Stupid IDIOT
Peter Kyle is the best MP I have ever been represented by
Out of how many

Peter Kyle is the best MP I have ever been represented by
Why are socialists so antisemetists( if that is the word)? Surely, it's fascists who are!
I regard myself as a socialist, but I am certainly not an hater of Jews by any means.
Again spot on. Glad you mentioned Robert Nemeth who represents the ward next to mine. We're right on the edge of the other ward and therefore get to see a lot of his community activity. He's dedicated, hard working, ecological, approachable and a Tory who I would vote for without hesitation if I ever moved three streets or so in a westerly direction.
Doesn't he make decent honey too!?
One of the greatest tricks the Left has pulled off is convincing everyone that Antisemitism is solely a right-wing bigotry but there's been a very long and dishonourable tradition of Jew-baiting in left-wing politics even here in the UK, led from the very top and very start by people like Sidney Webb ("How glad I am that there are no Jews in the British Labour Party”) and carried on by Livingstone.
I think a lot of the problems with Labour anti-Semitism today, even though Labour won't admit it, is their reluctance until recently to speak out against Jew-bashing because it mainly comes from those active in Palestinian protests and the party fear losing the significant Muslim support. And another reason is that until Corbyn's election as leader, those involved were regarded as being on the fringes of the party and could safely be ignored.
I do find this fascinating (actually depressing) that people associate certain things with political parties but the reality shifts all the time.
Tories the party of small business but will often forget them if worrying more about their mates (and investments) in the city.
Green issues associated with left but Union Leaders will happily protect an environmentally damaging industry if it means jobs are are risk.
This is symptomatic of a wider problem in politics and service. There's such a polarisation of views now, both between the Tories and Labour, and within both parties that all the leaders can do is jockey for power. May isn't delivering Brexit, she's mediating in an inter-party war. Labour aren't providing an opposition either, it's just Corbyn-Or-Lump-It and their own Brexit policy seems to change with the wind. Local and national services are suffering as a result of blatant partisanship and popularism where ideology trumps everything. This is why there's room for the centre, this is why Macron got in in France - because the compromise needed to hold the centre ground means that public servants actually deliver public service instead of self-serving ideology box-ticking and plays for personal power.
Good luck Warren - you were too good for this City.
Ousted by the party within a party.
I think the general gist of this thread is that most people put much more importance on having decent people in charge locally than their political hue. It makes all this political in-fighting so selfish and unnecessary because the end result - a heavily politicised council - is not what we, the electorate want.
Spot on. Which is why locally I always vote for people not the party - Dawn Barnett here in Hangleton is a perfect example - not everybody's cup of tea but probably one of the finest councillors I've ever met. I also voted for Martin Perry due to 'knowing' him and his fine work.
It's why it annoys me when you get posters like Ernest and TLO defending their prefered party to the hilt regards of circumstance - or attacking a good councillor because of their party. A good example on this thread is TLO's stupid post about Morgan being Tory like - even if that was true ( which it isn't ) so effing what ? He's a decent councillor.
Typical Labour, someone that calls out other members about their racism feels he has to leave his post and today Labour employ a unrepentant racist Munroe Bergdorf. That utter state of left-wing politics.
With the greatest respect WS, when has anything that TLO or the other dickhead thinks, relevant to decent society?
When has anything you posted relevant to anything![]()