One of my biggest regrets (musically), was that I just didn't 'Get' Jimi Hendrix back in 1967, no idea why. I should've loved his loud expressive style, but somehow he just didn't appear on my radar. It took me years to finally appreciate just how good he was. Luckily fantastic clips like this were recorded for prosperity, no special effects just raw explosive genius, brilliant.
Honestly, maybe it’s just because I’m a walking ball of depression but this album has been on pretty bloody heavy rotation. Absolutely obsessed with Berwyn!
I follow an Aussie bloke on YouTube who has been discovering U.K Hip-Hop and reacting to it. He did a livestream a few weeks ago where I requested some Berwyn and his reaction pretty much mirrors mine when I first stumbled across him. (I know [MENTION=37421]daveinplzen[/MENTION] likes a good reaction and I haven’t see him post in a while - hope he’s okay). Such a f*cking incredible talent