Well-known member
- Mar 10, 2013
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He's an absolute specimen
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And yet if you check back on this thread I'll be shown to have been correct far more than you.
This isn't true: the bill was held up by Lindsay Graham, Tim Scott and Ben Sasse (all Republicans) because they disagreed with the provisions for unemployment. They thought the additional money provided was an incentive not to work
He's an absolute specimen
This isn't true: the bill was held up by Lindsay Graham, Tim Scott and Ben Sasse (all Republicans) because they disagreed with the provisions for unemployment. They thought the additional money provided was an incentive not to work
Trump or his parrot Tyrome?
That's just his MO.
Shout something populist/racist/jingoistic/patriotic then whisper a climb down.
It's odd for someone to try and prove a point by brandishing Trump a far left extremist.
The difference between far right and left extremists is semantics at best.
So the first thing he has to do is move Trump to the left
This time a right wing leader was very much in favor for a left wing idea. In this case the UBI.
Pelosi wanted to means test everybody by having them fill out an application online - thus slowing the process of people receiving money.
Both sides are as bad as each other in this instance. Shame on them.
BTW; a one time payment is going to **** all for most Americans - 40% don’t have a spare $400 for an emergency. This payment needs to happen indefinitely.
They found the money pretty quick to bail out the banks, again! America: socialism for the rich.
And then add in the fact that a lot of these poor buggers who have lost their jobs lose their, and their families, health cover. Just what you need in the current crisis.
When this eventually gets sorted out one of the first things that has to happen in America is a complete reform of their Healthcare system - it's broken and completely immoral.
With Trump V Biden coming up later this year it ain’t gunna be happening anytime soon. People thought 2016 sucked, 2020 is gunna suck harder.
I have a theory that this is Tyrones first step to distancing himself from Trump.
His dogmatic attachment to all things right leaning means he cannot criticise anyone on the right.
So the first thing he has to do is move Trump to the left.
Once this sticks he will be free to criticise him.
See this where the Brits seem clueless on anything US.
Every link I post comes from left leaning liberal commentators and journalists. Are you not aware of that?
But because you don't follow it even remotely closely you come up with some hair brained view to try and seem in top of things.
I didn't move Trump to the left. Liberal US commentators and journalists are saying Trump has out letter the Democrats in this case. Get it?
Every link I've posted comes from left leaning sources. If you choose not to watch them then it's all on you for having nothing more than a base knowledge of the opinions coming out of the US.
Your post is a perfect example of forming an opinion without even reading and understanding what is put before you.
It's hilarious people think Trump is right wing. How dumb are they? He's a flip flopping non political capatlist that doesn't give a shit about political dogma. His god is the greenback.
Apologies TB but I wasn't commenting on Trump I was merely expressing an opinion based on your posting habits.
As I indicated in a later post I may be way off but it amused and interested me that you have appeared to become more critical of Trump while simultaneously deciding that he is 'very left leaning'. To be fair this may well not have happened simultaneously as I haven't been on this thread for a while.
I am not really aware of the sources of your videos as I haven't watched any of them (Like I say I've not been on this thread for a while). Although it must be said I am a little surprised that you are posting from left leaning sources. Hopefully you will take in what you are viewing and it balances out your political view somewhat.
I wonder how telling it is that you finally appear to be crawling out of Trumps backside? Will more Americans also start to see him for what he is and join you?
I'm most critical of the most corrupt. At present that is the Democrats. Check out the video I posted last and Dylan Rattigan stating that Pelosi/Schumer are the most dangerous political duo in US politics.
My political views are Libertarian. So people who hold those views regularly agree with true liberals. The left leaning liberal despises the far left just as much they detest the far right.
I was never up his arse. I just find him hilarious as a character in politics. It's been an interesting study in watching the lies of the media perpetrate myths and conclusions that didn't match the facts.
More and more Americans are now seeing him as the lesser of two evils. That says a lot about the corruption from the other side wouldn't you say for that to happen?
What America needs is a change from the two party system it now has.
This time a right wing leader was very much in favor for a left wing idea. In this case the UBI.
I'm most critical of the most corrupt. At present that is the Democrats. Check out the video I posted last and Dylan Rattigan stating that Pelosi/Schumer are the most dangerous political duo in US politics.
I'm parroting Jimmy Dore.
Get it right thicko.