The only comparison between the Brexit process and Wednesday's Trump rally was baying mobs outside Parliament, marching up and down waving EU flags and trying to overturn a democratic outcome they didn't like by shouting at it. Anti-democratic protests in both cases. Fortunately the remainers' baying mob seeking to overturn democracy was less violent and aggressive than the loons in America, and didn't get people killed, although with Sir Bob Geldof in their midst they may well have been more potty-mouthed!
As part of the "baying mobs outside Parliament", I wish to disagree! I took part in all three marches. They were all peaceful (not bad considering the second and third march attracted about a million people). It wasn't a question of overturning a democratic outcome. It was actually all about seeking a greater democratic validation of the 2016 Vote (which, remember, was "advisory"). The whole point of the marches was to seek a second referendum, once the terms of the deal had been clarified. There is absolutely no valid comparison with what happened on Capitol Hill (which, by the way, caused FIVE deaths).
The similarities between Trump-ism and Brexit are that they are both based on a pack of lies. You could argue that much of politics is lying - but Trump and the Brexit crew took it to an altogether different level. What amazes me in all this is that the people with most to lose from Trump and Brexit seem to be their biggest supporters. But maybe here in the UK the fishermen, the farmers, the car workers, those in hospitals with far fewer EU nurses and doctors, those small business owners facing mountainous red-tape just to send a widget to Germany, those who live next to the huge new lorry parks popping up around the country, those loyalists in Northern Ireland who now discover the road to a united Ireland is much clearer, etc, etc....maybe some of those will start to realise they've been sold out.
The US will be free of Trump (at least as President) in two weeks' time. Unfortunately in the UK we probably have decades of Brexit. But hopefully we will still have the democratic right to peacefully protest and maybe some time "overturn" the result of the 2016 referendum!