Today I was listening to (black) former news anchor Leon Harris debating the election with Huffington Post head honco Howard Fineman.
Leon was apoplectic about the result, as he discussed it with middle aged white men of stature.
He was adamant that the America he experiences every day was finally there for all to see.
Making the point that 'white' America had given an inch and got Obama, so is now taking back a mile with trump.
Howard wasn't prepared to go down the race route, highlighting great swathes of people in the rust belt who now feel like 2nd class citizens, through unemployment and poor education.
Prompting Leon to point out that makes 'us' 3rd class.
One of his other lines was 'what if Obama had said any one negative statement, verbatim that Trump has made, would he have got elected?'
The predominantly black American sports, basketball and football, are already talking negatively about President elect Trump, seeing it as a continuation of the Black Lives Matter campaign.
The presenter Tony Kornheiser was amazed Trump received 30% of the Hispanic vote.
This was chalked up as 'I'm all right, Jack' voting, with a lot of people pulling the ladder up behind them.
Maybe some hispanics feel that illegal imigrant Mexicans are a problem to them too?
We will probably find that ex Muslims voted for him as well.