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This Is Spinal Tap
Pulp Fiction
Clerks I
Clerks II
After Hours
Pulp Fiction
Clerks I
Clerks II
After Hours
I say ever seen, and not just "ever", because no one has seen every single film ever made so therefore can make that judgement.
So far in my film watching career, my favourite film has to be Forrest Gump. An all time classic, a beautiful story told in a fascinating, hilarious and brilliant manour. Films that are up there with it in my eyes are:
Shutter Island
The Green Mile
Die Hard (The first one abviously, the rest were dog shit)
Shawshank Redemption
12 Angry Men
The Usual Suspects
Django Unchained
That's just to name a few of my sloppy seconds, it was hard to pick my favourite, but having a bit of a think about it, Forrest Gump is one of the only films I'm happy to watch over and over, and still enjoy it every time, not many films can do that to me, in fact it's probably the only one.
IMBD says Shawshank Redmption is the best film of all time, bitch please, it's up there I admit that but not number one?!![]()
hahahhahaha Forrest Gump??!! that pile of right wing saccharine horsesh1t that beat Pulp Fiction to the oscar??!!
honestly unless you are some kind of patriotic yank find it hard to understand how you can like it
oh and the 'best' film ever i.e. my fav is Life of Brian
Withnail & I
Star Wars
The Amazing Mr Blunden
The Time Machine (original)
One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest
Dam Busters
The Exorcist
Midnight Express
Life Of Brian
Couldn't choose a favourite too many !
If you like those films which mess with your head then i recommend Memento and The Game as two lesser known ones.