See post #10. Original discussion about point per game - other variations (like 40 points, 1.05 per game, etc.) came later.It's based on 40 points for the season though
See post #10. Original discussion about point per game - other variations (like 40 points, 1.05 per game, etc.) came later.It's based on 40 points for the season though
See post #10. Original discussion about point per game - other variations (like 40 points, 1.05 per game, etc.) came later.
See post #1 - Original aim of thread to get to 40 points, and then post #36 graph showing how to get to 40 points.
Does NSC have to crap on every single thing that's good about this place?
[MENTION=3734]Giraffe[/MENTION] Thanks mate, one of the most visited threads of each season. But can you please sort out the lines overlay / sequence:
Target black line - on top
Europe orange - on bottom
Flat-Earthers - whatever
How about a Michael Gove line? Oh that’s something else.
We definitely need one showing the various super-computer predictions! Like this travesty;
The logic of the Giraffe tracker I think worked for the Hughton era, where we seemed to “know our place”. We generally (last few months notwithstanding) beat sides in the bottom 10 (or sides “at our levels”) at home, got the odd result against the top sides at home and lost to pretty much everyone away. I have a feeling the Potter era will be far more unpredictable. Maybe we need a “Potter rollercoaster” line which allocates points at random by game to get to 40 at the end of the season?
Quick work [MENTION=3734]Giraffe[/MENTION].
I see you've got us down for Hughton-esque runsin Nov/Dec and Mar/Apr. Hopefully Potter pulls off some surprise results.
You've missed out the "Where we would be if Hughton was still our manager" tracker too.
[MENTION=3734]Giraffe[/MENTION] Thanks mate, one of the most visited threads of each season. But can you please sort out the lines overlay / sequence:
Target black line - on top
Europe orange - on bottom
Flat-Earthers - whatever
I actually tweaked Giraffe's tracker last season, incorporating the H/A points ratios of opponents to tweak exactly which games required wins and draws. The end point of the line was obviously the same but the shape was marginally different. Examples of results that my model predicted were the away wins at Palace and Huddersfield. If we're judging the models by average variance from actual then mine was marginally better*, though I did find us 10 points above expectation at one point (I think G's tracker had us at +7?) so the main tracker never deviated as much as mine did.
I'll do the same thing this year and add it in here seeing as everyone and his dog has their own model these days, no matter how shit they are.
*aftertimer alert
Although that would only show what we require on average, taking no account of those games we are more likely to pick up points from, and those, where to be honest, its likely we wont. The beauty of Giraffe's tracker is that it gives a pretty good indication of how we are doing in relation to where we could reasonably expect to be at any given point of the season. Although only in its third season this tracker has become to "go to page" after every match.