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TWO MORE SITES added to the list of alternatives to Falmer


New member
Jul 6, 2003
Before you lock it can you NSC GOLD approve it? Mainly for my (amazing) input with links/pictures related to Pende & Shoreham Cement Works.

This way when the Inquiry starts up and everyone starts banging on about these two sites again they will know where to look as everyone will say "Go check out Crabtrees BRILLIANT posts in the NSC Gold thread about the TWO SITES for information"


Or if not just extract all my info and put it into its own "Falmer Related Stuff" forum/thread or something :thumbsup:


English & European
perseus said:
(recouped by selling Lancing FC for housing).

And whats to happen to Lancing FC? ???

perseus said:
Rolling programme of further development reduces the capital costs.


I don't mind just having a new stadium there, but I DON'T want a great big f***ing retail park there!!!! :angry:


Kiss my (_!_)
Jul 14, 2003
perseus said:

Pende falls short of the required number of passengers at a maximum of something like 150,000 a year for football supporters alone.

Therefore, as someone quite rightly said, it would not be justified on its own. This would not pass the scrutiny board of a local Council, let alone a Public Inquiry.

So why do you keep wittering on about it? I wish you'd disappear up your own backside - then perhaps you'd stop talking out of it. Twat!

Percy, get this firmly embedded in that barely functional, self-educated organ keeping your ears apart: No person on this planet will ever give your wank dream a look in. All your ramblings on here and on the Argus Forum have done is encourage the NIMBYs and FDC to add further costs to the Albion by suggesting 2 additional, unworkable sites be included in the next PI... so SHUT THE f*** UP!


English & European
perseus said:

There's one thing I don't quite get with this plan. :glare:

Where are these roads from the south coming from? ???


New member
Jul 6, 2003
Yoda said:
There's one thing I don't quite get with this plan. :glare:

Where are these roads from the south coming from? ???

Presumably the South Coast road, which eans this would cost loads more than the little Road conversion at Falmer!

Dave the OAP

Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
at home
Bwian said:
So why do you keep wittering on about it? I wish you'd disappear up your own backside - then perhaps you'd stop talking out of it. Twat!

Percy, get this firmly embedded in that barely functional, self-educated organ keeping your ears apart: No person on this planet will ever give your wank dream a look in. All your ramblings on here and on the Argus Forum have done is encourage the NIMBYs and FDC to add further costs to the Albion by suggesting 2 additional, unworkable sites be included in the next PI... so SHUT THE f*** UP!

Yes but if any of Mr Horton's documents on Pende are presented at the inquiry by FDC or anyone else, MR HORTON HAS ABOVE EXPRESSLY AND UNIQUIVACABLY STATED THAT THEY ARE/WERE USED WITHOUT HIS PERMISSION and therefore illegally obtained without his permission. Also, if they are just lifted from this board or his website, then again THE SAME APPLIES

that is really going to impress an inspector isn't it.

Pende is therefore a totally DEAD DUCK

Falmer falmer here we come
Falmer Here wecome


English & European

You keep going on about the rail authorities not wanting another crossing.

Where the cross the line you'd have to build one.

Ex Shelton Seagull

New member
Jul 7, 2003
Block G, Row F, Seat 175
What does happen to Lancing FC? According to the "masterplan" they get made homeless and their ground is sold for housing and they're fine with that. Have you talked to anyone from Lancing FC and the Sussex FA to see what they think about that? Given that Lancing are seeking funding for ground improvements at Culver Road I find it hard to see why they would accept being evicted.

On second thoughts, why am I even asking? I'm going to stick my neck out and gamble on perseus responding with a load of old guff that doesn't my (and others) question. What odds can I get for that?


Sep 28, 2004
Izmir, Southern Turkey
London Irish said:
I'm a little surprised that this news has generated so much heat and what, almost nine pages. We discussed only recently on NSC the likely prospect that Falmer PC would propose additional sites, and if I'm not mistaken I think Tim Carder in the supporters' club newsletter named the precise two!

What is surprising is that Falmer PC have named their joke candidates so early when they appeared to win a significant concession from the new inspector that they could raise new sites AT THE INQUIRY ITSELF. In fact, I don't want to depress people further, but this option still appears open to anyone who fancies really pissing around in February.

You can't blame someone like Lord B being frustrated at the latest news after all the hard work he's put in the Falmer campaign and keeping us up to speed on NSC.

But I would take issue with aspects of his "doomsday scenario" he painted in that long posting of his.

What really were the chances, even without the Falmer PC jokers, of this inquiry running to timetable like clockwork and the OPDM turning round an decision WITHIN A MONTH before the April pre-General Election shutdown? Very remote, on both those variables I'd say. We should be stoical and realistic about the fact that we will probably have a decision after the General Election.

But I'm not so pessimistic about the decision being delayed much beyond that. True, Prescott will leave the restructured Department of the Environment and Regions, but his current advisers who have been doing most of the political leg-work will not, and they will be in place to hand the new minister the rubber-stamp.

The consequences of the delay do not look as serious as they did. We now know that McGhee will have his new contract and will have signed the current players he wants for next year and beyond and have got rid of those he doesn't. So the situation on squad building will not be too impaired. You have to wonder that these contract decisions reflect the fact that Dick Knight and Martin Perry are getting increasingly confident about the Falmer outcome.

Yes, it's annoying that the Falmer PC pissing around will cost us additional resources - although it's not really clear how much. Instead of bemoaning that fact, let's redouble our effort to support the Alive and Kicking campaign and not be ground down by our enemies.

To my mind, the Falmer PC jokers are an irritation, albeit one that will cost us a bit more time and money, but I reckon that's how they will appear to the inspector as well as they bumble though their incoherent evidence.

A much more serious threat will be the moneyed Lewes DC campaign pushing Toad's Hole and Sheepcote. This remains the number one target for our side to crush. These risible proposals from Falmer PC don't alter that fact.

I'd also like to say that NSC should give Perseus a break. Yes, he's a bit of an eccentric and has posted a cyber-forest of unhelpful postings over the years relating to our great Falmer fight, but it leaves a sour taste the way he's being abused at the moment. This is a great website, but it's the only time NSC really lets itself down when people get emotionally carried away to the point of a witch-hunt. Leave him alone.

At the end of the day, the bottom-line is that this inquiry process is a democratic one, and as frustrating as it is for us to accept the fact that other parties are going to utilise their democratic rights to the fullest extent in a way we don't like, I think it's ultimately pointless for us to spend too much time bitching about that.

Far better and far smarter for us to REALLY SMASH our enemies by continuing to raise money for the club and to throw our full weight behind the club and the Falmer For All campaign which is now so close to winning our greatest ever victory.

Missed all fo this as I've been out of the country all week but no matter as London has said it all for me. Keep the faith everyone!

The Large One

Who's Next?
Jul 7, 2003
dave the gaffer said:
Yes but if any of Mr Horton's documents on Pende are presented at the inquiry by FDC or anyone else, MR HORTON HAS ABOVE EXPRESSLY AND UNIQUIVACABLY STATED THAT THEY ARE/WERE USED WITHOUT HIS PERMISSION and therefore illegally obtained without his permission. Also, if they are just lifted from this board or his website, then again THE SAME APPLIES

that is really going to impress an inspector isn't it.

Pende is therefore a totally DEAD DUCK

Falmer falmer here we come
Falmer Here wecome

Dave, did you see about 30 posts ago, after you apologised, Percy responded by calling you a JAFFER. What are you going to do about it?

Dave the OAP

Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
at home
I did...

dont worry...he will keep:)


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jul 5, 2003
Have to say I quite like the Pende site.

No NIMBYS, more space for maybe expanding the stadium if we ever make the Premiership, more space for car parking.

Pity we didn't look at it more seriously earlier.


Registered Cider Drinker
Apr 21, 2004
Cider Country
goldstone said:
Have to say I quite like the Pende site.

No NIMBYS, more space for maybe expanding the stadium if we ever make the Premiership, more space for car parking.

Sorry mate but thats rubbish. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of houses around the Pende area that would be dramatically affected by the traffic. I can assure you that there would be far more nimby's to fight there than the few at Falmer.


New member
Jul 6, 2003
goldstone said:
Have to say I quite like the Pende site.

No NIMBYS, more space for maybe expanding the stadium if we ever make the Premiership, more space for car parking.

Pity we didn't look at it more seriously earlier.

Potentially a helluva lot more NIMBYs than Falmer, the nearest Lancing Estate is right near it and its large! Plus the other areas near there wont wont "Football traffic" and will kick up a fuss, especially those on the northern A27 as you just get into Lancing and the southern coastal road. Then you've got Shoreham residents kicking up a fuss about extra traffic through High Street, its bad enough at the wuiet times!


Broad Blue & White stripe
Jul 5, 2003
Sorry, Dave the gaffer, that was a typo.

If the Sussex FA still own the land at Lancing FC, they would be better off relocating if they can find an alternative football ground site first. Just like Shrewsbury, if they get Planning Permission for an out of town site first.

This will come in the Local Adur Plan. I cannot see any reason why it would not be a good idea if they found another suitable site. If they chose to go down this route, they would receive my support (if they did it the proper way getting all the details sorted out before moving, unlike Archer & Co.). I am reluctant to suggest such a thing as someone might get greedy and do a Hamilton.

I very much doubt if Falmer Parish Council got the idea of New Monks Farm from me or even from looking at NSC (New Monks Farm is not mentioned by name). I would have called it Pende any way or Mash Barn. I don't think they would have thought it up on their own though. Helen McKay was on record in saying that was one of the sites on her list. It is inconceivable that this choice would not have occurred to her whilst she was at Adur Council. If indeed, it was her who chose it?

Pende was only chosen as the best alternative should Falmer come a cropper.

I deliberately refrained from bringing the subject up immediately preceding the last Public Inquiry. And when the Tories got in at Adur Council (by default mostly: they had not be in power for 25 years) last May, I thought it was dead duck anyway.

Lord Bracknell just revived it and caused an inordinate number of posts. Talk about making a mountain out of a molehill, from a paranoid accusation that somehow I had collaborated with a Parish Council that nobody outside a small patch on the outskirts of Brighton has even heard of.

It is up to the people of Brighton to deal with their own planning matters. It is nothing to do with me. I do not want to get involved. Too many nutters.

If you want to ask questions about the various merits of sites I know about because of local knowledge (not bother about the Cement Works, it is just being ridiculous) if there are any more to ask (probably not).

e.g. no road access from the south to Pende would be possible because the railway will not allow a road bridge or a railway crossing, because somebody has already asked for a relief road for Freshbrook Road (which is congested and dangerous).

Amendment: It is Grinstead Lane that is the really dangerous road.

The Pende web site will be removed from the web pages after the Rotherham match. It was not on the Google and other lists anyway, so the only way it could be accessed was through NSC.

I have been fed up with it for six months or more now anyway. As soon as the Albion had negotiated a deal with Brighton University, Falmer was always favourite. I was always sceptical about this ever happpening, still not impressed with the plan, and I am still concerned at the cost, but the Albion have got the figures, and if they think they stack up, I am not in a position to argue with them.
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English & European
perseus said:
e.g. no road access from the south to Pende would be possible because the railway will not allow a road bridge or a railway crossing, because somebody has already asked for a relief road for Freshbrook Road (which is congested and dangerous).

Not to mention that the "traffic calming" measure's they did are a load of old bollocks anyway. People can still hit over 60mph from the station before the first corner.


perseus said:
Pende was only chosen as the best alternative should Falmer come a cropper.
Falmer WILL come a cropper if it can be shown that an alternative, suitable site is available in the area.

For a major development in the AONB to be approved, it is necessary for the applicant to demonstrate that:-

1. There is a need for it (in terms of national considerations);

2. That significant social and economic benefits will arise from it;

3. That there is no other suitable site available.

Prescott has not asked the re-opened Public Inquiry to explore (1) or (2) any further. We must therefore assume that he is satisfied that Falmer has passed those two tests.

The terms of reference for the new Inquiry are all about (3).

For us to get Falmer, the Club has to demonstrate that NONE of the alternative sites is suitable or available.

"Suitable" involves issues like transport access, location in relation to the conurbation, affordable, big enough, etc. (all the things that Prescott has asked the new Inquiry to look at)

Perseus STILL seems to be saying that Shoreham Airport is a suitable alternative. Indeed, he STILL thinks it is the "best" alternative.

If we want Falmer, we need to be demonstrating that it ISN'T suitable.

Get on board, Percy. If you are going to post any more messages, let them be confined to explaining why Pende isn't suitable.

The Large One

Who's Next?
Jul 7, 2003
perseus said:
I am still concerned at the cost, but the Albion have got the figures, and if they think they stack up, I am not in a position to argue with them.

In that case, shut THE f*** up. The club doesn't want to go to Pende.

To a point, he has been arguing against Pende. Lord B. Every time he opens his cyberspace trap, more shit comes out.

Anyway, Percy, of course Falmer is cheaper the Pende. You even admitted it yourself. :shootself :tosser:
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