So looking forward to Corbyn and his politburo being swept aside.
Absolutely, can't wait.
So looking forward to Corbyn and his politburo being swept aside.
You and I are oddities. I am one of the few in the GE poll (I was the only one last time I looked) who's switching from Liberal (it was a tactical vote) to Labour in the GE. Let's face it, some of us are just.....weird![]()
You'll be severely disappointed then considering anything other than a Tory Majority equals a Labour Minority Gov.
Kwasi having an absolute shocker this morning . Heavy lols.
Ridge asks Kwarteng about Boris Johnson’s comparison of Jeremy Corbyn to Stalin, who is estimated to have killed 1 million people.
Kwarteng defends the comparison as appropriate. He says “the philosophy, the underlying thinking” is similar but there is no suggestion that Corbyn will line people up against a wall and kill anybody."
Dear me.
"Asked again about the figure for the Conservatives, he says:
I’m not going to bandy around figures.
Ridge tells Kwarteng that’s exactly what the Tories are doing with respect to Labour."
Amen sister.
Sent from my SM-A520F using Tapatalk
And for balance, many Jews really like Corbyn.Well worth a read ..
Many Jews want Boris Johnson out. But how can we vote for Jeremy Corbyn?
For four years, Britain’s Jews have – naively, perhaps – waited for the moment when one of these revelations would prove too much for the Labour faithful, shocking them into action. Perhaps it would be the discovery that, despite evidence against hundreds of party members – including those trafficking in grotesque neo-Nazi imagery and Holocaust denial – only a handful have actually been expelled. Or maybe it would be the BBC Panorama investigation that showed how Corbyn’s team repeatedly interfered in antisemitism cases as they went through a supposedly independent disciplinary process, “mainly so they could let their mates off the charge”, as one whistleblower, driven to the brink of suicide, put it. Or perhaps it would be the fact that Labour has become only the second political party ever to be investigated for institutional racism by the Equalities and Human Rights Commission (the other was the BNP).
But no. No revelation has ever proved shocking enough that it couldn’t be explained away by those who’d rather not see it....
You'll be severely disappointed then considering anything other than a Tory Majority equals a Labour Minority Gov.
Kwasi having an absolute shocker this morning . Heavy lols.
Ridge asks Kwarteng about Boris Johnson’s comparison of Jeremy Corbyn to Stalin, who is estimated to have killed 1 million people.
Kwarteng defends the comparison as appropriate. He says “the philosophy, the underlying thinking” is similar but there is no suggestion that Corbyn will line people up against a wall and kill anybody."
Dear me.
"Asked again about the figure for the Conservatives, he says:
I’m not going to bandy around figures.
Ridge tells Kwarteng that’s exactly what the Tories are doing with respect to Labour."
Amen sister.
Sent from my SM-A520F using Tapatalk
Well worth a read ..
Many Jews want Boris Johnson out. But how can we vote for Jeremy Corbyn?
For four years, Britain’s Jews have – naively, perhaps – waited for the moment when one of these revelations would prove too much for the Labour faithful, shocking them into action. Perhaps it would be the discovery that, despite evidence against hundreds of party members – including those trafficking in grotesque neo-Nazi imagery and Holocaust denial – only a handful have actually been expelled. Or maybe it would be the BBC Panorama investigation that showed how Corbyn’s team repeatedly interfered in antisemitism cases as they went through a supposedly independent disciplinary process, “mainly so they could let their mates off the charge”, as one whistleblower, driven to the brink of suicide, put it. Or perhaps it would be the fact that Labour has become only the second political party ever to be investigated for institutional racism by the Equalities and Human Rights Commission (the other was the BNP).
But no. No revelation has ever proved shocking enough that it couldn’t be explained away by those who’d rather not see it....
I have read and heard of Jewish fear of a Corbyn Government, what is not clear to me though is what exactly they think a Corbyn Government will do that is threatening to them? The only thing I can think of is that criticism of Israel, which may be more pronounced in a Corbyn Government than a Tory one, may cause some idiots to to be more hostile to British Jews. It makes me wonder if whoever is in charge in Israel is actually more of a problem for British Jews than who is in charge in Britain.
Well after such a well thought out, detailed, factual and convincing argument, I don't see how your 'No Deal Brexit' could possibly lose![]()
They might think that a political party that at best has shown itself utterly inept in tackling antisemitism within its own ranks, at worst tacitly enabling and defending antisemites won't be particularly effective in addressing and preventing the rising tide of antisemitism in the wider community.
They might think that a political party that at best has shown itself utterly inept in tackling antisemitism within its own ranks, at worst tacitly enabling and defending antisemites won't be particularly effective in addressing and preventing the rising tide of antisemitism in the wider community.
I bow in deference to your vastly superior intelligence and apologise for my simplistic and naive viewpoint. I innocently believed that political parties were not very good in carrying out manifesto pledges, once in power and that most people had the intelligence to recognise this. After all, I am not very experienced. I have only been reading party manifestos for 40-50 years. You are obviously older and wiser and know better.
I also apologise for being misguided/wrong in assuming that we will be worse off after Brexit and also for reading respected economic reports that indicate that the EU trading bloc is losing world market share to some of the more vibrant economies. I also have learnt something new. i.e that I am in favour of No Deal Brexit. I had better tell my close family right away as they think that my views are different to this. They will be very surprised and wonder where this conversion has come from. I don't know whether I have the heart to tell them that it comes from a superior being on a chat-line.
1) EU procurement directive forces us to give State contracts to overseas business.
2) Non compliance with VATMOSS legislation will boost jobs
3) Lower compliance costs.
4) Won't have the threat to the free functioning of the Internet.
5) Non compliance with Articles 107 and 108 of the TFEU, currently preventing us giving State Aid, without EU approval.
6) Unecessary double testing of product removed ( EU Biocidal Products Regulation )
7 ) Abolish EU rules restricting ' Natural Monopolies '
8) Reclaim our 200mile fishing limit.
9) Quick bespoke trade deals. ( The EU moves very slowly )
10 ) Post the ' divorce bill ' net saving of £180-200m per day. Not that much in the grand scheme of things but 10% of that would pay for an extra 26,000 nurses or 12,000 hospital doctors for the next 7 years.
11) VAT. We can choose our own form of indirect taxation rather than be shackled to an EU mandate.
12 ) Controlled immigration. Priority given to skilled immigrants over unskilled.
I'm sure others on here can find plenty more.
Wouldn't it just be easier to link to former UKIP'ers page that you copied this all from ?
Would have saved you a whole load of copying and pasting, and given the swivel eyed loon the credit he deserves![]()
There is no question that we will go through a 2-3 year period of difficulty, most people accept that. Lets wait and see what develops beyond that, once internal taxation changes are made, business re-investment is underway and some prices are different at retail level. Its a waiting game but its not necessarily all negative.
Your mate JRM said 50 years
Out of interest, on a more serious note, how do you think our negotiations with the rest of the world (including the EU) are going to go, given that the current plan is to give the whole world tariff free access to all British markets through Ireland under WTO Most Favoured Nation rules.
What more do you think we could offer beyond that, to get them to the table to start negotiations![]()
Please can you think a bit harder about what the future might be for our children under Brexit.
No one has a clue what lies ahead by leaving or remaining. We know two things. Firstly, the short term ( approx 2 years ) after leaving will be difficult. Most experts are agreed on that.
So no one has a clue, but you are going to predict that only the first 2 years will be difficult after leaving (regardless of how we leave ?). And 'most experts are agreed on that' ? Maybe you could provide some links to some of this expert analysis ?
No one has a clue what lies ahead by leaving or remaining.
Secondly, the EU will not change course. It will not consolidate. It is hell bent on continued expansion. Most experts ( historians and economists ) agree that this is a likely path to ultimate failure. Germany and France are in control and will try and steer the ship in a direction that suits them best. There will be casualties, there have been already.
So onto the second thing that you predict even though by your own admittance, no-one has a clue ? And most experts, historians and economists agree with you again ? Maybe you could give some links to these experts, historians and economists analysis that backs up your claim.
Because I wouldn't want someone making the mistake of thinking, rather like your 'no deal won't adversely effect trade' post, that it might all be a load of
But if all these experts agree with you it should be very easy to prove me wrong![]()
You'll be severely disappointed then considering anything other than a Tory Majority equals a Labour Minority Gov.
Kwasi having an absolute shocker this morning . Heavy lols.
Ridge asks Kwarteng about Boris Johnson’s comparison of Jeremy Corbyn to Stalin, who is estimated to have killed 1 million people.
Kwarteng defends the comparison as appropriate. He says “the philosophy, the underlying thinking” is similar but there is no suggestion that Corbyn will line people up against a wall and kill anybody."
Dear me.
"Asked again about the figure for the Conservatives, he says:
I’m not going to bandy around figures.
Ridge tells Kwarteng that’s exactly what the Tories are doing with respect to Labour."
Amen sister.
Sent from my SM-A520F using Tapatalk
You'll be severely disappointed then considering anything other than a Tory Majority equals a Labour Minority Gov.
Kwasi having an absolute shocker this morning . Heavy lols.
Ridge asks Kwarteng about Boris Johnson’s comparison of Jeremy Corbyn to Stalin, who is estimated to have killed 1 million people.
Kwarteng defends the comparison as appropriate. He says “the philosophy, the underlying thinking” is similar but there is no suggestion that Corbyn will line people up against a wall and kill anybody."
Dear me.
"Asked again about the figure for the Conservatives, he says:
I’m not going to bandy around figures.
Ridge tells Kwarteng that’s exactly what the Tories are doing with respect to Labour."
Amen sister.
Sent from my SM-A520F using Tapatalk
You're not there wrong H, anybody voting Corbyn is defo on the spectrum.![]()
So looking forward to Corbyn and his politburo being swept aside.
Getting ridiculous now, every day more and more coming out the woodwork.