Possibly the best for us. Ruling out a perfectly good goal in the first half for them. He did seemed to set his stall against their dark arts but there was only so far he could go.
General decision making seemed good both ways. Lamptey's card was a bit harsh mind.
The Arsenal v Porto ref in the ECL was a different gravy this week. Came in a Tardis from the 70s.
I am still baffled as to why their goal was disallowed. Good for the game it was, but never a foul
No. He disallowed a perfectly good goal
Law 12 - Fouls and Misconduct | IFAB
Football foul rules, handball football rules, types of fouls in football

Playing in a dangerous manner
Playing in a dangerous manner is any action that, while trying to play the ball, threatens injury to someone (including the player themself) and includes preventing a nearby opponent from playing the ball for fear of injury.
A scissors or bicycle kick is permissible provided that it is not dangerous to an opponent.
Van Hecke was right behind the player attempting to head the ball clear as the Roma player kicked it (and he was holding his head afterward, maybe exaggerating for effect). The ref was right in law to disallow it.