Sanity Clause
- May 5, 2008
- 28,404
Politics is always a contentious subject and often will be a bit rough & tumble but in all my life, I dont think I ever known it to be quite like we have it at the moment. You look around and there really is nobody who looks capable of grabbing this mess by the scruff of the neck and leading in the best interests of the country.
I always felt that Labour elected the wrong Milliband brother to lead. Of course now we can never know but if they'd got that right, it's likely that we never would have had to endure that idiot Cameron.
Corbyn may well get in at the next election but it will be suicide.
Compared to May ? a woman who can't hold her own party and cabinet together. I think " Suicide " is a pretty ridiculous suggestion compared to how the Tories have recapitalised the banks, who were the creators of the last financial crisis, at the expense of millions who are living for the next pay packet.
They have had no qualms about pushing millions in to debt and uncertainty regarding their future care by the NHS and Social Services, thousands more having their meagre DLA's slashed while holding the purse strings of the 5th biggest economy in the world.
When I was young, there were plenty of poor people but we all worked hard and eked out a living, there were NO Food Banks ? Housing existed and was affordable, we got a pension that would cover most of the costs of retirement. Now too many exist on poor wages with overpriced rental accommodation with little hope of improving their lot.
I come from a time when you usually always had a pay rise annually, if times were hard it was less than inflation but you always got something, now the norm seems to be work harder, "you are lucky to have a job you know" …. I work for a big High Street name and we were supposed to have pay reviews in June, two people were sacked in April for " not being exceptional " in their work, another one was effectively constructively dismissed but we have no union so we shook our heads and sighed and wished her well in the future. Consequently one or two people had " Reviews" but the 90% who didn't obviously did not feel comfortable about asking...
You say "Corbyn will be suicide " and I will quote an old proverb from the far east.... " Better to die on your feet than to live your life on your knees "