I once told a bunch of kids on a bus to turn their bloody music off, and they called me a "jigglypuff". I have no idea what this means.

This is a jigglypuff.
I once told a bunch of kids on a bus to turn their bloody music off, and they called me a "jigglypuff". I have no idea what this means.
This is a jigglypuff.
I was called a "melt" by a kid the other day at work when I caught the little sh*t shoplifting - what does that even mean ?!?!
Whatever happened to proper insults and abuse ?
I was once told to "f**k off back home you scouse w**ker" by a couple of illiterate gobby 10 year olds when I was walking home in Leeds. Seems they cant tell a Brighton accent from a Liverpool one
I was called a "melt" by a kid the other day at work when I caught the little sh*t shoplifting - what does that even mean ?!?!
Whatever happened to proper insults and abuse ?
Whilst celebrating our 4th goal last night the best a Leicester fan could do to try and erase my joy was to mimic a pair of glasses with his fingers. Which I will admit I do wear glasses lol. It must be at school the last time this happened and it did not worry me too much then and that was 30 years ago. Any silly insults thrown your way?
I once told a bunch of kids on a bus to turn their bloody music off, and they called me a "jigglypuff". I have no idea what this means.
According to someone's signature I vaguely recall on here, it's a man who watches shows traditionally considered to be aimed at females such as Loose Women and Soaps of his own accord.
According to Urban Dictionary, it means "an absolute, complete f*cking idiot". Who knew?
this thread seems as good as place as any to bring this up. c*nt, sea nut, c u next tuesday, the C-bomb. Why is this an insult? i have found this particular piece of anatomy to be very enjoyable, and have also born witness to its great mind altering power. to me this word means you have the power to please all and hold power over many?!