It must be because of the time of year, but I’ve had the HMRC tax fraud call a couple of times this week. The first time I just hung up, the second time I thought I’d hear him out and try to waste a bit of his time. The crux of his story was that I owed £1900 to HMRC, and that I could either pay it now to settle the case or else contest it in court whereby if I was found guilty, the fine would jump to £20,000. I told him that I wasn’t particularly fussed if I ended up having to pay the higher fine, as I earn that sort of money in a morning (I wish). He was lost for words for a second and then began quizzing me on what I did for a living and whether I needed any more staff![]()
"What do I do for a living to make that much money? Ha, that would be telling...!"
"Oh, please, sir, I am most interested. If you are getting £20,000 a morning you must have very good business. I would make a good employee for you sir."
"Well, hmm, ok. My company's based in India, would that be any good for you?"
"Yes, yes. I am already working in Bangalore."
"OK, well, what we do is phone up random people in the UK and pretend to be like their bank, mail service, tax authority etc, in order to persuade them to hand over life savings."
"I mean, it's totally illegal, and disgustingly immoral, mate, but yes it's damn good money. So, are you still interested?"
"Hello? Hello? Are you still there?"
"Oh, he's hung up. How odd."