Me and my ground ticking friends are visiting FGR in a few weeks time. We’ve gone for the VIP hospitality option with vegan lunch.
From my personal experience the vast majority of vegetarians I know do it for health and/or environmental reasons. The best thing about this approach is it heads of that tiresome “but you’re wearing leather shoes” quip..
To start with I am wearing leather shoes
The planning hasn't been brilliant though ..... World Vegan Day being held in National Sausage Week![]()
Today is World Vegan Day. I'm going to have jacket potato with vegan sausage and chilli beans, how about you?
Are you new to the world?Love how angry it’s makes people
I was at Veg Fest the Brighton Centre last year. It was rather good and some of the food was nice apart from the fake chicken type things and the revolting "cheese". The people were odd with one guy setting himself up as a kind of Messiah figure with people queueing up to touch him and hear his wisdom. Others brought stricken children along and shoved them in front of him looking for vegan cures for their ailments. poor little ********. You can tell by the look on their faces they have been, literally, wheeled along to these fests week in week out. Give them their meds and leave them alone.
Strangely I saw a lot of council estate types there. That surprised me.
Are you new to the world?
Went to Casa Don Carlos. Had kidneys, rabbit, mussels, chicken and sausage. Fairly sure none of it was vegan.
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If you want to be Vegan fine, but why is there a need for a Vegan Day. When is it World Rhubarb Crumble and Custard day?