Legacy Fan
- Aug 20, 2003
- 26,304
Indeed, some of the MPs probably should be in another party.
Why Corbyn will never be Prime Minister.
Indeed, some of the MPs probably should be in another party.
Small rump? are you just talking about the MPs, or the members of the party who overwhelmingly back Corbyn. Indeed, some of the MPs probably should be in another party. The policies advocated by the Labour party in its last manifesto were in no way extremely left-wing by historical standards. Somewhat to the right of Harold Macmillan in fact.
small rump is the 200,000 part of the party which supports left wing ideals rather than the 13+ million required to get elected
Isnt that the whole point of the labour party - to be left wing otherwise it might as well by the Tory party (which indeed it virtually was under Blar). It exists to be a democratic socialist party and reprisent the aspirations of its members as defined by its party conference.
Isnt that the whole point of the labour party - to be left wing otherwise it might as well by the Tory party (which indeed it virtually was under Blar). It exists to be a democratic socialist party and reprisent the aspirations of its members as defined by its party conference.
Sorry Im baffled - what conspiracy theory are you talking about?
Isnt that the whole point of the labour party - to be left wing otherwise it might as well by the Tory party (which indeed it virtually was under Blar). It exists to be a democratic socialist party and reprisent the aspirations of its members as defined by its party conference.
I fear we're headed for another "gang of four" moment where a bunch of Labourish MP's get so fed up with Corbyn and Co that they decide to for "alternative Labour" or some other shit led by Umana or someone like him. This will dilute the vote further and give the Tories even more breathing space.
It's depressing to see the Labour Party reduced to a laughing stock with Jezza only speaking to the idiots that support him at "mass rallies" where they're all whooping and hooting and it doesn't matter a jot what he says. meanwhile the rest of the country just thinks he's a sixth form socialist who is only worth contempt.
Isnt that the whole point of the labour party - to be left wing otherwise it might as well by the Tory party (which indeed it virtually was under Blar). It exists to be a democratic socialist party and reprisent the aspirations of its members as defined by its party conference.
This, Corbyn only has apx 550,000 true supporters, he’s gonna need millions more if he wants the hot seat! I don’t think his got the bollox or the minerals for it which he knows!
This charade will continue until he dies too as he will lose the next election and as before he won’t roll over.
That's the problem right there. I don't think he "knows" this at all. Whenever he's under pressure he runs to another rally of the faithful and speaks to the tiny group of fanatics who support him.
Looking at those cheering morons I think he reassures himself that he's a winner and thus empowered to carry on spouting his ludicrous shit.
I am surprised you are baffled. The 'control of the media' conspiracy theory that we are currently discussing. There are many others. Here's a high profile one for you:
Your approach seems to be to deny there is a problem. How else to interpret your request for people to provide examples of anti scemitism in the Labour Party for you when there are countless examples that you ignore. I find it odd that JC recognises there is a problem and you don't. He apologised for endorsing a mural containing racist imagery. He made a mistake and yet plenty of Labour people said he didn't need to apologise. This is why I am more concerned by JC's supporters than the man himself.
If after Salah, Sizer, Eisen, Ken Livingstone, Jackie Walker, Marc Wadsworth, the mural, Palestine Live, IHRA, support for Hamas, “hand of Israel”, Press TV, the wreath incident & Willsman's NEC rant you STILL believe Corbyn is being “smeared” you really need to give your head a wobble. Don't ask for evidence, receive said evidence then continue to pretend anyone ever gave it to you. The cult of Corbyn is a mess, and the UK as a whole is so much worse off for it as a result. I'm fed up of this god awful Tory government and their useless policies, why can't we just have an effective opposition to hold them to account.
I assume you are referring to idea that Jewish people control the media banks etc. I never impied any such thing and I accept that this could be antisemitic. Marc Wordsworth didnt know that the MP was Jewish, but objected to her as a right wing anti corbyn MP colluding with ta paper who are vehemently anti Corbyn. Im sure he would have said the same thing to Chuka Umanna. I havent ignored examples of anti-semitism in the labour party. You just havent given me any and I cant find any either. If you show me examples of genuine anti-semitism that fall into the main body of the IHRA defintion, I will agree with you.
Not forgetting the Falkalnds which he thinks he can hand 'back' to Argentina. History means nothing to him.