Blue Valkyrie
Not seen such Bravery!
I wonder more about whether SUPER injections are still a thing ?I wonder who is keeping Michael Gove warm at nights since he split from Sarah Me?

I wonder more about whether SUPER injections are still a thing ?I wonder who is keeping Michael Gove warm at nights since he split from Sarah Me?
most people vote tory because,
1 they always do, and
2 they assume that their quality of life will improve through slightly lower income tax, and never look any deeper than that
Somebody told me...
I think comments and attitudes such as that are where Labour went awry last time, and preached they'd learn
Seems not.
Negative electioneering doesn't work.
Carry on.
True.On the contrary, this is all the Tories offer - endless smears, lies, and scaremongering against Labour (remember "coalition of chaos" warnings in 2015), and character assassination of all Labour leaders Blair, Brown Miliband, and Corbyn - all vilified by the Tory press.
Sadly, Mail/Express/Sun readers are daft enough to fall for it every single time - just as they would believe and repeat it if the Tories told them that the Earth was flat and the Moon was made of cheese, and only "the Woke" and "Commies" disagreed.
Speaking from the perspective of having spent five years as a boarder at a British public school I think this is worth commenting on.
Public schools do indeed have great resources. They have enough equipment and text books to go round, home-work (prep) and revision is supervised and compulsory. Class sizes are smaller. All the things you imagine, all true.
However, that doesn't mean the teaching and tuition is of a better standard. I don't know what it's like now but back in the late 80's and early 90's when I was there, teachers (Masters) barely stuck to a curriculum, half of them were semi-pissed, they dithered around with classroom tests asking cricket questions in maths tests so that nobody got full marks , the religious nutters just debated the bible all class, some just joked around with the sports cliques all period.
Masters well past their sell by dates talking about the war or cars or great test matches when they should have been teaching the curriculum. Classes were what I imagine a meeting at No.10 might be like today, good fun but totally unfit for purpose.
The real learning went on in extra-curricular classes run by teachers who were passionate about their subjects and wanted to teach. They ran extra classes in lunch breaks and evenings for those who were keen, because everyone knew you learnt **** all in most of the day classes.
Then you had the other element which idiots like Johnson and Mogg could very well have benefitted from. Not just rich parents but rich parent who were willing to throw money at the school;
"Mr. X, we think it would greatly advance your son's education if the new library was finished ahead of schedule. Mr. Y, we think you son could probably make the Rugby 1st's if only he had a new pitch to practice on" etc.....
The sort of parents who always had their cheque book on them when attending school functions.
That's not to say one had to be rich to get ahead there, if you were bright and applied yourself you would be fine. But if you weren't bright and didn't apply yourself but your parents had means, you would also be fine.
So in short, these people we perceive to have had great educations probably had nothing of the sort. They had expensive educations. Sure, they can quote a bit of Latin but they know nothing about history, politics, geo-politics, other nations, economics, social studies etc. All they learned was that pissing about and not putting the effort in didn't necessarily preclude you from being rewarded.
How disappointingly well it has served them.
I think you're talking about those that always vote Tory. The election will be won or lost on the swing voters or those that are in the middle of the political spectrum. Those voters would not vote for Corbyn but probably, if they had known then what they know now, wouldn't have voted Tory. Also let's not forget the brexit vote at the last election. As a lot of pundits commented on, a lot of natural labour voters lent the tories their vote just to get brexit done. Are they likely to do this again?
On the contrary, this is all the Tories offer - endless smears, lies, and scaremongering against Labour (remember "coalition of chaos" warnings in 2015), and character assassination of all Labour leaders Blair, Brown Miliband, and Corbyn - all vilified by the Tory press.
Sadly, Mail/Express/Sun readers are daft enough to fall for it every single time - just as they would believe and repeat it if the Tories told them that the Earth was flat and the Moon was made of cheese, and only "the Woke" and "Commies" disagreed.
I suspect most people who vote Labour do so because they always do too.
I tried not to respond, but your post illustrates exactly why Labour continues to struggle. The attitude that the media creates Tory voters' preferences rather than that they can think for themselves. The smug belief that only Labour voters are smart enough to vote intelligently because the Guardian or the Mirror tell the truth and they can see that. If Labour want to return to power they need to win hearts and minds of voters with sensible policies that engage with people's circumstances. Labour supporters saying Sun readers are stupid to vote Tory isn't exactly the best way to win them over. And be honest, just examine Corbyn for one of your 'villified' Labour leaders, it was his behaviour, attitudes, policies especially over blocking Brexit and a fanciful manifesto among other things that made him and Labour unelectable. Not the media having an unjustified pop at him.
Under our undemocratic system, all those Tory safe seats, they know the Tory will get get re-elected so why bother voting for anyone else?
I tried not to respond, but your post illustrates exactly why Labour continues to struggle. The attitude that the media creates Tory voters' preferences rather than that they can think for themselves. The smug belief that only Labour voters are smart enough to vote intelligently because the Guardian or the Mirror tell the truth and they can see that. If Labour want to return to power they need to win hearts and minds of voters with sensible policies that engage with people's circumstances. Labour supporters saying Sun readers are stupid to vote Tory isn't exactly the best way to win them over. And be honest, just examine Corbyn for one of your 'villified' Labour leaders, it was his behaviour, attitudes, policies especially over blocking Brexit and a fanciful manifesto among other things that made him and Labour unelectable. Not the media having an unjustified pop at him.
I tried not to respond, but your post illustrates exactly why Labour continues to struggle. The attitude that the media creates Tory voters' preferences rather than that they can think for themselves. The smug belief that only Labour voters are smart enough to vote intelligently because the Guardian or the Mirror tell the truth and they can see that. If Labour want to return to power they need to win hearts and minds of voters with sensible policies that engage with people's circumstances. Labour supporters saying Sun readers are stupid to vote Tory isn't exactly the best way to win them over. And be honest, just examine Corbyn for one of your 'villified' Labour leaders, it was his behaviour, attitudes, policies especially over blocking Brexit and a fanciful manifesto among other things that made him and Labour unelectable. Not the media having an unjustified pop at him.
Corbyn was for Brexit so where did you get the idea he tried to block it? Maybe you read it somewhere?
I tried not to respond, but your post illustrates exactly why Labour continues to struggle. The attitude that the media creates Tory voters' preferences rather than that they can think for themselves. The smug belief that only Labour voters are smart enough to vote intelligently because the Guardian or the Mirror tell the truth and they can see that. If Labour want to return to power they need to win hearts and minds of voters with sensible policies that engage with people's circumstances. Labour supporters saying Sun readers are stupid to vote Tory isn't exactly the best way to win them over. And be honest, just examine Corbyn for one of your 'villified' Labour leaders, it was his behaviour, attitudes, policies especially over blocking Brexit and a fanciful manifesto among other things that made him and Labour unelectable. Not the media having an unjustified pop at him.
Did he never instruct his MPs to block the bill?
Fair dos.
Bercow and Corbyn cost this nation a shed load.
I'll let Factcheck answer that question.
John Bercow was a Speaker in the manner of Betty Boothroyd, not allowing contempt of Parliament and pulling up those who seek to mock instead of debating. He was a Tory and not a puppet like Labour's Sir Lindsay Hoyle who ignores the misbehaviour in the House.
Corbyn was for Brexit so where did you get the idea he tried to block it? Maybe you read it somewhere?
In the meantime, the latest dead cat has been thrown onto the table. Even a Tory MP is calling the nonsense out for what it is.
Imagine the costs to retail having to replace all their scales and tills!!!
Over a million people marched peacefully because they could see through the lies of Brexit, but it made no difference. This government still went for the hardest deal they could.
Now it is illegal to protest, punishable by up to ten years in prison.