Swindon South. Labour gain from tory, Reform-UK in third. 16% swing from tory to labour. 62% turnout. Bit of a love-in between labour and tory candidates. Very decent.
Buckland saying that lying is wrong....he's a Tory!Swindon South. Labour gain from tory, Retard-UK in third. 16% swing from tory to labour. 62% turnout. Bit of a love-in between labour and tory candidates. Very decent.
Politics’ loss; skydiving, motorcycling and fast catamaran sailing’s gain!What a c u n t Steve baker f***ing brilliant he has lost his seat![]()
Yep I think fairly obvious that, the interesting thing is how much less. If it ends up nearer Corbyn’s 2019 result than his 2017 one, I don’t know how our current electoral system is defensible. And I’m something of a sceptic of PR but there may be no alternative if you get a nonsense of 410 seats on 36% - barely more than a third of Britons on a much lower turnout
Buckland was quite a loud voice for autistic people so I hope that there will be some even louder ones in the next parliament.
Why?Oh bloody hell Sadiq Khan on the Beeb. Cannot stand that c***!
Yeah, sorry for baiting you. But Reform will support any alternative to FPTP that will give them more seats. Which they would (give them more seats). Because that's what more fairness delivers.Right, I'm just going to emphasise something again. Neither I, the Electoral Reform Society, or the Lib Dems, advocate for PR in anything like the form that the Reform bloke was bleating about earlier. But this isn't the thread for that.
Anyway, I look at France, and its system that everybody thought made it impossible for the nutcases to get in. And over the last decade or more that vote gets higher and higher to the point where suddenly it feels inevitable that the Far Right will win and will not just be the third largest party or whatever, but will have the keys to the whole country handed over to them.
Trying to keep the nutters out with a system where huge swathes of people think it doesn't matter who they vote for is not a safe or long term solution.
I think it depends on how the Conservatives react to the defeat (which I'm still not allowing myself to think is guaranteed).[FPTP person here].
Almost 2/3’s of the Commons on 39% of the vote is absurd, almost undemocratic. No sympathy for Reform, but for the Green’s etc pretty unfair.
More worryingly, for Labour a fragile mandate going forward. In 97 it was obvious to me Blair would win 3 elections with a fair wind. Remember he was up against people the country would never warm to eg IDS.
Labour will have to work their socks of with serious strategy and policies. No relying on gimmicks like Cool Brittania.
Sounds like he's a good man.Buckland saying that lying is wrong....he's a Tory!
What a c u n t Steve baker f***ing brilliant he has lost his seat![]()
He did, didn't he. These are the 'good Tories' - if we'd had more of them things wouldn't be in such a state.Sounds like he's a good man.
How do you feel about the evaporation of SNP support?It's got 410-131 written all over it
Hopefully the worm will turn.He did, didn't he. These are the 'good Tories' - if we'd had more of them things wouldn't be in such a state.