AZ Gull
In the United States, Ford (F) has announced that it's working with 3M and GE Healthcare to produce medical equipment including ventilators and protective gear. GM (GM) and Tesla (TSLA) have also pledged to make ventilators.
This is why support for trump is surging.
Nope its Trump. Its Called the Stafford Act.
From 12th of March.
U.S. President Donald Trump on Thursday said he may declare the coronavirus pandemic an emergency by invoking a law known as the Stafford Act.
....Only the president can declare a major disaster under the law.
“We have very strong emergency powers under the Stafford Act,” Trump told reporters in the Oval Office on Thursday. “I have it memorized, practically, as to the powers in that act. And if I need to do something, I’ll do it. I have the right to do a lot of things that people don’t even know about.”
An emergency declaration under the National Emergencies Act unlocks sweeping presidential powers, like the ability to seize control of the internet or suspend laws, while a Stafford Act declaration deals only with FEMA. "
To get Ventilators for FEMA, the NE act deals with tech censorship.
A public declaration of get a move on or I will sort you out carrys a lot of weight as he has a range of emergency powers to back it up. True it isn't a normal way of going about business but its how Trump rolls.
It is the Defense Production Act that gives Trump the ability to get the federal government involved in the production and distribution of critical supplies. State Governors and others have been PLEADING with him to use the powers it gives him, for days - Trump Resists Using Wartime Law To Get, Distribute Coronavirus Supplies
The administration's response to this crisis has been appalling, since the early days of January.
This is why my state has recently had to discourage doctors from testing for COVID-19, even for patients who are hospitalised