- Thread starter
- #81
We really don't help ourselves.


I say this crackdown is long overdue. It is about time these non road-tax road users had a measure of control.
Of course it must not be limited to causing death. Dangerous cycling without care and attention should be penalised.
Thankfully the cyclists v motorists mentality is mainly on the internet.
What you mean one like the cycling without due care and attention law that currently exists?
Oh, you mean that one that the police have a policy of ignoring 99% of the time? ......and probably 99% of the remaining 1% aren't prosecuted because it's not in the public interest (which is PR speak for too much trouble/uses too much resources).
Sarcastic but maybe not a bad idea!Maybe that's the answer the Tories are looking for:-
A law needs to be past enforcing law enforcement to act on the current laws.
If car drivers went through red lights, drove on the pavement, weaved in and out of traffic, rarely indicated or used lights, I'm sure they would kill more than 5 people a day.
You may well not do any of these things, but a lot of cyclists do.
And that's speaking as someone who cycles.
Not sarcastic as I mean it, all the holier than thou on here about new laws is a little odd, anyone would think cyclists are above the law.Sarcastic but maybe not a bad idea!
They could deal with cyclists on the pavements then...........................
Sarcastic but maybe not a bad idea!
They could deal with cyclists on the pavements then...........................
Not sarcastic as I mean it, all the holier than thou on here about new laws is a little odd, anyone would think cyclists are above the law.
We're not
Oh, you mean that one that the police have a policy of ignoring 99% of the time? ......and probably 99% of the remaining 1% aren't prosecuted because it's not in the public interest (which is PR speak for too much trouble/uses too much resources).
Fair enough then. I'm serious about removing cyclists from areas which are exclusively designed for pedestrians. As a cyclist myself for over 60 years (although not much these days, I admit) who does not ride on pavements, even at the slow speeds which are all I can manage these days, it stills narks me to see cyclists riding on the pavements. A narkability that increases by a factor of 10 if they've got headphones on and are on their mobile phone!
If you actually hurt someone they dont ignore it.
Along with car drivers that park in cycle lanes and motor cycles that drive in them. While we are at it we could do with a jay walking law by now because of the number of ****wits that just walk without looking with their heads buried in their phones across cycle lanes and across roads.
Interesting point. What exactly is the law about parking in a cycle lane? Take an ordinary street, with no specific parking restrictions, but with a cycle track about a metre or so wide on each side - it could cause absolute chaos if people started parking four feet out from the kerb......or would they then be breaking the law if they did so.
It just goes to show how pathetically inept local authorities are at thinking through the implementation of cycle lanes. They still seem to cling to the idiotic belief that painting a white bicycle on the ground constitutes a good viable cycle lane and solves a problem; it doesn't!
I've got to be honest, as someone that lives in the countryside, cyclists are the bane of my life at weekends. Just yesterday I had 3 incidents of dangerous cycling that I encountered. All were entirely unavoidable and all were reckless with potentially awful consequences if the drivers/walkers hadn't reacted quickly to avoid the stupidity and recklessness of the cyclists.
The overwhelming arrogance of the cycling community, who seem to now believe they own the roads/footpaths/everywhere, needs to stop and harsher penalties for dangerous cycling absolutely do need to be in place.
As neither a cyclist nor a car driver (I'm a life-long pedestrian and public transport pleb), can I just say this has been a delightful thread to read.
Lots of interesting observations, measured arguments, counter-arguments and calmly-presented points of view, and mostly expressed intelligently and with occasional humour or self-deprecation.
If only other topical and political debates could be conducted like this, instead of ending up as bin-fests and slanging matches.
NSC at its best.