Well-known member
Simster said:What a magnificent thread - it's got it all. Everything from agency whinges (I dislike agents as well I'm afraid) to bhaexpress losing his sad old rag as usual with the usual tirade of abuse he wouldn't dare say in public. What an absolute gimp.
I can't say I'm a fan of agencies in general, but in your defence, I can say that among recruitment agents I have come across a massive variation in the quality of service. Most of them are terrible. They bother you with ill-suiting jobs, they don't usually know what they're trying to sell (i.e. what the requirements actually mean), they invariably submit your CV but don't bother contacting you if your CV has been rejected by their client. By and large, recruitment agents offer a shit service in my experience. And to prove the point, I've been with the same agent for a decade - not because I am biased towards them, it's just that they do seem to get the job done ahead of most of the other agencies! Ergo, most other agencies can't compete because they're crap!
To be honest, why should I have respect for any service industry that isn't properly regulated? And why, 3 years down the line, do they still get paid 8% of my rate by my employer? As an agent, what possible value are you adding to justify that? In fact, all you do is add another layer of risk to me not being paid!
Lunch over, so I will have to come back to you on most of that this evening (I WILL NOT FLOUNCE!!!!). What you have made though is a very valid point - market forces dictate that the crap consultants will lose their jobs and the bad agencies will go out of business. Therefore, market forces play a major part in regulating our industry, although other legislation is also having an effect.
The word "most" is very important in what you have said.