Two Professors
Two Mad Professors
I presume Short Change or No Change or whatever they were called no longer exist,along with the Sheeples Vote idiots?
That's probably the first time he's convinced anybody on NSC of anything!JRG has convinced me that this thread should now be closed as it is going over all old ground again and serving no useful purpose.
That may be true - but I suspect Alan Johnson would have more support amongst traditional Labour supporters than Mr Corbyn ( though I’m afraid that’s just my opinion and I can provide no evidence to substantiate that).
you could open a poll on here... i think you probably mean labour party supporters over the last 30 years rather than traditional ( images of ferrets, cloth cap, oppressed look).
Yes, that’s what I mean: the Labour Party that I’ve known for 30 years (and more) was hijacked by another party (Momentum) who, in my view, comprise a deluded (but controlling) minority in the party. Fortunately they’ve been found out by the electorate. Of course, as you’ve seen elsewhere in these posts, they are blaming everyone but themselves for their defeat. Very sad - we need an effective opposition, but I sense the Labour Party will spend more time on its own civil war.
I didn't realise you were anti-library. Is it because you fear if people read books they might understant the lies our prime minister tells?
As a Tory voter I think this is right and as far as I am concerned, another positive is that the heavy defeat the Labour Party has suffered will cause all but the nuttiest Corbynistas to reflect and drag the party back to more central ground and thus become electable once again.
As far as I am concerned, Corbyn, McDonnell and a few others can also have their collective arses kicked down the road and join Francois, Baker the public bar of 'The Tossers Arms' to reflect together on their general wankiness!![]()
I missed a result, who won Dunny-on-the-Wold?
Oh dear, this bloody democracy is so annoying isnt it, what with all these upstart labour members deciding on policy and then voting for leaders who will actually implement them.
The opportunity just went! People are a bit slow in the head nowadays, either that or theres far more people that think they're middle class, as long as it doesn't affect me mentality, I'm alright JackIf the government is as bad as such images suggest then when the opportunity arrives then it is bound to be voted out.
Touche The Labour Party I knew was hijacked by another party (the blairites) 30 years ago.
I missed a result, who won Dunny-on-the-Wold?
Maybe it’s you who should be falling in line as you seem to think liberalism has been dumped; Johnson can do what he likes now and he wants to be PM for decades and have a Tory London:
“When Boris Johnson told the cabinet this week that “I’m the most liberal Conservative PM in decades” he was half right. Mr Johnson is, as an individual, more of a metropolitan liberal than Theresa May, David Cameron, John Major or Margaret Thatcher.” The Times
Johnson will throw you along with the hard right under the bus alongside Northern Ireland and the DUP quicker than you can say ‘leave means leave’!
Go protest where someone can hit you
Well Magic Grandpa certainly did a job on Remain and the left of centre vote.I think him and Di should stay in charge,along with Wrong-daily, Nugget, and the rest of the clown army.I bet Dom is rubbing his hands waiting to get stuck in to the un-Civil Service,the Brussels Broadcasting Club,the Lords etc.Happy New Year!![]()