I changed this.
- Jul 28, 2011
- 13,486
'Boris Johnson thinks he's honest.'
Cowardice. Pure and simple cowardice.
'Boris Johnson thinks he's honest.'
Last night’s Question Time was rather depressing. There was enough evidence from the audience that the clown in charge(not Fiona Bruce) STILL has support from many. Unbelievable but true!
I thought it was well known that you would be asked about your political views before being invited into the audience. This is from the BBC website as to how they are chosen:-
Question Time selects local audiences which reflect a broad range of political views. People apply to be in the audience for Question Time via the website and by phone and producers get in touch to ask questions on their previous voting record and future voting intentions, whether they have party political membership and also how they voted in the EU Referendum. This is to ensure a range of views are represented in the audience. Occasionally, if production staff feel any group or view is under-represented in the applications, they will promote the programme through relevant local media channels to encourage people to apply.
As with the make-up of the panels, Question Time is aiming to achieve due impartiality in the membership of the audience across the series as a whole, rather than being confined to an exact mathematical formula for each programme. However, particular guidelines will apply during election periods to both panels and audiences.
The problem is you can't control who puts their hand up to comment on the debate. I watch the first few questions last night and when someone banged on about moving on from partygate I would say there was lukewarm applause suggesting most didn't agree!
Still no explanation. Odd.
Still no explanation. Odd.
Simple laziness?
Got a late invite to a bunga bunga party?
His 'violin teacher' had a late cancelation?
Got a summons to meet his Russian handler?
Or Covid, possibly. Unlikely to be that though, as he'd have said so.
Boris Johnson has pulled out of a major event held by his northern Tory MPs designed to energise supporters and improve the party’s chances of holding on to “red wall” seats at the next election.
No reason was given by Downing Street for Johnson’s non-attendance.
One Tory MP said it was a “big error” for Johnson to pull out.
Tick. Tock.
I think he should have a permanent office and holiday home there! He is going to be visiting a lot over the next year.
Or a photo opportunity in Kyiv...
I have to admit to not drilling down on this story, I just know I hate the policy, it's nasty, vindictive, illegal and entirely non sensical. But, 37, only 37? On a plane that can carry 300? So that's £13,500 per person just for the cost of transportation, put aside all the processing and legal costs. How low can this govt sink?
Whether it is or it isn't to do with Brexit, it needs to be fixed.“The cost of living crisis is nothing to do with Brexit” latest
Priti Patel - "Hold my beer" -