How far did you get through it?
Well, ever since my military boarding school days I'm not a big talker at breakfast. In fact talking at breakfast was actively frowned upon as it still is at a Navy breakfast.
Does this happen to anyone else? Does anyone give a toss?
Daily Mail reader then?
lordy, please please tell me you're joking??
Even with your 'AN NSC POST MAY HAVE MALIGNED THE ENGLISH' siren perched atop your computer it surely didn't light up for this 'comic' thread?
Ditch The Guardian Nibble.Reading that newspaper has been known to do funny things to the logical thought processes.
They hate me making up my own breakfast, they have a certain greasy spoon etiquette I enjoy ignoring, yet they grudgingly serve me. I think it's because I only go in once a month I'm not a regular and i'm quite unlikeable.
All 3 parties with 216 seats each, leaving the two members of the "Bring a bottle" party or similar holding the balance of power, possibly.
Woooshhhh !
When I was 18/19 and a trainee accountant I remember being quite patronising to the tradesmen types who frequent the greasy spoons despite coming from pretty much the same background as them. Until one day in a pub one such oik challenged me to some mathematical dueling and pretty much whooped my arse. I have never made the same mistake since.
Were you wearing a cravat?
what the hell are those three green things just under the top slice?
Got up especially early today to head down to my local café where no-one speaks to me because I read the Guardian and none of them can read. I was so looking forward to my personal favourite breakfast made up of individual items, Bubble and Squeak, Sausage, poached egg and beans with a mug of tea and a strawberry milkshake. I'm healthy ****er so this is my once a month treat. They hate me making up my own breakfast, they have a certain greasy spoon etiquette I enjoy ignoring, yet they grudgingly serve me. I think it's because I only go in once a month I'm not a regular and i'm quite unlikeable.
Anyway, my difficult breakfast order was slapped down in front of me. Despite eating it once a month for a few months now, and always looking forward to it, the minute it was in front of me I lost all my appetite. Couldn't touch it. Why? Have I turned?
Does this happen to anyone else? Does anyone give a toss? Will I get a "Cool Story Bro" pic posted.
Strange though ain't it.
As a guardian reader you should be eating croissant and drinking an expensive coffee... followed by a fresh fruit salad and freshly squeezed orange juice.
Anyone else feel totally CHEATED if offered above-mentioned wholesome fare as a breakfast option?