What’s your opinion on Chris Smalling and Tammy Abraham? Both were at one point around the England squad but are rarely mentioned these days for the those squads.
Is the currency still rupees?what do you want to know ?
what do you want to know ?
look at the knives they come out with other fans certainly not with you....liverpool....lazio...milan...naturally avoid passing through the areas of Piazza Mancini and Ponte Duca d'AostaHow many of us do you intend to stab? How racist are your police these days? Best place to avoid pick pockets?
sestercesIs the currency still rupees?
Abraham was injured at the end of the 2023 season and has not yet returned.... smalling has recently returned to the team but has not played two great players since September.... we are missingWhat’s your opinion on Chris Smalling and Tammy Abraham? Both were at one point around the England squad but are rarely mentioned these days for the those squads.
He doesn't know you, hate takes timeDo you hate Lazio as much as me ?
China shop destruction is his speciality isn't it?Can Lukaku hit that cow’s arse with his banjo yet?
Da quando Mourinho è stato esonerato circa un mese fa, la ROMA è cambiata completamente, ha ricominciato a giocare a calcio, cosa che non aveva mai fatto con Mourinho, 6 vittorie, 1 pareggio e una sconfitta da quando il grande Danielino è qui. in panchina tutti i giocatori in campo sono rinati e sono attualmente la squadra con il miglior gioco d'Italia insieme all'Inter
Since Mourinho was sacked about a month ago, ROMA has changed completely, they have started playing football again, something they had never done with Mourinho, 6 wins, 1 draw and one defeat since the great Danielino has been here. on the bench all the players on the pitch have been reborn and are currently the team with the best game in Italy together with Inter
You're getting stabbed for the mere suggestion.Is it okay to have pineapple on a pizza?
I use it when we play the cockney teams or LeedsI didn't know you could do that on NSC.![]()
damn, I miss it... a lotDo you miss the Lira? I remember visiting Italy in the 90s and being a millionaire after exchanging a £100![]()
Neither do you, it took no time at allHe doesn't know you, hate takes time