Or konnie huq ?
Wise words as always Bushy, wise words indeed.
Or konnie huq ?
Sigh - There is a world of difference between not caring and agreeing with you and bushy.
Under your planned economy cohesion will come from forcibly moving out a large portion of the population and forcibly moving in a swathe of non-Londoners like myself to create a new social experimental city. Who exactly is going to benefit from this grand vision ?
perhaps if we hadnt had the last 15 years insanity then we wouldnt be at this point now. yes its frustrating el pres but this is not unique to the UK by a long chalk.
made me laugh !It seems you either agree with The Spanish's and Bushy's take on things wholeheartedly or you are completely disregarded. This I could live with if they weren't so wide of the mark and unwilling to see it. The fact that Bushy bangs on about people not living in London when he lives in one of Sussex's leafiest little conurbations is all you really need to know. I believe his profession would pretty much rule hiom put of being included as London's everyman. A city worker who lives in Haywards Heath, hardly down there with the common man. Spanish doesn't even display a sense of humour or curiosity about things that are brought to his attention. A pair of wallys. I haven't used that expression since I was 12 but it suits.
made me laugh !
in fairness shoreham beach has seen plenty of migrants, mainly the utterly vacuous london trendies. been good for the economy though so cant knock em. used to be an utter backwater! see migration does bring a shot in the arm.
As soon as you used this expression, I ceased to take you seriously, did you learn your vocabulary from watching Back to the Future or something?The majority are happy, and the minority are pissed.
I wouldnt want to argue with a lot of your post , apart from the smug, self satisfied part about people " choosing" where they live , a lot of the white working class in london dont have a choice about where they live , and it grates for people like you to smugly extol the virtues of unchecked immigration and multiculturalism whilst its not your local health trust spending millions on fighting tb and a multitude of other problems amongst 3rd world imnmigrants adversely affecting other areas, its not your kids who are in a minority of 20 % in the classroom, its not your family that sees social housing go to " asylum seekers " and " high priority" immigrants , i.e families with kids, is it ?
Well I was bought up on the tough streets of Saltdean
The question was about protestants burning catholic communities.....you said it was being done by both sides...i gave you examples in 1966/1967 and asked you to show me evidence of catholics burning out out protestants at the same time...ill concede there has been a cross of communication here...however the main point of this, is that the protestants started the shit.... were the British troops sent to NI to protect the Protestant community?
no i am just going to move 20 000 nigerians to shoreham beach
I'm not surprised to see you using the same hackneyed arguments that have proved to be so worthless in the past, can you explain EXACTLY how my comments on education are empty rhetoric ? seriously , i'd be extremely interested as to how a failing school in an area with low immigration excuses the fact that there are schools in london where 70 % of pupils speak english as a second language thus holding back the english kids , seriously, explain how you connect the two ? You also state " No I can't say my family have lost out on social housing to immigrants and asylum seekers " , well mine have , and it illustrates perfectly the smug, couldnt give a f*** but i'll express a pc view to look good attitude that so many of you who never have their convictions tested have , and for your guide , i help my family out financially,as the one bedroom , housing trust flat that would suit my 50 year old divorced cousin is currently occupied by an asylum seeker from the congo, who is so in fear of his life that he went back there for a holiday 3 times in 2010, never mind though, at least it means your firm get their offices cleaned a little cheaper.There were roughly 9,000 cases of TB in the UK in 2010, of which two thirds were believed to have originated outside of the UK. Treatment takes 6-9 months, provided that the drug treatment is followed correctly. This is a particularly nasty disease, but from a cost perspective I doubt it is in the top 10 areas for any health authority.
Your comments on education and social housing are no more than empty rhetoric. There are plenty of failing schools that have low numbers of immigrants, maybe I should transfer my kids from under performing school to under performing school to satisfy your warped sense of social justice. Trust me it won't make things any better.
No I can't say my family have lost out on social housing to immigrants and asylum seekers. Maybe I should care more. Maybe you could share with us what you have done to help these victims ?
He has pretty much dismantled your arguments extremely clinically, and been quite amusing some of the time, leaving you to make such coherent, devastating , game ending arguments like " says a lot more about you than it does me ", thats really stopped him in his tracks eh ?Says a lot more about you than it does about me - if you feel that somehow you can't talk like this because it isn't "politically correct" let me assure you the main issue is that you are just spouting bollocks and can't manage a coherent argument.
I'm not surprised to see you using the same hackneyed arguments that have proved to be so worthless in the past, can you explain EXACTLY how my comments on education are empty rhetoric ? seriously , i'd be extremely interested as to how a failing school in an area with low immigration excuses the fact that there are schools in london where 70 % of pupils speak english as a second language thus holding back the english kids , seriously, explain how you connect the two ? You also state " No I can't say my family have lost out on social housing to immigrants and asylum seekers " , well mine have , and it illustrates perfectly the smug, couldnt give a f*** but i'll express a pc view to look good attitude that so many of you who never have their convictions tested have , and for your guide , i help my family out financially,as the one bedroom , housing trust flat that would suit my 50 year old divorced cousin is currently occupied by an asylum seeker from the congo, who is so in fear of his life that he went back there for a holiday 3 times in 2010, never mind though, at least it means your firm get their offices cleaned a little cheaper.
You prize cvnt , are you really as dim as this post suggests ? I lived on a peabody estate in london, some of which is rented on the open market, the flat below , which wasnt, was occupied by an asylum seeker from congo, who cheerfully asked me to keep an eye on his flat when he f***ed off back on holiday to the place from which he fled in such abject terror, i used him and my cousin , as an example to illustrate the unfairness of the situation, perpetuated by do gooding, say the right thing pricks like you, even without me explaining all of this , did you honestly not realise ? If so i doubt you're able to dress yourself in the morning without help, and for your information , my cousin has a job, nowhere did i state that he didnt, perhaps the fact you tried to suggest he didnt alludes to your prejudices against the white working class, something you wouldnt ever dare to say about a "gentleman" from the congo.Seriously I am almost in tears now. How did you 50 year old divorced cousin identify this one flat from all of the housing trust stock ?
Why when he is able to successfully track the whereabouts of a gentleman from the Congo, is he not able to sort himself out with work and housing. You really are a prize bullshitter.