I think the OP has lost all credibility with such a ridiculous statement .
April Fool

I think the OP has lost all credibility with such a ridiculous statement .
Evil scum or maybe a misinformed and bad idea. History shows all governments get some things right and other things wrong.
Surely tackling knife crime is a positive? I’m not saying this policy would work but exploring ideas must be done. We can blame police cuts for an increase in it but it’s not the only reason. Anyone can go to a kitchen pick up a knife put it in their pocket and go stab someone. Some of these people have killed others in broad dayligh in crowded streetst. No matter what police you have to the street you can’t stop that. Educating people earlier, breaking a gang culture and getting into the estates where this type of violence is currently an almost everyday thing needs to be done. It’s a long hard road to do it but it can be done.
Evil scum are people wielding the knives not people trying to think of ideas badly or not to help the issue.
MPs want to try and help go to a loca estate learn and speak to people who have lived through it.
I know irrelevantly that Karl Marx and George Orwell are old Etonians but unaware of any current Labour MP being one.
The figures suggest the rise in knife crime is a direct result of Tory police cuts.
I know irrelevantly that Karl Marx and George Orwell are old Etonians but unaware of any current Labour MP being one.
Don’t be so deliberately daft. The consequences are the difference. That and the timely announcement.
The figures suggest the rise in knife crime is a direct result of Tory police cuts.
Sorry yes, doctors, nurses, you know...NHS staff. Teachers too.
I guess I’ll wait for some sensible people to find this thread. Usual crowd of numpties on here so far.
One thing of which I am certain is that it is completely impossible to give a cause-effect attribution to anything done once. This is, paradoxically, one of the human species' great strengths as well as weaknesses - the inclination to draw conclusions based on little or no evidence. It is the reason that having dodged a sabre tooth tiger once we conclude it is dangerous and don't go after it later with a saucer of milk, calling 'puss, puss, puss' (to paraphrase the Bonzo Dog Doodah Band). It is also the reason that people can brand all tories as scum, or all Muslims as terrorists, all young women in short skirts as 'asking for it'. It reveals little more than our subliminal imperatives (sometimes known as prejudices') - which are sometimes right and sometimes wrong, determined by chance alone - not the best basis for running a nightclub (to paraphrase Peter Cook).
Even I have allowed my self to riff on the 'all politicians are self-serving' meme for comedic effect, but the reality is that most of them (yes, most) are well intentioned. Unfortunately you can't do any good if you can't get elected (Earth to Corbyn....) and you can't get elected if the electorate don't like the cut of your jib (Earth to....you get my drift). So there is always a need to guauge how much of the element of compromise to offer (it can never be 'no compromise with the electorate, as Militant found to their cost in a lesson not learned by momentum).
This one sounds like yet another possible lot of unintended consequences. The one thing I will conceded here is that the Conservatives are beginning to make a habit of generating unacceptable unintended consequences via showboating; poll tax, Brexit, all things immigration......and it may be reasonable to argue that when a party keeps doing the same type of thing in a misguided attempt to appease more extreme elements in society and their own party, it is reasonable to draw a conclusion (to misquote Einstein).
The tragedy is that Corbyn is worse. At least the tories try to curry favour with the electorate. Corbyn acts like he couldn't give a toss what people outside of momentum think.
All I see is people understandably slaughtering you for what is a dreadful grammatical error. Obviously you don't like having that picked up, but it does seem you're very like the "Tory's" - happy to blame everyone else for their own f*ck ups.![]()
I admitted my grammatical **** up.
Get yourself a life Simster. You’re a bitter old tart.
Go to the top of the class
But it should have been Tories.
I know irrelevantly that Karl Marx and George Orwell are old Etonians but unaware of any current Labour MP being one.
Please can we have terrorist sympathiser Corbyn as PM? Please, please.
I’m perfectly “light”. I just happen to think you’re a bit of a sad act.
No. Certainly not.