Good grief. And people accuse the left of hyperbole! An article that takes the idea of a commission, which is designed to try and learn from mistake made in the past and heal divisions, is being compared to the French revolution and the guillotine! Utterly laughable stuff.
You can quote a person honestly, and you can quote a person dishonestly.
For example, "You should not commit murder".
"Commit murder", he said. Accurate words? Yes. An honest quote? Obviously not.
I don't "support Trump", it just shocks me how low people will stoop to oppose what they consider to be low themselves. How unethical people will get when fighting someone or something they oppose because they think them to be unethical. - That is Nietzsche's "Beware when fighting Monsters" -. How people will willfully lie, about a liar, because lying is wrong, but also Ok. - That is Orwell's doublethink -.
I am trying to argue against stooping to the level of the thing you think you are fighting, because you are simultaneously becoming the thing you hate, and losing all moral credibility in the process.
Yeah, OK, you believe he's been manipulated. But the 'press', as you blanket them, just report what he said. And that is WHAT HE SAID. Regardless of the context, HE STILL SAID THOSE WORDS – and the situation they describe is what played out. They are quoting (even using the quote marks) him verbatim, which is their job – to report what was says.
He didn't have to go down that route with his speech – he could've steered well clear of it, but he didn't. Because he's a troll. How would you like it to be described? 'Donald Trump accused Joe Biden of corruption and then – in an apparently hypothetical situation – joked that he would get far more money from bribing people than his opponent'? Do me a favour!
I love this line that people trot out that he was joking, or he didn't mean what he said. He's the PRESIDENT, FFS. You don't want the guy in charge to the pissing about with his words and what he says! He's got SO much previous with this sort of thing. Mocking reporters, opponents, celebrities, sports stars. It's all BS, clearly, but it's what he says.
But hey, blame the press. It's OBVIOUSLY their fault...
Fine words, [MENTION=18559]dingodan[/MENTION]. I agree with you that quoting a person dishonestly is the lowest of the low. If you have to stoop to that, you lose all credibility, you become unethical and you become the thing you are fighting, losing all moral credibility.
Oh, wait:
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Good grief. And people accuse the left of hyperbole! An article that takes the idea of a commission, which is designed to try and learn from mistake made in the past and heal divisions, is being compared to the French revolution and the guillotine! Utterly laughable stuff.
But ignoring that, let's try and look at this more rationally: Should the lies, conspiracy theories, threats to democracy, and racism of Trump be allowed to happen again? Or is all fair in Politics?
Trump started off with the birther conspiracy theory (yes, before he stood but he was laying the ground work), a completely racist conspiracy with no basis in reality. He then falsely accused people seeking asylum into the US of being rapists and murderers. Then there's the numerous questioning of the democratic process, and the free press. And many, many more things....should that be allowed to stand?
Wonder how much truth there is to all this stuff about Hunter Biden, the disk and alleged pictures of underage girls.
Also, no-one has denied that the emails are not genuine.
I can see this all going badly for Joe over the next week or so.
Looks like Trump may be getting a very fortunate break.
Even if this story was true, it's a remarkable piece of political ineptitude to sit on such a bombshell until after 35 million people have already voted!
Smells of Russia
Smells of Russia
Nah, the Russians aren't that incompetent!
Fine words, [MENTION=18559]dingodan[/MENTION]. I agree with you that quoting a person dishonestly is the lowest of the low. If you have to stoop to that, you lose all credibility, you become unethical and you become the thing you are fighting, losing all moral credibility.
Oh, wait:
View attachment 129638
I looked on this thread expecting to see comments about Trump's lawyer Rudy Giulliani having his hand down his trousers when in a 'situation' with Borat's daughter in the forthcoming movie.
It sounds as if it could be quite damaging for Giulliani.
It's released on Amazon Prime next week.
I looked on this thread expecting to see comments about Trump's lawyer Rudy Giulliani having his hand down his trousers when in a 'situation' with Borat's daughter in the forthcoming movie.
It sounds as if it could be quite damaging for Giulliani.
It's released on Amazon Prime next week.
Got any popcorn. This should be fun!
Don't get your Hope's up