There is no doubting that Jeremy has divided the Labour Party and he may be unelectable as the media are predicting; however, I do sometimes wonder do the big Corporate Business' and the Media fear him being in Power because he might actually start to hold them accountable or do they fear he may take away their ''self regulations''. and make them answerable to a body outwith their control.
Damn right they do.
There is absolutely no doubt that everyone who will listen we are being told that he is unelectable and that could well be the case. The opposite could also be true. Perhaps when it comes to the lead up to an election. Perhaps his openness when it comes to putting together an Election Manifesto, who knows he might do the opposite and strike a cord with the electorate. He may not be as unelectable as people are being led to believe.
I welcome the challenge to his leadership and if he loses and I would feel we must abide by that, but if he wins then the Party other Labour MPs should get behind him or leave. I am probably in a minority of 2 with Ernest on this view so I think I will buy a tin helmet for this one.
No, make that 3. I don't think he'll win the next election as the swing needed is too great - although if Brexit goes haywire, he could do.
But, as I posted on another thread, while most elections are won from the centre, just occasionally, they're not. As I said, 1945 and 1979 were examples of elections where a radical vision succeeded. I do think that these are extraordinary times and it's the sort of situation where a radical vision could succeed again. This may be UKIP or even the Greens but it could well be a more radical Labour.