Cadiz Seagull
Grey bearded old man
First day today. Our presentation is in precisely 1 hour, 17 minutes.
Fingers crossed
Fingers crossed
When I spoke to the club last week I was told that the presentations had already started. The lady did say on Tuesday "They're very busy because the VIP .... the presentation started today". She stopped herself and corrected the VIP bit. Looks like there was some sneaky VIP seat choosing going on. Lord B? In the know?
Mine is on Friday at 12.30 - cant wait. Would be good to hear from those who have been today?
It happened with the 1901's before the 'public' were allowed to apply for seats. I guess all the BHA staff have first dibs on regular STH. No reason to think anything differently.
Hurry up with your one.I want my seat done and dusted.
Also, as i havent actually looked yet, where do we actually GO for the presentation? i assume we walk up to one of the portacabins rather than the ACTUAL stadium?
Got mine lunchtime!
Good presentation, and chance to view the stadium from the outside viewing platform!
Seats purchased!