow etc etc.
The tories need to focus on closing the skills gap in the North. Focus on the essentials, I would suggest starting with grouse beaters and then move on to other serving roles.
Ahh, reassuring that the wit and repartee of the lost is still on its arse.The second part of your username is so very apt.
The second part of your username is so very apt.
There’s been 10 years of a Tory government. Voting for another 5 years of Tory government isn’t change. Which backs up [MENTION=2378]Horses Arse[/MENTION] belief they’re a bit stupid.
Are you being facetious? BJ went to rub Labours noses in it. Not to thank anyone. Honestly, I don’t know where to begin - how gullible can you be? He’s a proven serial liar. Why are so many taken in by his ‘personality’
Yep. It is completely ludicrous.
Whilst I don't agree at all with the mentality, I can understand those with money voting for those that will help them keep more; even if that is at the expense of those less fortunate. The dog eat dog philosophy of old that I'd hoped we would leave behind. I can also understand hate-filled racist intolerant biggots and the old empire types voting for Johnson, the cap certainly fits.
But shat upon northern outposts voting on mass for their abuser in chief is mind numbingly stupid. What utter bellends
My heart bleeds for those that have sense but are in the minority as they will suffer alongside the stupid. Meanwhile I'll be financially better off but increasingly sad at the state of the population I live among. Very very depressing.