I'll come in here- in full knowledge that we've never seen eye to eye on this.
The Greens weren't prepared to run the council
You can say that again - didn't stop Kitkat sprinting for the leadership like an Amex early leaver after a train..
They had no majority in chamber and, on the committees where the big decisions on local policy were made, there was a lack of majority too. So they were never really 'in control'.
But they were the biggest overall party and a Green was in charge of the City. Suggests that their policies weren't particularly compromise worthy.
I had a few exchanges with Warren at the time. Some he was reluctant to answer. Firstly, if the Greens were so bad, why wasn't he forming an alliance with the Tories for the good of the town ? He said no alliances as it would be case by case.
It would have to be case by case. A Tory / Labour pact would last about two minutes.
Secondly, the majority of what got through needed support of other parties yet Labour were quite happy for The Argus to put the boot in and hide behind the Greens coattails.
Sorry, don't agree with any of this sentence. If "the majority" only needed support that suggests that the Greens were in charge since they were able to get some policies through without support. The idea that Labour somehow colluded with The Argus is supposition at best. Why would Labour - and only Labour - work to put the boot in with the local equivalent of the Daily Mail? The Argus was down on the Greens because their chaotic leadership was an easy target. Remember wine-gate?
The local press was happy to highlight mostly benign follies but not give proper analysis of how it all works.
Like employing a "Biosphere Officer" on 45k a year to basically ruin kids' parks?
All this came at a time of large government cuts and other parties playing the populist hand with no council tax increases. Until Labour got in.... and then there were. And somehow that was okay.
Agreed - the Tories at a national level have deliberately been underfunding local government and have tried to target the left leaning ones the most.
I have nothing against Morgan. But he certainly knows how to play the game
Not THAT well if he's just been sacked by Momentum.